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"Dominic!" the scream could be heard from the next-door building. The gunshot that Dominic had meant that someone shot a gun. The scream must've come from Renee, his partner.

Dominic feared the worst. Could Renee have been shot? Dominic didn't want to think that his partner was dying and he couldn't get there fast enough.

As soon as he heard the shot he quickly ran to the other building. As soon as he got there he pulled his gun up and started to clear the rooms.

Dominic looked in horror as he came to where he found Renee. She stood overlooking the biggest bomb the two had ever seen together. "Get everyone clear!" She told him quickly. "I'll try and disarm it."

He nodded, ran out and started to get everyone away from the building. An explosion was heard from behind him as he was thrown away from the building.

"Renee!" He screamed.

Dominic shot up. Sweat dripped off his face as he got up and started to pace. Pushing his nightmare down. He didn't want to relive that moment any longer.

The pain of watching Renee die and having to tell her husband was the hardest thing about being a cop; telling them a loved one is dead. Dominic hated telling Mike that Renee was dead. It was worse because Renee's parents were there.

Dominic made a promise to their son David that he would tell him all about his mom and all the trouble she and Dominic had gotten into.

He wished he and Lexi were better friends, so he could call her and listen to her voice. But they weren't and he figured she was sound asleep. He didn't want to call Kelly. He figured she had better things to do than to listen to him ramble.


Lexi paced her living room. She had woken up from the nightmare of seeing Alex's dead body on the ground with blood pooling him. She soon stopped pacing and sat on the black leather couch that was in her living room.

It was three in the morning and she couldn't sleep because of a nightmare. It had been almost a month since his death and it still haunted her.

She knew it would.

The nightmares were slowly going away. But she wanted them gone faster. She didn't want to go see a shrink. Telling people things that she didn't want to talk about, hurt. They didn't care. Shrinks just wanted their money.

They may have acted as if they cared. But Lexi knew they didn't. All the times she had gone when she was younger, the look in the therapist's eyes every time she came in, was sympathy. The things she had gone through as a child.

Her parents had divorced when she was six. Her mother had died two years later in a car crash, then her father was murdered at a bar because he started a fight. Soon Lexi was moving from one foster home to another before she grew out of it and moved away.

Lexi grabbed a book that was on the coffee table and opened it. It was one of her favorite books. She needed a distraction.


Mini woke to the sound of a phone ringing and clattering in the kitchen. Ignoring the phone, she quickly got up and grabbed the baseball bat that was beside her bed. She slowly walked toward the door of her bedroom.

While walking out she saw the time on her clock on her bedside table. It was 8:10 AM. She slid through the door and went into the kitchen. She almost swung the bat at the person making all the clattering before she stopped.

"Andrew?!" she screeched at the man. "What are you doing here?"

Andrew March looked at Mini as she still held the bat ready to hit him. Andrew figured she still wanted to hit him for breaking into her house. But I'm his defense, he didn't break into her house, she had given him the key.

"Can't your big brother come visit?" he smirked at her.

She gave him a glare. "No. Not when he breaks into my house!" She yelled at him.

He put his hands up and backed away from her as she set the bat down. He didn't know what to say and he most definitely didn't know how to tell Mini why he was really there.

Mini stood there for a moment before pushing past him and walking into the kitchen. She opened the fridge and grabbed some milk. Mini grabbed a glass, poured some milk into it, and drank it.

Andrew still stood there, unsure what to say. He noticed Mini knew something was wrong. He never came to visit her, unless something happened.

She looked back at him once again. "Why are you really here, Andy?" she asked him.

"It's about Mom and Dad."

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