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In a dark night, gentle drops of rain fell on the forest floor of troll village.

All the trolls were on their pods some of them were sleeping, some of them were eating,and some of them were just relaxing.

But there was one troll, a little grey troll that wasn't doing any of those things.

He was walking through the forest, he didn't even care about the raindrops that were falling on his dark hair wetting it.

He was just too sad to think about anything now.

He couldn't forget what just happened that morning, when his perfect life was taked away from him.

He could still listen the scream of his Grandmother, when she was taking away by the chef bergen.

She saved his live.

But lost hers.

The little troll stopped walking and decided that his little legs needed some rest, he layed down beside a tree and put his face between his legs and started crying softly.

"Why she had to leave me so soon?-he whispered to himself-I hate this stupid world..."

The grey troll continued crying when he suddenly heard a movement behind the bushes.

He inmediately stood up and cleaned his face quickly,took a little tree branch that was next to him and said:

"Is someone there?"

There was no response

But he heard the movement again.

He started walking were the sound came from and what he saw freeze him

Instead of the trees he had just crossed by, he saw a little store

Like the ones you see in a market were you buy food or clothes

He approached to the store and saw a troll sitting behind the table

He seemed to be sleeping,but when the grey troll was close to him he woke up

The strange troll looked at the little kid

The grey troll stood froze in front of him

This was not a normal troll

Instead of normal ears he had cat-like brown ears, his face, instead of a normal one with bright happy colors, it was white, with some brown and grey spots, his hair was dark brown and long as a normal troll

His eyes were the thing that scared the most to the little troll, one of them was light blue and the other one was yellow, of course, the two eyes shined brightly in the dark and cold night.

"What are you doing here? -the strange troll asked- shouldn't you be with your family?"

His voice was gentle and soft,but his mouth was doing a little smirk, like smiling 

The kid troll stood in front of him and said:"I had no family"

He tried to sound strong and confident in front of that stranger, but the sadness inside of him let out a little tear that went down his cheek

The strange troll seemed to have looked at that, he waved his tail and saw the little troll with compressive eyes...

"Wait-the little troll tought for himself- a tail?"

"Do you want a mask?"-the strange troll asked him

"A mask?-the little troll repeated- I don't even know your name"

"I am the mask seller -the strange troll told him- it's my job to sell masks as you can see"

He waved his tail and a torch light up a shelf, were they was a lot of mask, with different sizes and colors, but all of them were the same tipe of mask

A Cat mask

"Do you want one?"-The mask seller repeated

"I don't have any money"-the grey troll told him

"Don't worry-the mask seller told him- take one as a gift from me"

The little troll doubted a bit, this mask seller was being too nice with him,how he could say no?

"Don't you want to escape from your problems?"- The mask seller asked the little troll

"How?"- The grey troll asked

"Just try this and you will see"- The mask seller told him,as he took a black mask from the shelf and offered to the little kid

The kid looked at the mask,and then to the mask seller

"All your problems will be solved"- he told him again, with a mischievious smile

The grey troll took the mask

Not knowing that this moment will change his life forever.

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