Chapter 3

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Charlie P.O.V

I wake up later in the night, unable to return to my slumber. There have been several more howls and I simply can't sleep through them.

I head downstairs for a glass of water, hoping it will at least calm my nerves. While walking past the sliding glass door that leads to the backyard, something catches my eye. I look through the glass and immediately jump back.

On the other side of the glass lays a sleeping wolf. The wolf is curled up on the deck, facing the glass. I take another step back, tripping over the coffee table and hitting the cold hardwood floor. I try not to make a sound, but when I see the wolf sit up with its ears perked up high I know that it sees me.

The wolf sits behind the glass, staring into the house. It's panting like a dog when it sees its owner. I find it strange behavior for a wolf.

I scoot a bit closer to the glass. The wolf lays down and keeps his eyes locked on me. They're the same brown and blue duo that I saw from the kitchen window earlier.

"Are you watching me?" I ask softly, not actually expecting an answer.

Slowly, I place my hand on the glass and watch as the wolf touches his nose to the same spot. Its breath is hot and makes the glass fog up.

The wolf is large, with a dark brown, almost black coat with some white patches. Its right eye is blue and the left eye is brown, just like Michael. If I had to imagine him as a wolf, he would probably look a lot like this one.

"What are you doing here?" I ask softly, looking toward the forest.

I have little knowledge of wolves, but I do know that they travel in packs. Having one wolf is pretty rare. It makes me worried that the other wolves are close by.

I sit in front of the glass in silence for a few moments. This is the wolf that was watching me earlier. Why would it come back? I have a strange feeling that I should know why it's here, but I just don't.

"You act very docile towards me," I say softly, putting my hand on the glass again.

The wolf licks the part of the glass where my hand is. I smile and look around the woods again. I don't see any other wolves around. I must be completely insane.

I stand up and slowly open the door. The wolf sits and watches me, panting happily. I slowly step out into the cold night and close the door behind me. The wolf continues to watch me as I sit down on the sun couch on the deck.

After I'm settled, the wolf walks over and climbs up onto the couch. I tense up for a few moments before it settles down with me.

"Wow," I say softly to myself, scratching behind his ears.

I can tell this wolf is a boy because I saw something there when he jumped up. So, for now, I'm assuming that this wolf is male.

The wolf rubs his face against mine, licking my nose. I laugh softly as I pet him.

"You're so cute," I tell him.

This wolf acts more like a large dog. I felt scared at first, but now I see that he's a complete softie. His fur also feels very soft to the touch. His body heat is keeping me warm.

"I should give you a name," I tell him, petting his head.

The wolf looks at me and blinks once. I think for a few moments, but the only name I can come up with is Michael. The wolf greatly reminds me of him. I know it's strange, but it's true.

"How about Mikey?"

The wolf licks my cheek, which I take as a yes. "Mikey is it then."

Mikey readjusts himself so he's comfortable and accidentally claws my leg with one of his paws. I sit up and hiss in pain, holding my leg.

"Fuck," I say softly.

There are three long gashes on my thigh that have started to trickle blood. Mikey whimpers softly and licks my leg. I assume that it's his way of apologizing since he can't speak to me.

"It's okay," I assure him, "just a few scratches."

I slowly get up off the couch and head to the door. I open it and go inside for a few bandages and some hydrogen peroxide. While Mikey licking my wound was a sign of affection, it could cause the scratches to get infected.

I sit on the wall of my bathtub and pour the hydrogen peroxide onto my thigh. It burns like hell, causing me to swear rather loudly. The scratches are a bit deeper than I thought.

I wrap my leg tightly to keep out any infection and sigh. My leg is stinging in pain, but it was an accident. I have to be more careful when Mikey is around.

I slowly stand up and pull my leg over the wall of the tub. When I turn to leave the bathroom, I see Mikey sitting in the doorway.

"Mikey, how did you get in the house?" I ask, looking out into the hall.

I see that the sliding glass door is open. I must have left it open and Mikey followed me inside. I sigh and walk to the door.

"Mikey, you can't stay in here," I tell him softly.

He whines softly as he heads for the door. Unfortunately, instead of going out, he sits down right in front of the door. I sigh softly and close the door. I walk to the couch and lay down.

"You can stay here for tonight, I suppose," I tell him.

He pants happily and lays down in front of the couch. I reach down and pet his head softly. I never thought a wolf could act like this.

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