Chapter 40: Katniss

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"I tired Momma," my two year old cries as Peeta and I lead her through the new grown forest.

"It isn't much farther Rainy," I say gently. Peeta picks our little girl up and takes my hand.

"Maybe she's too young to come out here," he says.

"Its only over this rise," I reply. "I want to show her to him." We finish the short hike and I duck beneath the willow branches and Peeta follows me, settling Rain down on the soft marshy ground. I feel a tear run down my cheek and Rain walks up to me.

"Why you cry?" She asks and I smile sadly at Peeta as I take her in my lap.

"Do you remember who we were visiting today Rain?" I ask her.

"Brother?" She asks, confused. Peeta just looks down and I tuck a strand of my daughter's sunny blonde hair behind her ear.

"This is where Mommy took your brother so he could always be close to us," I say.

"Where brother?" She asks and Peeta kneels next to us.

"He's gone pumpkin," he says. "He died in Momma's belly before you were born. She buried him here so we could always visit and remember how much we loved him and how thankful we are that we got to love and have you not to long after." I glance thankfully at Peeta, happy for his kind choice of words.

"Oh," she says, although its clear she doesn't really understand.

We sit there for a while, until Peeta and I are both ready to leave. I finally nod for us to leave and Peeta helps me stand, my pregnant stomach weighing me down a little. As I pass the leaves, I hear a small voice.

"I love you Mommy."

I turn my head to see just for a moment the misty image of my son as he would have been by now, his blue eyes shining playfully and I smile sadly and give him a small wave as I let Peeta lead me from River's hollow.

I don't regret the life I've lead. I wish every night that I would have gotton to raise River along side his sister. But I know that he will always be watching over her and soon his new sibling, guiding them like a guardian angel. Peeta has given me a life many only dream of and though we both bare wounds inside and out from those awful games, I will necer not be thankful everyday I fell in love with the boy with the bread.

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