Chapter 7

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Shuichi fiddled with the plastic band around  his wrist which allowed him to enter the park while the others debated on which would be the first ride.

"I think we should go on a slow ride first" Rantaro suggested, reading over the map.

"I say we shouldn't, we gotta get on the fast rides! No time like the present!" Kaito protested with his signature grin, pointing over to a large roller coaster.

"I have to reject that, I'm afraid I do not wish to have children screaming for five minutes behind me" Korekiyo commented.

"Boring" Kokichi chimed in, sticking out his tongue. He then linked his arm around Shuichi's, dragging him away from the group. "Me & Shuichi will catch up with you later!" He began to run after that, leaving Shuichi to uselessly protest as he was kidnapped.

The remaining group exchanged glances. Kaito was the first to speak up. "Should we go after them?" He quizzed, glancing back to the two who were beginning to get lost in the crowd.

Rantaro hummed before waving a hand. "Let them be, let's go find a ride" he decided, taking Korekiyo's hand & beginning to walk in the direction of a somewhat fast ride. Kaito & Maki followed behind.

Kokichi pointed to a house like attraction, dark purple paint somewhat beginning to peel off. "What about that?" He quizzed, looking up to Shuichi.

Shuichi put his free hand to his chin as he studied it. He read a sign next to it. 'Haunted house'. He shrugged along with a small nod. "I don't see why not" he replied, smiling sheepishly. 

The supreme leader then continued to drag the other along, into the short line. There were children, presumably younger than teens, in front of them. There was one parent with a girl who seemed to dislike the idea of entering alone.

"Hey, Shuichi baby" Kokichi cooed, the nickname clearly broke the detective's calm demeanour & uncovered his flustered state. "If you get scared, you can cling onto me".

Shuichi let out a small laugh, almost inaudible. "I'll be fine Kokichi, it's a children's ride".

The woman at the front of the line waved her arm & called out "next five" to gain everyone's attention. The children entered while Shuichi & Kokichi stayed behind. 

They waited for another five minutes before being allowed entrance. They continued to hold hands, not realising they were still intertwined. As they walked, it began to get dark. 

"You scared yet?" The shorter boy quizzed, leaning against the ravenette's shoulder. 

"Am I supposed to be?"

Kokichi didn't answer & stopped leaning on the other's shoulder. It was silent for a good twenty seconds. As Shuichi opened his mouth to ask him why he was so quiet, a short yelp left his lips as a skeleton was thrown from the wall. He jumped a little & took a step back while Kokichi began to laugh. 

Once Shuichi was past the shock, he let out a defeated sigh. "I felt you squeeze on my hand, that was so cute" Kokichi sang, poking Shuichi's cheek with his free hand before continuing to walk. 

Shuichi batted the hand away & pulled his hat down a little, making note to be more alert. 

There were a few more jumpscares & noises as they made their way throughout, Kokichi commenting on everything Shuichi did & labelling it as adorable. 

Once the supreme leader realised they were reaching the end, he slowed down his pace, causing the detective to also slow down. "Hey Shuichi, there's something I've been meaning to tell you" he began, voice quavering somewhat. 

Shuichi glanced over to the shorter boy. "Okay?" 

"Okay so the thing is, I've liked y-" However, Kokichi's confession was cut off with a final scare, one that even caught him off guard. He managed to trip backwards & fall, Shuichi almost joining him.

The detective wasn't startled by the scare, instead he was too curious on what Kokichi had to say. He reached out a hand & hoisted the short boy onto his feet once again. "What were you going to say?" He quizzed slowly, tilting his head. 

Kokichi felt his heart stop, no way he had the courage to continue with his sentence after embarrassing himself like that. He put on a lopsided grin, removing his hand from the other's. "Who knows?" 

"I thought you did" Shuichi retorted, crossing his arms.

"Hey, we should go on the big wheel next!" Kokichi decided, taking the ravenette's hand once again & rushing out of the house. He decided that today wasn't the right day to tell his crush how he felt & cut his losses, leaving said crush in confusion. 

