Chapter 14

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Michael P.O.V

Sadness and guilt overtake my body. Leaving Charlie is easily one of the most difficult things I've ever had to do. I didn't have the heart to tell him. I made the decision on my own. It was a cowardly action to leave him in the way I did.

I stare at the ceiling and let out a long sigh. I hate myself for leaving Charlie alone in the hospital. I should have at least stayed with him until he could be released. Instead, I ran off before he had a chance to wake up and learn that I was there. Some loyal wolf I am.

My door opens and someone enters. I don't bother looking. Chances are that it's either my father or my brother. I figure that it's my father. The odds are fifty-fifty.

"You've been staying out at night lately. It's not because of that human, is it?" my father asks with his usual stern tone of disapproval.

"It doesn't matter anymore," I mutter under my breath.

I don't bother looking at my father during our exchange. It feels pointless to me. My tone should contain all the clues needed for him to figure out that I am not happy.

"Why not? That human could learn of the pack's existence, Michael."

"He doesn't know anything. I'm not going to see him anymore," I tell him.

Telling my father this feels like a lie. I want to see Charlie again. I don't know that I can guarantee that I won't try to see him again. We are close. Charlie will wonder why I've stopped coming around. He'll also find it suspicious that the wolf has stopped visiting at the same time I have. He might ask me about it and I would either have to tell him the truth or come up with an elaborate lie.

"What happened?" my father asks.

"I accidentally clawed his leg and it got an infection that gave him appendicitis," I tell him, seeing no point in lying to him.

"Jesus Christ, Michael," he snaps, "just shifting around him could have revealed the pack! What kind of Pack Master example will that be setting?"

My father is clearly disappointed in my behavior. I would be too if I were him. The behavior I've been showcasing lately has been poor. All my life I've been taught to avoid close relationships with humans for the well-being of the pack and then I throw it all away for someone I met in middle school.

"It was poor behavior on my behalf and it won't be happening again," I assure him.

"It better not, otherwise James might become the new Pack Master without a fight."

James isn't Pack Master material and my father and I both know that. He isn't responsible enough. He just wants to become Pack Master so he can go off and do whatever he wants without consequences. He won't teach the wolves anything they need to know. James will be too busy with his bitches.

My father leaves the room and I let out a sigh of relief. The painful conversation is finally over. I can't say that it's completely over. My father may want to talk about this again at a later time. I'm not sure. It would be something he would do.

I stare at the ceiling for a moment. A distinct buzzing sound breaks my concentration. I pick up my phone to see who it is.

Charlie, 11:56 P.M.
Hey, I just wanted to thank you for getting me to the hospital...

I sigh to myself and set my phone down. As much as I want to reply to Charlie's message, I know that I shouldn't. It would get me talking to him again. If I start talking to him again it will be impossible for me to say goodbye. I can't risk that.

Charlie, 12:02 A.M.
You're probably asleep by now... I hope to talk to you in the morning. Good night :)

I turn my phone off and set it on my nightstand. Charlie probably won't give up so easily. I'll have to act just like I did in middle school, even if I didn't want to. As much as I hate hurting Charlie, I have to cut him off to keep him and the pack safe. It's not an easy decision, but it has to be made.

I sigh softly. "I'm sorry, Charlie," I whisper to myself.

My desire to keep Charlie safe is so strong that I'm willing to hurt him in the process. I'm willing to revert back to my middle school attitude of avoiding him completely. It's going to hurt him. I should have never gotten close to him in the first place. I just made everything worse.

I close my eyes and let out a deep sigh. I wanted to leave middle school behind as soon as it ended. Unfortunately, now I have to go back to the very attitude I never wanted to have again.

Each day when I would avoid Charlie, I could see the hurt and pain in his eyes. It killed me inside. Every day I got closer and closer to breaking down and telling him the truth. I only stayed away from him because I had to. If I didn't have to I would have gladly taken the opportunity to be his friend and then some.

Sometimes, I wish that I wasn't a wolf. I would have a normal life. I wouldn't have to keep hurting Charlie. We could be happy together without any serious consequence. Unfortunately, a wolf is who I am, first and foremost. There is no changing what I am.

Eventually, after what feels like a good hour or two of guilty thoughts and wishing that things were different, I finally manage to fall asleep. All the stress and guilt melts away, even if it's just for a few hours while I rest. If only I could sleep for eternity.

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