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While they pondered life after death, I seized my chance.

The flickering breeze, with its gentle caress, guides me towards the boat, its sails fluttering in anticipation. It waits for me. The wind nudges me closer to it, aiding me over the rocks and down the cliff face to the sandy shore. The resilience of the vessel is unmatched to any in Ravaryn's fleet - tall, steadfast, and only minor scarring on it's deck from the fallen rocks. I didn't expect the explosion to be as powerful as it was. Perhaps to tear down the castle, but not to deform the cliff it stood upon.

The guard I pretended to knock while the others rushed below deck sits as patient as one could be, legs swinging off the side of the boat, heels tapping gently against the timber. "You took a while." He hops up, whipping the mask off to reveal his stubbly face. I kiss him, fighting the shudder working so hard to release from my shoulders. This is the last time I will engage in such an action. Should he return, I will kill him. The entire purpose of my fling with him will have dried up.

"While they were busy playing friends and enemies, I was busy searching for this." I pull the crown from it's hook within my cloak and hand it to him. It glares at me, but I must not feel pity now. I've come this far.

He stares at it, in utter awe of it's beauty. The jewels and and sparkles within it never interested me. Never will. "It's-"

"Stunning, yes I know."

"Not as stunning as you, my lady." He requests my hand, and after a moments hesitation I hand it to him. He plants a wet kiss upon it, scratchy whiskers ripping my dry knuckles. They begin to bleed.

"Hand it to her. Tell her he is dead. We're coming soon." He loops it on his belt and waves me a royal salute. I can't help the smile that breaks my lips. "And tell her I have the head next in line. Alive. I'll bring that too."

His mouth hangs, "You found her? The child?"

Oh I have found so much more than just her. I know her weaknesses. Her fears. The worries that keep her tossing and turning in the night. I know her nightmares, and soon, I will become one. It will all be worth it, in the end. "I have. Make sure you tell them everything. I ask only for her patience."

He bows deeply, just as the sun dips into the horizon of water beyond. "Then, I will see you soon."

"You will."

I watch as he mans the boat alone, skilled in the vast sea of secrets as he navigates it. The boat's breast, proudly flaunting the rose and thorn motif, puffs with a whip of air, blowing my hair over my face. Hiding the smile I can't help but revel in.

Soon, my dear one. Soon I will have you within my arms once again.

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