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I woke up and looked at the clock, 8:16. "Need more sleep." I tried to go back to sleep, but me sleeping on the window seat and all, I currently had a nice view of the sun.

It was no use trying to sleep there, so I got up and headed to Mabel's bed. It was currently empty, so I just crawled in and went back to sleep.

I was in the woods... again. I walked through a bush and found a knome. Me: "Ahhh! Oh no, not you again." Before the knome could say anything, I kicked him as far as I could.

I turned around to head in a different direction when I came face to face with Bill. Bill: "Geez, what did that guy ever do to you?" He asked me.

I smirked. Me: "Him and a bunch of his knome friends hurt my family. Now that I think about it, I should have kept my word and turned him into my piñata. I'm very protective of my family."

Bill: "So I can tell. So how have you been?" Me: "Fine, fine. And you?" Bill: "Preparing for the apocalypse. Hey, you want to make a deal?"

I was intrigued. Me: "What are you wanting from me?" Bill: "Well, I want to aquire the use of your physical form. As in, I want to use you as my vessel into the physical plane of existance."

Me: "Alright, and you will give me?" Bill: "Something that you want." Me: "Are you sure? Because I seem to remember that you still owe me something from our last deal." Bill: "I realize this, but it won't matter."

Me: "Alright then I accept your deal..." I stick out my hand. He holds out his with the blue flames to shake on our deal when I quickly pull my hand away. Me: "Under a few terms." He smiles. Bill: "Smart girl."

Me: "1) As trade for you using me as your vessel, I want some basic dream demon powers such as levetation, mind reading, etc. Although you are not allowed to use them through my body. 2) You may not interact with anyone else while in my body, and if anyone is around you don't get to use me as a vessel during that time. 3) If anyone is hurt by you, or hurt directly from something you did, you can't use me as a vessel for the next 18 hours after you return my body, which must be returned immediately. 4) If you ever break any of these conditions, you are to be permanently expelled from my body, and I get to keep the powers you are forced to give me due to the terms of this deal. Do you still accept this deal?"

He seemed astonished by the conditions, and thought it over for a second. I stuck out my hand again for him to shake.

Bill: "I agree to your terms under one condition of my own. You can't interfere with what I'm doing while I'm in your body. Although I give you my word I won't do anything that causes long term effects to your body, or that is utterly gross." Me: "I'm fine with your conditions as long as they also comply with my conditions." We shake hands and the deal is made.

I feel my body tingle and I could suddenly see everything. My mind was all over the place. I tried to make it stop, but it wouldn't. I closed my eyes and hunched down on the ground to try and ride out the pain, but it wouldn't leave. Then I tried to think of one thing, math. Suddenly I could see every math problem ever created and more! The information was overwelming, but I realized I could control it like a TV remote.

I thought of me standing here with Bill and it all stopped. I could feel that it was still there, but it was put away in some pocket in my mind. I had control.

I opened my eyes and stood up. Bill was utterly shocked. Bill: "H-how did you get control that fast!? It took me at least a millenia to figure it out!"

My answer was simple. "Math. It's my output to everything. Except music, that's my other socket in this output called my mind." I saw in my head many music pieces, but the rush of information was calmer and less obvious. At first I winced a little, but then there was no real pain.

'Wait a second, I have dream demon powers!' Bill: "That's right, and let's have you try out your mind reading. Try it on me." I concentrated on Bill's mind and saw that he was thinking about me, but I was deformed and had many obvious disabilities.

Me: "Uhg! Bill! Why would you-... payback for two years ago?" Bill: "Yup!" Me: "I'll have to try levitation it the real world, because I'll levitate here whether I have powers or not. What other powers did you give me?"

Bill: "Telekinesis, shape shifting, teleportation, you can summon some objects, control people's dreams, go into their minds, and probably possess people." Me: "Cool." I looked at my watch. "10:20! I'm gonna be late for work! Oh and Bill. Reality is an illusion, the universe is a hologram. Buy gold, bye! That's right, I knew who you were, even before our deal." I smirk and then force myself awake.

I quickly get dressed and run downstairs and into the gift shop. It was crowded with people. I stood behind the counter with Wendy and told her she could go on her break.

Once she left, I was alone behind the counter. I saw Mabel sweeping the floor, but I didn't see Dipper. Me: "Hey Mabes!" She looked up from her sweeping and walked over to me. Mabel: "Morning Tammie! What's up?" Me: "Have you seen Dipper? I don't see him anywhere."

