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Cleo fell asleep in my bed last night. It's 2pm and she still hasn't woke up. This girl sleeps forever and my sister and brother are gonna be here in about 30 minutes so I'm waking her up.

I start shaking her. She groans

"Whatttt" she says half sleep

"Get up its two in the afternoon" I say shaking her

"So?" She says

She falls back asleep. Alright. I pick her up and bring her to key's room and put her in his bed. He's in the shower.


I get out the shower and wrap my towel around my waist. Dang I left my clothes in my room. I go to my room and see Cleo fine self on my bed... why is she sleeping in my bed?

"What you doing in here?" I ask

"Go away Mateo" she turns on her other side

"Open your eyes" I say to her

Her eyes flutter open and as soon as she sees me her cheeks turn red and she tries to hide it.

"How did I get in here?" She says

"I don't know do you sleep walk?" I say laughing

She looks down at my body and stares for a second but then turns her head away. I smirk

"Umm well I- umm I'm gonna gooooo" she says

She's so cute it makes me laugh

"No stay" I say

"But you're not wearing clothes and- I-I  you need your privacy" she says being all cute again

"Why you keep stuttering?" I ask her

She gets up and walks out.


A part of me wanted to stay in there but I'm not gonna give in that easily.

After I get out the shower I go downstairs. There is a knock on the door. I open it. It's Mateo's father and his two siblings.

"You were the one on the boardwalk" Mateo's dad says to me

"You remember that?" I ask shocked

"Of course, I was gonna stop him but he seemed interested in you" he says

"What are you up to these days?" He says coming in the house

"I'm a lawyer. And I dance but I really only do it for fun." I say

"So you live down here?" He asks

"No, just visiting" I say not wanting to remember getting up and leaving and how mad my dad is and-

"Hey dad!" Ayo comes down stairs and hugs his dad and siblings with Teo following behind him.

After a while their father leaves and it's just his brother and sister here.

"I saw you on Instagram!" His little brother Juju says to me

"Oh I saw you on there too" I say smiling

"Are you Mateo's girlfriend?" His little sister Sylver asks.

"No we're really close friends."

"So you guys wanna go to the carnival?" Ayo asks

The kids jump up and down saying "yeah" I laugh they're so cute.

When we get to the carnival we go to a frosty stand.

"I want all the flavors" Sylver says

"Me too!" JuJu says

"And I want toppings" Sylver adds on

"Me too!" JuJu says

Mateo pays for everything. Key takes me to some games. As one of the prizes I see a giant pink and white bear.

"I. Want that bear" I say

"I got you" Key says

For this game you have to throw the needle at the balloons and pop them. I've never seen someone so good at this game.

When the man hands me my bear I hug it tight

"Thank you!" I say to Key

We put the bear in a locker we rented. Key forces me to get on this roller coaster with a huge drop. The whole time we're in line I'm shaking.

"Relax it's going to be fun." He says

We take our seats and we start going up.

"I wanna get off!!" I yell

"Relax" Key says grabbing my hand

I hold on to his hand very tight. When we got off Key couldn't stop laughing. The ride wasn't that bad I was just screaming and laughing the whole time.

"You should've seen your face!" Key is over there dead

I roll my eyes.

He takes me over to the Farris wheel. I can handle this. There's this part where it stops us all the way at the top.

"Ahhhh why we stop!" I yell

Key grabs my hands

"Cleo will you be my girlfriend." He says

That caught me off guard.

"Do you really love me?" I ask him

"Yes I love you with all my heart." He says

"If we get together are you gonna change your mind.." he starts kissing me passionately. I kiss back.

When we got back to the others they look like they already know what's up.

"I see your boo got you a bear" Ayo says

"We didn't even get to tell you guys" I say

"I hope you have the best relationship ever." Mateo says. I smile

That night I got good sleep

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