Chapter 4

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Eri hummed softly as she went outside. It was Christmas Eve and the dorm didn't even have a Christmas Tree, so she went outside to cut one down herself, unaware thatt he Trio of Villains were sleeping in the van that was facing her backyard

Shigaraki was the first awake and grinned at the sight "Toga, Dabi, wake up" He chuckles as the two wake up "Look at this" They look to see the girl cutting down a tree to be the Dorm's Christmas Tree

"To think, we were scammed by this little brat..." Dabi shakes his head

Eri brought the tree inside and out it up. She had found ornaments and the star earlier so she got right to decorating. Humming with a smile on her face. Her smile faded as she was about to hang up another ornament but saw the reflection to the Blue Haired Villain Leader outside the window. To try and shake him off she called to the empty house

"Guys! Can you come and help me please?"

"Hey, that girlie we saw the other day? She lives in this one" Toga giggles

"Well if the kids here, the parents gotta be here" Dabi crossed his arms

Shigaraki shook his head "She's home alone..." He chuckles and walks away from the two back to the Van

"Wait Tomura! You wanna come back tonight!?" Toga questions

"Yep" Shigaraki nods

"Even with the girlie here!?"

"I don't think that's a good idea..." Dabi adds

"She's like 6,what is she gonna do?"

Eri had gone up to her room and opened the window, over hearing the three villains talking. Hearing their plan.

"9 o'clock? Dad... Where are you?" She whispers to herself

Meanwhile Aizawa was on the bus with the Volleyball team, he was seated next to their Manager while the boys goofed off in the back. Cracking jokes, passing a volleyball around, etc

That night, Eri rushed to the house a couple streets down, one that opened around Christmas time for Santa to sit in and ask kids what they want for Christmas. She was too late, the 'Elf' was locking up the door behind her

"Excuse me!" She runs over to the el "Is he still here? It's reeeeally important!"

The girl pointed "He's getting in his car, if you can get to him before he leaves I'm sure he'll see you"

"Thank you!" She smiles, running to the Santa's car "Santa! Please wait! Can I please talk to you for a minute?"

"Sure, but make it quick, Santa's got places to be" Santa tells him

"Okay, I know you're not the real Santa..."

"What makes you say that?" The man quickly fixes his beard

"I'm old enough to know how it works, I know you work for him, so can you please send him a message?"

"Okay kid, shoot"

"Tell him instead of presents this year, I just want my family back! No toys nothing but Yuga, Mina, Tsu, Iida, Ochaco, Ojiro, Denki, Kiri, Kouda, Sato, Shouji, Jiro, Sero, Tokoyami, Shoto, Hagakure, Kacchan, Deku, Shinso, and Momo! Oh! Also my Dad and Mr. All Might too! Okay?"

The Santa simply nods "Okay, I'll see what I can do"

Eri smiled brightly "Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!"

"Oh here" Santa went in his bag and pulled out a Candy cane "There you go" He hands it to Eri who takes it, it wasn't an Apple or a Candy Apple but still just as good! "Don't spoil your dinner"

Eri nods "I won't!" She waves walking away "Merry Christmas!"

"Merry Christmas" The Santa waves to her

On her walk home. Eri caught the glimpses of so many houses. One house had kids running to hug their Aunt, Uncle, and cousins. Another had a family decorating a Christmas Tree, another was having dinner... This saddened Eri, if she didn't make that stupid wish, that could be her and her family. She sighed softly as she walked passed. She stumbled upon a nearby park with so many pretty lights, a Christmas Tree, and a Choir singing...

She decided she'd sit a watch the Choir sing. She sat on a bench as her eyes gazed over all the lights and the families standing together talking and laughing. Out of the Corner of her eye she sees Monoma and Kendo and they lock eyes with her. Eri finches, remembering the Story Bakugou had told her. The two teens approach her and Kendo has a smile on her face

"Merry Christmas Eri" She says sweetly

Eri looked at her a bit confused

"May we sit with you"

Eri blinked a bit before nodding and the two teens sat with her

"We hadn't seen anyone come out 1A's dorm for the longest time except you" Monoma says "Did they forget you?"

Eri looked down "No, I made them disappear"

Monona laughs "You really believe you ma-"

Kendo hit him in the back of his head before looking at Eri "Bakugou told you about us right?"

Eri looks up and nods

"He's just a meanie, don't listen to him" Kendo assures her "When you see us you can say hello, you don't have to be afraid okay?"

Eri nods

"Have you been a good girl this year?"

"I think so"

"Swear to us? Monoma says

"No..." Eri sighs

Kendo nodded "I had a feeling, sometimes I come here when I'm feeling bad"

"Really?" Eri blinks

"That's where you are a lot before curfew!" Monoma realizes

Kendo nods

"I think it's good in here then, I've been in a lot of pain recently. I said some things is shouldn't have..." Eric admits "I'm kind of upset because I love 1A as my family even though this Christmas I said I don't... Do you get that?"