Mabel: "Oh, he had to put on a wolf costume and become an attraction." I nodded in understanding. Just then Stan came in followed by a group of people. I signaled to him that I was here and he nodded. He disapeared, taking another group of people with him on the next tour.

I thought for a second then remembered that I still had to try levitating. I thought of being a few inches off the ground and felt myself rise. I looked down to see my feet weren't touching the ground. 'Yes!'

Then I saw Wendy come back from her break. I thought about being on the ground again, and suddenly I stopped levitating. Wendy took over the cash register again and I walked over to Stan, who just came back from the tours.

Me: "What else do you want me to do?" He thought for a second and then replied. Stan: "Go put the 'S' back up on the sign. It fell down again. And make sure it's secure Tammie." I nodded and headed outside.

I went around to the side of the Shack where nobody could see me. 'Time to test out more of these powers.' I thought about being on the roof and with a faint shwoop noise, I was there. I looked at the fallen 'S' and saw it falling off the roof.

I waved my hands as if to magically pick it up, and it lifted up. Then I carefully moved my hands to maneuver it where it belongs. I summoned a hammer and some long nails and nailed the 'S' down onto the sign.

Me: "All done! Now for a little free time." I teleported myself deep into the woods to practice using my powers. 'Hmm, what else can I do?' I watch as a squirrel passes by. I focused all of my energy into forcing myself out of the physical plane and into the squirrel.

I opened my eyes to find that I was much closer to the ground. I looked at my hands to see that they were little squirrel claws. I looked around and saw that my physical body wasn't lying on the ground anywhere.

I ran up a tree and into the highest of branches. It felt a little different climbing as a squirrel, but I quickly got use to it. I raced through the tree tops in a random direction and came upon an abandoned house. I jumped onto the roof and then onto the ground.

I focused my energy again, and I was in my own body again. I saw the squirrel I was possessing run off into the forest. I walked into the house and saw that it was in relatively good shape on the inside. Me: "Somebody must have recently been living here."

Some voice behind me: "Or they're still a livin' here." I quickly turned around to see Old Man McGuckit. McGuckit: "What do you want trespasser?"

Me: "Old Man McGuckit? But I thought you lived in the dump." McGuckit: "I do, what's yer point?" I tried to come up with a suitable reason for coming in here. Me: "My name is Tammie. I came across your house while I was wondering through the woods and wanted to look around. I didn't know that anybody lived in here."

McGuckit: "Well yer trespasin' on me property here. So either get out or give me a present and you can stay."

I didn't have anything on me that I could give to him. I looked outside and saw another squirrel. I signaled McGuckit to be quiet and crept up on the animal. I used my powers to keep its feet in place where they were and pounced on it.

Me: "Would a squirrel be a nice enough present?" I handed him the squirrel. McGuckit: "Definately! This'll be enough food to last me weeks! Come back anytime!"

I smiled, glad that I was on good terms with him. Then I saw something, Grunkle Stan was walking out of the Shack to check on me. Me: "Oh no! I've got to go McGuckit, I'll be sure to visit later!"

I run as fast as I could till I was out of sight. I concentrated really hard and froze time. I thought about turning into a humming bird and then I was one. I flew as fast as I could back to the shack.

One I made it, I turned back into myself and hid behind the sign. I unfroze time and walked out of my hiding spot to where Stan could see me.

Stan: "Tammie! Are you done yet? It's almost closing time and you are gonna finish that sign before you clock out." Me: "I just finished Grunkle Stan! It's all attached! I made sure."

Stan: "Then get down here and get back to work." I walked to the edge of the roof and jumped down, using my powers to stop myself just a few millimeters above the ground. Then I slowly lowered myself as I stood up. I was getting really good at using my powers.

Stan: "Didn't that hurt?" Me: "Not much." I looked at my watch. "It's closing time. I'm gonna head into town and get some things, do you want me to get anything for you?"

Stan: "Bring back some milk, we're almost out." I saluted him and took off. 'Now to look for the book. Wait a sec, I can just use my powers to find it.' I tried searching for it, but couldn't locate it. 'Hmm, Ford must have put some sort of demon protection on the journals.'

I walked into town and went to the statue of Nathaniel Northwest. I searched the statue for a secret button or lever or something, and I got... nothing. I decided to walk around town to see if I could come up with anything else.

