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5 years later


Well here it is graduation day. All of my work was for this day.


Life. Is. Great. Me and Ayo are famous. We've been in usher videos, performed at the BET awards. And we have three songs out.

My best friend is graduating today and I would love to be there for it but I have a busy schedule.


The graduation was fun everyone was there. Now I have to leave for college in two months. Looks like I'm gonna be a lawyer.

2 months later


"Ayo do you think we can go to Atlanta any time soon?" I ask Ayo

"No we leave for New York tomorrow" he says

I sigh. I really wanna see her

2 years later


Is this really what I wanna do? No. No. No. No. I get a text from Mateo

Mateo: Tomorrow I'm finally performing where I live California

Cleo: that's great hopefully I can see you soon

Wait I have an idea. I look up the place where he is performing at. Then I look up flights to California. I can't believe I'm just leaving like this. My flight leaves tonight better get going.

The next night.

Okay I'm about to go surprise him. I walk into the place and he is already on the stage dancing. I take a picture of him and send it to his phone. He is such a good dancer.

Once he gets done I see him look at his phone

"What the" he says

Then he starts walking in my direction when he sees me his eyes go wide.

"Look at you!" He says hugging me

I hug back

"Okay but that's like the creepiest thing someone has done to me" he says laughing

"I can't believe I finally get to see you after all this time" I said

"Wait wait wait what happened" he said looking disappointed

"I just got up and left that's not what I wanted to do." I say

"What did your dad say?" He said

"I'm afraid to look at the text he send me" I say

"Okay well you can live with me" he says taking my hand and pulling me somewhere

"This is my brother Ayleo or Ayo" he says

"Oh so you're the girl he's always talking about" Ayo says

"Awe you always talking about me?" I say

"Of course" he said

Then someone walks up to Mateo I'm guessing his manager and they start having a conversation about all of his performances and all. Then he looks at me

"Do you dance too?" He says

"Yeah I dance but I'm a lawyer" I say

"Oh you hardly run into those in LA. My name is Will nice to meet you" he says shaking my hand

"Nice to meet you too" I say shaking his hand back

"Okay come on guys we have to go home" Ayo says

"Well then lets go" Mateo says

We get to their house and it's not a house it's a mansion it's huge. We walk inside and I see one two boys playing around messing stuff up.

"I told you guys not to mess up my stuff!" Mateo says

"Who's that?" One of the guys say

"My best friend" Mateo says

"Ohh she's the one you talk about" the other guy says

"Cleo this is imprint and Key" Ayo says

"Oh I see them in some of your videos" I say

"I've seen you dance on Instagram" imprint says

"Oh really?" I ask

"Yeah" he says

"So what you guys wanna do?" Mateo says

"Lets go swimming!" I suggest I loveeee swimming.

They all agree and I find a bathroom to put on my swimsuit

We all go outside and get in the pool

"This water is cold!" I say getting out

Someone pushes me back in

"Why you so that!" I yell

I turn around to see it was Ayo. I get out the pool and start punching him

"Little girl I did you a favor" Ayo says

"How?" I ask

"Because now you're used to the water" He says

"You know what, you're right" I say

"You're damn right I'm right I can't remember a time I was wrong" he says

"I spy with my little eye" I sing

"Shut up" he says laughing

"Cleo get in here!" Mateo yells

I get back in

"You know how to swim?" Mateo asked me

"No" I say

"I'll teach you" he says

"Okay so you wanna put one arm out.. like this and then the other arm like this and your legs like this" He teaches me

"You're a really good teacher" I compliment him. He really is

"Thank you. Okay you got it?" He says

"Look I got it!" I say swimming

"Goals" key screams

"Shut up lil ugly dude" I say rolling my eyes

"You know I ain't ugly" he says

He comes over to me and picks me up.

"Put me down!" I saw kicking my feet

He dunks me into the water. I starts splashing him.

"Okay I quit I quit" He says

That night we all made a dance video together.

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