Chapter Four

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No. Peril thought as  she dived toward the group. "You killed him!" she screeched, head and heart full of anger. "How could you?!" she asked Sunny. "How could you..." she said as she passed out from the flight to the stronghold. Clay haunted her dreams, always dyeing in some horrible way, always just beyond Peril's reach. This is torture, she thought as she began to cry. Why did you leave me, Clay? Why? How did you die? Who did it? She thought. I have to wake up. I have to avenge him. She woke up on the floor of the courtyard, with the Dragonets and the two Nightwings staring down at her. "Who did it?" she asked through her tears. "Who killed him?" "It was Blister," Starflight said. "She released a Dragonbite viper and it bit Clay, just as he saved me and Sunny," I will avenge you, Clay, she promised, pulling herself to her feet and walking toward his body. "Did he ever love me?" she wondered aloud. "Did he die, with me as nothing more than a friend?" She said louder, as she sat down and began to stroke his thigh, his wound entirely black. "He did," she heard someone say softly behind her. She whipped around and looked at the six dragons. "What? Who said that?" she asked, looking at them. "He did, Peril, he said almost always had," said Sunny, who stood up straighter. "It was one of his last words," she said, tearing up. Tears. Tears. She had once heard a rumor about Firescale dragon tears, and that they used to be gathered because of their amazing healing powers, but could only be used once. "It's worth a shot," she said, standing up. "What?" asked Sunny looking confused. Peril turned back to Clay, and beginning to think about all the times he had looked at her, every time she had seen him, his eyes sparkling as he looked into her's, as if he saw something worth seeing in them. She began to cry as she tilted her head downwards so the tears wouldn't touch her scales. Her tears seemed to melt right into his scales and enter his blood-flow, rushing towards his heart and to even the remotest corners of his body. The Black venom suddenly vanished, only leaving a silver scar where the snake had bitten him. "H-How?" A Nightwing asked, looking as dumbfounded as the others. "Firescale-tears," I explained. "Can heal every wound, but only works once," she said as colors seemed to jump onto Clay's face. Then she saw something she always looked back on as one of the best moments of her life; the steady rise and fall of Clay's chest as he began to breath again. "Three moons," said one of the dragons behind her. "He's alive," she said. My Clay is back. "Hey guys," said the voice that Peril cherished the most. "What did I miss?"

End of chapter four.

A/N I COULDN'T KILL CLAY! I COULDN'T! CLERIL FTW!!!!!! *Hyperventilates* Anyway... I TOLD YOU SO!!! HAH! Clay did come back, even tough the tear thing was a bit creepy, but still, I brought Clay back! Yay me! Anyhow, the song on the top is on piano, and it's called Passion, it has no lyrics, but I thought it was awesome so there. Pls comment! About anything. PLEASEEE! Anyway, this was one of my favorite chapters I've written (Funny me) so I hope you enjoyed it! Ok, i'll stop ranting now XD.

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