After a bit of walking, I stopped by the store and got the milk for Grunkle Stan and headed back home to the Shack. Once I got there, I put the milk in the fridge and went into the forest. I walked off towards my thinking tree.

Once I got there, I teleported up into the house part. I walked over onto the balcony and sat down. 'Where could that journal possibly be? Let's see, he hid the third one in the forest next to a tree, and told Stan to hide the first one on the other side of the Earth. I don't know... maybe it will reveal itself with time.'

I stood up and went back into the house part to sit against a wall. After a while I got hungry and teleported onto the roof of the Shack and dropped down onto the ground again.

I walked in the front door and into the kitchen to make some lunch. But I found Stan there making lunch for us. Me: "Stan? Making lunch? Alright, what are you up to?"

He looks at me and shruggs. Stan: "I don't know. I guess I wanted to do something special for you guys. I haven't really been the Grunkle I wanted to be to for you guys. So I'm making lunch, and then afterwards, I'm letting you guys play with water balloons. So, did you get what you were looking for?"

Me: "No, I just got the milk you asked for. I put it in the fridge." He sighed. Stan: "Thanks for getting it."

Once he was finished with making lunch, Mabel and Dipper came in and we all ate. Surprisingly, it wasn't full of old man hair, and it tasted good.

They were just sandwiches, but it was the thought that counted. We finished the sandwiches and headed to our rooms.

Once the three of us were in the room, I said something. Me: "So, what's up? Any good monster fights lately?" Dip: "Not really, we came across a bat cave though. It was really boring."

Me: "Well next time I'll go with you. I managed to find a fairy. I would think that it would be with a group, but maybe it was just scavenging." I lied. They looked at me astonished. Me: "I guess I'm just lucky. Oh! Did you know Old Man McGuckit has a house in the woods? I came across it and gave him a squirrel. He said I could come back anytime."

"You gotta show us!" Mabel said excitedly. I looked at the clock. Me: "Well, his place is pretty deep in the woods, and it's 3:47 right now. Alright, we can go, but I have to be back here in 6 and a half hours. Make sure to bring a gift."

They each grabbed some thing and we were off. As soon as we stepped into the forest, I realized I didn't know which way the house was. Me: "Give me a sec." I climbed up a nearby tree. Once the branches started breaking under my weight, I just started levitating from branch to branch.

I reached the top and looked around. I could see a small break in the trees not to far off. 'That must be it.' I quickly made my way down and jumped to last few feet, stopping myself just before the ground.

Me: "This way." I lead them in the direction of the house and started to jog. I just seemed to be full of energy. I saw them jogging behind me and stopped. Me: "Sorry, if you guys want to walk, that's fine. I just had an urge to jog for no reason."

I walked with them the rest of the way, but I was bubbling with energy. It needed to be expelled.

Once we got there I called to see if McGuckit was home. Me: "Old Man McGuckit! I'm back! And my brother and sister came with gifts!" I used my powers to search to place for him, but I didn't see any signs of him.

Me: "I'm pretty sure he's not here, but we can go inside." We walked inside and looked around. "I'm gonna see if I can find a bathroom." I walked down the hallway and saw only two doors. One lead to a paper filled office room, and the other was a bedroom.

'Hmm, the house is bigger than this on the outside. Maybe a secret door or something?' I searched the wall at the end of the hall for any secret doors or levers. I ran my hand along the chair-stop (that thing around the wall at waist level?), and felt a part towards the right side push in.

There was a loud hissing as air escaped the new doorway in front of me. I felt compelled to go inside and look around. I saw a stairway leading down into a secret underground basement. In the back of my thoughts, I could hear Dipper and Mabel's footsteps running towards me, but as soon as I stepped onto the first stair, the doorway closed.

I woke up from my trance and heard Dipper and Mabel calling to me through the wall. I used my powers to create a small light source and I saw a control panel for the door. It was password protected, but I was able to turn on the lights.

Me: "Sorry guys, I can't open the door from this side. I'm gonna see where this stairway leads." I walked down the steps all the way to the bottom.

And I saw something astounding. The entire room was filled with drawings of a crossed out eye and weird looking inventions. I walked over to a cluttered desk and picked up a video recorder.

