Part 2- Thầy Quân

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Who this person is?

How you knew this person?

What influence this person has on you? How you think of the influence?

I'm going to talk about my pronunciation teacher at my university. She is a much loved teacher by many students in my department. And she is very funny, and very easy-going. She always cracks us up during her classes with her jokes.

I remember the first time that I met her was on my first day at college. My classmates and I got lost when finding our way to the classroom. And when we got to the classroom, she welcomed us with a big, friendly smile on her face. I was then impressed with her excellent command of English even though she had never lived in an English speaking country before.

I think she has a big impact on me because she has such a positive outlook on life and always seems to enjoy life to the fullest. She also shows us that if you work diligently towards your goals, you can finally make them happen.

I personally think she has very interesting and positive and refreshing outlook on life. And it, to be honest, it has helped me tremendously in my life when things get tough.



Who this person is What this person does

How you knew this person

Why you think this person is creative

I'm going to talk about a Piano prodigy. He is about 5 years old. His name is Evan Le. He is a Vietnamese-American who astonishes people with his wonderful musical talents.

Evan Le maybe little, but no one can deny his god-given talent when we listen to him play the piano.

Evan Le could play the piano way before he could read and write. And he plays classical compositions by renowned composers such as Mozart and Bach.

And his teacher said she was taken by great surprise when she saw with her own eyes how he can play highly difficult pieces of music after listen to it one time.

I knew about him through a video. At that time, I was working against the clock the meet my work deadline. I was really stressed and I went online to watch some videos. He showed up in a video that's featured in the show call "the little big shots". And I was in awe of the kid's talent.

I personally think he is incredibly creative because he puts his own twist to classical compositions that he plays. And I think the changes he makes are refreshing and he definitely brings a breath of fresh air into classical music.



What it is

How often you use it Who do use it with Why important

I'm going to talk about My laptop. It's a Macbook air designed and manufactured by Apple. Apple is a prominent technology company known worldwide and it's based in the United States.

In recent years, Apple has become a household name in Vietnam for a number of technological gadgets that it offers such as smartphones, smart watches or tablets.

I use my laptop pretty much every day. I use it for work, for study, and for entertainment purposes. Some days, I even think that I use it every waking hour.

It's a personal computer, so it's just me using it all the time. Some people would like to share it with their family and friends but for me, since it has a lot of my personal information, I don't feel comfortable sharing it. And also it's very expensive. It costs me an arm and a leg and I had to save up so long to to buy the computer. Some

friends of mine told me it's too expensive but I think it's worth it that you work hard for something that you really want.

To be honest, I canot imagine my life without my computer as I do almost everything on it. And to me it is truly an essential item.



What it is?

How did you know about this company? What kind of business this company does?

What kinds of activities does the company have?

I am going to talk about a company called Apple. Apple is a prominent technology company that is based in the U.S. and is known worldwide. In recent years, Apple has become a household name in Vietnam for a number of technological gadgets that it offers such as smart watches, smart phones and tablets.

I knew about this company in my junior year at college. At that time, one of my best friends used an iphone. When I saw the phone, I thought it was really neat and it has awesome features. Right after that, I became really interested. And I did some research on the company and that's how I knew about the company itself.

I personally think Apple is the leading company in the field of technology. And it really sets it apart from other companies for its avant-garde products. I own some of their products and to be honest, the price is a little bit on the expensive side. But I think you get what you pay for and they are all wonderful products.



Where it was

Who you went with What you saw

How you felt about the wedding

Lately I've been to a wedding of one of my good friends. And the wedding was held in one of the finest restaurants in one of the most bustling streets in town.

I went to the wedding with a group of friends. And since we have been close friends with the bride since high school, we all wanted to make it to her big day. When I was there I notice that the wedding was very neat with a cosy and intimate atmosphere where friends and family come together to celebrate the moment of two love birds tieing the knot.

And one thing that stood out for me from the wedding was the singing performance by one of the drunken guests. And even though he was absolutely horrible, everyone found it hilarious and had a good laugh out of it.

I was truly happy for my friend as she was able to get married to the love of her life. And I sincerely wish her and her family a lifetime of happiness.



When and where you saw it What was advertised

What the contents were How you feel about it

I would like to talk about the most recent advertisement video that I watched. It is about a product called iWatch. iWatch is a product designed and manufactured by a company called Apple. Apple is a prominent technology company known for producing a number of technological products such as smart phones and tablets. And their latest gadget is the iWatch.

I saw this advertisement about a week ago on Youtube. Youtube is a video-sharing website familiar to many Internet users throughout the world. You know, throughout the video you could see a number of athletic men and women using their iWatch to keep track of their workouts, and also to monitor their health status.

The ad also features a lot of other functions of the iWatch such as navigation and communications.

Personally, I find the ad absolutely stunning and fascinating because of the vibrant colors of the footage and also the great music. And I'm sure these effects will trigger the viewer's senses as well. It's also motivating because it encourages people to do exercise and keep fit.




What it is

Who do you usually do it with How much it usually costs

Explain why you like to do this activity

I'd like to talk about the one sport that I really enjoy, which is bowling. The first time I went bowling was with my coleagues. At that time, we just finished successfully one project, so we wanted to go outside and celebrate our achievement. We wanted to do something fun but invigorating at the same time. And finally we came up with bowling.

When we got to the bowling session, the staff was very helpful and the facility was really nice. The staff, who I'm sure was a great bowler, taught us to knock off as many pins as we can with a single bowl. We enjoyed the bowling so much that we decided we need to do this very often.

To be honest, the price is a little bit high, which is understandable when you see so much money went into investmentv.

I like bowling a lot because it's a lot of fun, especially when you get a strike, which means that you knock off ten pins with one bowl. I always get a rush of adrenaline rushing through my veins everytime I play, and it just keeps me coming back for more.

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