Monoma nods "I thinks so"

Kendo nods too "How you feel about family is a complicated thing, deep done you'll always love them"

"You can hurt them and they can hurt you..." Monoma thought for a moment before saying "Do you wanna know why we're here?"

Eri nods "Sure"

Monoma sighs "We came here to get away from our class"

"Why?" Eri tilts her head "Do you have plans?"

"No... We had an argument about Holiday plans, we almost destroyed to form, Vlad King told us to do our own things and those of us who stayed just aren't talking to each other" Kendo explains

Monoma nods "We lost our tempers, I was the one who said I didn't care to see them anymore, a lot of them said the same, Pony cried and... This pass December, we couldn't even face them.."

"If you miss then why don't you talk to them?" Eri suggests, swinging her feet gently

Kendo shook her head with a sheepish smile "I'm afraid if we talk to the they won't want to talk to us"

"How do you know?"

"We don't know, we're just afraid they won't"

"No Offense, but aren't you a little old to be afraid of something?"

The two teens laugh softly at the girl's comment

"You can be a little old for a lot of things, but you're never too old to be attacked afraid" Monoma tells her

"I was scared Deku and Lemillon wouldn't come and visit me after I was sent to the hospital" Eri starts, looking down "But when they came I was happy, although I couldn't show it since I didn't know how to smile"

"I see..." Kendo hums, 1B surely didn't know too much about her before the Festival

Eri smiles, looking up at the sky "And then Deku and his whole class surely because they wanted to make the school happy, they decided me going to the festival would help me smile and I just felt a shadow I didn't know was over me just kind of... Disappeared"

"What are you getting at Kid?" Monoma asks

"I'm saying you should talk to your class"

"What if they won't talk to us?"

"At least you'll know. Then you can stop worrying about you won't have to be afraid!" Eri looks at the two "I don't care how mad I was, I'd still talk to my family, especially around the holidays"

Kendo looks down  "We don't know..."

"Just give it a shot, it's Christmas right?" Eri smiles brightly

The two teens looked at each other and smiles before looking back at Eri

"You better get back to the school where you belong" Kendo tells her "Think about what we said alright?"

Eri nods "Okay! I will!"

Kendo stood up and picked up Eri, hugging her "It was nice talking to you"

"You too" Eri smiles, hugging back before looking at Kendo "But what about you two?"

"Us?" Monoma tilts his head

Eri nods "Yeah! You and your classmates!"

Monoma smiles a bit "We'll see what happens"

Kendo set Eri down and both teens said "Merry Christmas Eri" As Monoma patted her head

"Merry Christmas!" She waves, starting to walk. She heard the clock chime and she looked up, almost 9. She had to get home now! She started running to the dorms. She soon makes it back, closing the foot and locks it behind her "This is my home, I have to defend it!"

Eri goes to her room and pulls out a paper that had her whole plan on it and she went around the dorm laying out the traps. Eri recalled Bakugou's personal training gauntlets and went to grab them, if she was right, his sweat should be in there...

As she was just finishing up and was making something to eat. The Villain Trio pulled up looking to the dorm

"Let's check it out first" Shigaraki suggests "We can always come back here"

The three of them got out of the van and looked at the dorm.

"So how are we going in Tomura?" Toga asked

"We'll go through the back, maybe she'll let us it"

Dabi nods "Yeah, she's a kid, kids are stupid!"

Just as Eri was about to eat, the clock struck 9. She grabs Bakugou's gauntlets and took a breath "This is it, don't get scared now..."

The three villains made it to the back door and Shigaraki knocks, Eri stays quiet

"Merry Christmas little girl" Shigaraki smiles "We know you're in there, and that you're all alone~"

Dabi nods "Yeah, come on and open up, It's Santy Claus and his elves"

Toga smiles "We aren't gonna hurt you cutie! We just gots some presents!"

Shigaraki chuckles "Be a good little girl and open the door!"

Eri snuck out from the front and walked to the back and held out one of her hands, holding the pin of one of Bakugou's gauntlets before pulling it and letting it go off. She runs back inside from the front. She opens and closes the door. Setting the used gauntlet aside and returning the Soldering Iron to the door knob and heading back to the kitchen.

Shigaraki had gotten hit by the explosion. Screaming out nothing but nonsense

"What?" Dabi asked

More screaming of nonsense

"What? What?" Toga tilts her head "What happened!?"

"GET THAT LITTLE-" Shigaraki growls

Since they were farther from the door Eri walked up behind them holding the other gauntlet out. Toga and Dabi turned around and their eyes widened upon seeing Eri

"Hello" Eri smiles sweetly, pulling the pin and blowing the remaining two villains back "Yes!" Eri ran back inside and closed the door "Yes!"

"The little brat is armed!?" Dabi growls

"That's it! That's it!" Shigaraki stands "Toga to the side! I'm going around the Front! Dabi hopefully we can get her attention off back here so you can get in from back here!"