The two sat opposite each other in the cart. Kokichi leaned back against the bars a little, looking down over the park. "Think we can see avocado ass & spaghettios from up here?" He asked, glancing up to the detective with a small grin.

"Maybe if we look hard enough" He replied, scanning over the park. Green hair shouldn't be hard to spot unless they were on a ride. 

The wheel stopped turning as they were almost at the top, presumably to let someone off & another on. Kokichi looked up & hummed. "I wonder how easily these could break off" he sang innocently, followed by his usual giggle. 

Shuichi shuddered. "Don't say stuff like that" he scolded, crossing his arms.

He jumped a little as the supreme leader suddenly got up & changed sides, now sitting beside the anxious detective. He put an arm around him & leaned on him slightly. "Don't worry, these are sturdy, I'm just messing with you" he laughed. "It's cute when you get so scared".

The wheel began to turn again, drawing them closer to a nearby ride. It seemed to spin upside down & took the passengers high. 

"Nice shoes, losers!" Kokichi called out at the top of his lungs, earning a small laugh from Shuichi.

The wheel stopped once again. "Maybe we should try to have a nice conversation with them" He joked.

"Hey, I like what you've done with your hair today!" Kokichi called out again, hoping to make Shuichi laugh once again. He did. 

He watched as Shuichi's face lit up. How his cheeks were somewhat red as he laughed. His laugh was almost angelic, assisting in Kokichi's heart rate increasing. The way his hair fell against his face was adorable. The way his golden eyes met Kokichi's. Wait-

Kokichi froze up, he had been caught. 'Heart, we're not really dating so stop racing already' he thought to himself, holding back a groan. 

"Something wrong?" The ravenette asked, feeling around his face as if there was something on it. Kokichi took his hand, removing it from his face. Shuichi let out a small gasp.

"Actually, yeah" Kokichi began, stopping as the wheel stopped at the bottom. "I'll tell you when we get up high again". 

They waited as someone boarded a cart in front of them. The wheel then began to move again. The only sound was laughter & chatter from others until Kokichi spoke up. 

"Shuichi, I don't like this. I don't like pretending to date you!" He suddenly said. Shuichi felt his heart stop & ache, not knowing what to think of the sentence.

He nodded slowly, looking out the bars. "Sorry. Akamatsu isn't interested in me anymore so you-"

"I wasnt finished, you stupid head" The shorter boy interjected, flicking the other in the head & sticking out his tongue. Shuichi looked up as he did, rubbing the sore spot on his forehead. "I want to be your real boyfriend. I know you don't feel the same but I thought I should tell you".  

After he spoke, Kokichi exhaled & forgot to inhale again, staring at the other patiently. As Shuichi opened his mouth, Kokichi finally inhaled again. "Can I kiss you?" He managed to blurt out something embarrassing instead of what he really wanted to say. If their faces weren't red already, they were certainly both blushing messes now. 

The supreme leader began to laugh while the wheel stopped their cart at the top. He grabbed the detective's shirt & pulled him closer. Their lips met. It was much more passionate than the accidental one during Kokichi's birthday. 

Surprisingly, Shuichi was the one to lead the kiss while Kokichi tried his best to mimic the movements. They broke away after a short while, catching their breathes. "I like- I love you too" Shuichi mumbled, clasping his hands together. 

"I'm finally satisfied" Kokichi sang in return.

Rantaro crossed his arms, leaning against the wall outside the park as he watched Kokichi & Shuichi approach. They seemed to be conversing, smiling softly as they took turns speaking. 

"How was your date?" Rantaro quizzed once they reached him & Korekiyo. 

"It wasn't really a date, but it was nice spending the day with my boyfriend" Kokichi replied, taking Shuichi's hand as he grinned. 

"You two are really- wait, boyfriend?" He asked, his jaw hanging open. 

Korekiyo gave a short chuckle. "I'm glad to see you two are done courting each other, the act was a pain to watch" he commented. "Shall we go?"

During the train ride home, Shuichi had fallen asleep. Kokichi's shoulder seemed to be a good substitute for a pillow. Kokichi watched as his boyfriend calmly breathed. He repeated the memory of the confession in his mind over & over again as he subconsciously smiled to himself.

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