I saw a nearby TV and played the tape. TV: "(Day 1) My name is Fidleford Hadron McGuckit, and I wish to unsee what I have seen. For the past year, I have been working as an assistant for a visiting resercher. He has been cataloging his findings about Gravity Falls in a series of journals. I helped him build a machine which he believed had the potential to benefit all mankind, but something went wrong. I decided to quit the project. But I lie awake at night, haunted by the thoughts of what I've done. I believe I have invented a machine that can permanently erase these memories from my mind. Test subject 1, Fidleford." Then he zapped himself with some ray-gun.
"...(Day 5)
It worked! I can't recall a thing.
...(Day 22)
I call it the Society of the Blind Eye. We will help those who want to forget by erasing their bad memories.
...(Day 74)
Today I came across a colony of little men, very disturbing. I would like to forget seeing this." He zapped himself again.
"...(Day 189)
I accidentally hit another car in town today. I feel terribidle, t-terrible. I've been forgetting words lately. I wonder if there are any negative side effects of-
...(Day 273)
I saw something in the lake! Something big!" He ripped out some of his hair.
"...(Day 618)
My hair's been a-fallin' out so I got this hat from a scarecrow! Hey are my pants on backwards?
Hahahahaha! YROO XRKSVI! GIRZMTOV! Woo hahahahahaha!"

I stared at the screen as the tape player spit out the tape. Me: "McGuckit helped Ford? Why didn't I know this. Who's the Society of the Blind Eye?" My head filled with a small pain as an overflow of information filled my head again.

I saw everything they had ever done and I saw Ford and McGuckit working in the basement on the portal. I focused and calmed down the flow of info. (I just can't stop rhyming in this part can I?)

I grabbed the tape and put it in my pocket. I looked around at the symbol of the Society of the Blind Eye. It was everywhere. 'Using that memory eraser so many times must have slowly made him stupid and insane.'

I looked around for any pictures or anything of Ford. To my dismay, I couldn't find anything else. I teleported myself back up the stairs and looked at the password lock. I tried typing in random things, but to no avail.

Me: "Hey Dip, Mabes, you still there?" I said through the wall. Dip: "Tammie! Yah, we're still here. Did you find anything?" Me: "Yah, I found this tape that McGuckit made. I watched it, and he said that he used to work with the author to build a portal. But he erased his memories a bunch of times after he quit working with the author, and it somehow warped his mind. He doesn't remember any of it."

I could here Dipper mumbling to himself through the wall. Me: "Hey, um Dip? I'm still stuck inside of here." Dip: "Oh yeah. How did you get in?" Me: "I ran my hand along the chair stop on the wall, and a part of it pushed in. I think it was on the right side."

Using my powers, I could see Mable press in the secret panel and I stepped back as the wall opened again. I walked back into the house and sat down on a chair. I pulled the tape out of my pocket and looked at it.

Mabel: "What's that?" Me: "The tape McGuckit made. He erased all of his memeries of his old life. Apperently he used to make computers, but I'm guessing he stopped after working with the author." I put the tape back in my pocket and stood up.

Me: "It's getting late, we should probably start heading home. Leave your presents here, and I'll make sure that he knows they're from you."

We walked back to the Mystery Shack, and went inside. Stan: "Tammie! There you are. Your shift started 3 minutes ago! Now off to bed you two."

Dip and Mabes went to bed and I looked at Grunkle Stan. He looked back at me. Stan: "Okay, so what happened to you three? You were gone for over 5 hours."

Me: "Oh, I found an old house in the woods and they wanted to see it. I took them there, and while I was trying to find a bathroom I got trapped in a secret room for a while."

He just nodded, probably not understanding. He went downstairs and started working on the portal while I restocked the gift shop.

I also created some new attractions including a half snake, half bear creature wearing clown makeup, that I called 'The Snabear Clown' and made a poster saying 'Buy something for twice the price, and get another one FREE!'

It was the perfect scam for a town of dumb people, and Stan would definately approve. By the time I had made about 15 handmade copies of the flyer, it was 2:45 am. I left a note on the counter for Stan telling him of my additions to this 'Murder Hut', and went to bed. (Like if you get the reference)

I quickly used my powers to change into bed cloths and curled up on the window seat to catch some Z's. Me: "Goodnight Dipper. Goodnight Mabel. Night Stan. Sweet dreams." In the back of my head, I thought about how weird it was that Bill hadn't posessed my body yet. After all, we made a deal. Then I fell asleep.

Sorry for the short-ish chapter. I wanted to end it here. If there is a specific episode between now and season two, comment below and I'll try to do it. Otherwise... Love, like, comment, follow my little water droplets!

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