Both villains nod and they all went off. Shigaraki went to the front, stepping on the first step and slipping. Ice?

Dabi went to open the bag door but it triggered something and he fell to the basement causing Eri to giggle

Toga steps in through the side stepping on the ordiments but she had shoes on so that was a fail.

Dabi looked around the basement before finding a light strung and pulled in it. When a light didn't come on he looked up and Kirishima's punching bag fell down. How did Eri manage this? Don't ask the Author this is a world of super heroes and how Eri got the punching bag concerns you?

Anyways, Shigaraki finally managed to get up the steps to the dorm.

"Where are you!? You little Brat! Come out and Fight like a Hero!" Shigaraki growls as he reaches for the front door knob and burns his hand. He screams in pain as he puts his hand in the snow

Toga got to the basement door and opened the door and saw Dabi walking up without his shoes and socks "Dabi? Why the heck did you take off your shoes"

"Shut up crazy!" Dabi tells her "I don't see you-" He steps in nail and screams in pain as he falls down the stairs

Toga wanted to laugh but knew she'd be dead so she holds it back

Shigaraki went back to the back door and kicks the door in as Dabi comes to his side.

"Toga's in" Dabi says as they walk in

Shigaraki nods before shouting "WHERE ARE YOU, YOU LITTLE CREEP!?" He looks around "Split up!" Shigaraki heads to

"Oh no! I'm really scared!" Eri says from one of the rooms

Toga grins "It's too late for you cutie! We're in the house, we're gonna come get you!"

"Come and get me why don't ya!?" She flips the switch if the fan and ran away

Toga opens the door, and walks into plastic wrap that was on the door "You little- Now you're a dead cutie!" She walks into the string that activates the fan and she gets feathers in her face

"I'm gonna kill her!" Shigaraki growls as his two fellow villains walked into the room "Where the hell are your shoes?" He looked at Dabi before looking at Toga "And why the hell are you dressed like a chicken"

"How the hell did you burn your hand?" Dabi held Shigaraki's hand up

"I'm up here morons! Come and get me!" Eri calls from upstairs, the three villains ran to the front of the stairs but slipped over in a bunch of toys cars causing Eri to giggle "You guys give up? Or are you thirsty for more?"

Shigaraki, Dabi, and Toga started up the stairs but Eri throws a paint can attached to a string down "Heads up!" Shigaraki calls and ducks, so does Dabi but Toga got hit.

Another one came down, Shigaraki ducks again but this time Dabi got hit. As he was laughing at his fallen comrades, Shigaraki got hit with the last paint can

"Yes!" Eri jumps over a rope and rubs away. She runs to her dad's room and calls 911

"911 what's your emergency?" The lady asks

"Hello, my house is being robbed, I'm staying in the 1C Hero dorm at UA, My name is Kori!" She hangs up and tried to make a run for her room, The Villains saw this and tried to run after her but they tripped over the string but Dabi managed to grab her leg

"I got her Handy-Man!" Dabi grins "Guys! Get up! Give me a hand!"

Eri struggled to get loose but she saw Bakugou's spider in front of her on a shelf. She managed to grab it and put it on Dabi's face.

'Don't scream... Don't scream...' Dabi thought to himself before Toga let out a scream and caused Dabi to flinch and key go of Eri.

Eri breaks for her room, heading to the zip line made out to things Momo had made during training. She looks outside, slightly scared from the height but managed to take a breath, hanging onto the handles and sliding down

"Where'd she go?" Toga kind around

"Maybe she jumped off?" Dabi suggests

"Down here you meanies!" Eri calls from down in the snow "Come get me before I call the cops!"

"Let's get her!" Toga says quickly

"Wait" Dabi says "She wants us to go down stairs, back through her little fun house so we can get hurt even more"

"But she's calling the cops!"

"She's not c-" Shigaraki groans "From the snow!? Come on!" He grabs onto the line and slowly starting to climb it

"Out the window? I'm not going out the window" Toga says

"Why, are you scared, crazy?" Dabi asked, grabbing onto the line "Are you afraid?"

"No..." Toga puffs out her cheeks before grabbing onto the line and climbing with the others

Eri pulled a pair of scissors out of her pocket and puts it over the line, getting ready to cut "Hey guys~"

The three look up at the girl and their eyes widen

"Go back! Go back!" Shigaraki says quickly and the three started heading back but Eri cut the rope and ran away as the villains hit the wall of the dorm.

They eye Eri and go after her

"Hey! I'm calling the cops!" Eri calls, running to an empty dorm nearby

Toga and Dabi go to follow her but Shigaraki stops them "She wants up to follow her" He starts walking "Come on, I have a better idea"

Eri had entered the dorm she had told the police to come to. It was indeed robbed so she was right. She ran upstairs only to be grabbed by Shigaraki, him just holding up two of his fingers

"Hiya kid" He smiles "We outsmarted you"

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