Professor Um-bitch

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There's a new Professor for DADA, that's what was announced at the feast yesterday from what you can remember. To be honest, most of what happened before the re-sorting is kind of a blur. The shock of the situation must have affected your memories somehow.

You walk into Defense, thrilled that you finally have a class with the Slytherins. It's an assortment of students, ranging from Hufflepuffs to Gryffindors to Slytherins and a couple of Ravenclaws. The absence of Alec is disappointing, seeing as he was heading to Arithmancy last you saw him, but spending time with your closest friends is bound to help. Pansy isn't here, but you don't mind all that much. 

"Oi, Y/n!" Draco calls to you from the back of the classroom. Your eyes brighten and you head for his table, scooting in between him and Blaise. 

"Hey!" Blaise complains jokingly. "Can't you take the edge once in a while?"

You sniff sarcastically. "It's dreadfully boring, the edge. However do you manage?"

There's an awkward silence as a short, stout little lady wearing all pink robes shuffles to the front of the classroom.

With an obnoxious "Hem, hem," she signals for everyone to quiet down. With a sickeningly pleasant smile and a high-pitched voice, she says, "My name is Professor Umbridge. Welcome to Defense Against the Dark Arts. Please put away your wands, you won't be needing them in my class."

What the fuck? It's Defense Against the Dark Arts. Of course you need wands. She's probably joking.

She's not.

With a flick of her wand, a stack of textbooks begins to distribute itself onto every student's desk. You look at the cover, wrinkling your nose. Basic Defense for Beginners.

Hermione Granger's hand shoots up. "Professor, there isn't anything in here about practicing defensive spells."

Umbridge blinks. "Why, I don't imagine we'd ever need to be practicing defensive spells."

"So we're not gonna be using magic?" you hear Ron Weasley mutter.

Umbridge's eye twitches as if she's annoyed. "Your previous education in this subject has been... uneven. With these Ministry issued textbooks, you will be ensured an education on the matter in a risk free way."

"Risk free?" Harry Potter blurts out. Draco seems to snap out of his day dream.  "If we're gonna be attacked, I don't think it's gonna be risk free."

"Students will raise their hands when they speak in my class!" Umbridge yells shrilly. You instantly dislike her. She calms down, smoothing her ugly pink skirt. "This book provides knowledge on theory. And theory is knowledge enough."

"How's theory supposed to protect us from whatever's out there?" Harry scoffs.

"There is nothing out there!" Umbridge hisses. "Who do you imagine wants to attack children like yourself?"

"Oh, I don't know, maybe Lord Voldemort?" Harry rolls his eyes. Gasps commence around the room. 

Her face morphs into one of hesitation. "Let me make this," she seethes, "quite plain. You have been told that a certain Dark wizard is at large once again." She makes her way down the middle of the rows, stopping by Harry's desk. "This. Is. A. Lie."

Harry erupts. "It's not a lie! I saw him, I fought him!"

"Detention, Mr. Potter!" she shrieks.

Draco is watching intently from next to you. You can't help but be interested as well.

"So according to you, Cedric Diggory dropped dead of his own accord?" Harry fumes.

She whirls around angrily. "Cedric Diggory's death was a tragic accident."

"It was murder!" Harry trembles. "Voldemort killed him! You must know this!"

"Enough!" she screams. Harry clamps his mouth shut, eyes ablaze. "See me later, Mr. Potter. My office." She smiles sweetly as him, not noticing the tears welling up in his eyes.

— — — time skip sponsored by harry's dead crush (fly high cedric 💔) — — —

You, Blaise, and Draco head to the library for your free period, gossiping about the events of DADA.

"Why'd he get so angry about Cedric?" Draco whispers. "I mean, I get seeing someone die is super hard, but it's not like they were friends."

"He probably feels responsible," you suggest, absentmindedly picking at your nails.

"Or he was in love," Blaise adds casually. Draco chokes on air and you try to stifle your laughter.

"No, I'm serious!" Blaise protests. "Everyone knows Harry is fruity as fuck, and the way he was with Diggory last year was no older-brother type admiration."

Draco seems to be interested with this new information. "Oh? He's gay, is he?"

"Why don't you just ask?" you groan. "You live together, for fuck's sake. It's not the 1700s. Grow up and ask him like a normal human being."

"I mean," Blaise thinks about it. "Dray, it's not a bad idea."

"It's terribly rude of me," Draco sniffs. 

"Since when do you care about being rude to Harry Potter?" you snort. 

Draco's face lights up. "You're right, Y/n!"

"Of course I am," you smile. "Now go talk to Potter and shag him while you're at it."

Draco looks scandalized, his cheeks turning beet red. "Y/n! Why would you even suggest such a thing?"

Blaise winks at you and grabs Draco's arm, yanking him in the direction of the Slytherin dormitories.

Another match made in heaven, you think to yourself, trying to hold in your laughter.

Just then, a strange sight meets your eyes outside the library. 

It's Lovegood and Potter, walking together down the corridor. Lovegood's not wearing shoes, and you look up, remembering that Pansy had hidden them on the ceiling only this morning.


Then you start to process it. Lovegood and Potter? What on earth were they doing together? You've never seen them together, not once.

Draco will be so jealous when he hears.

Your cheeks burn, seeing Harry hold Lovegood's hand protectively. Oh, Merlin, are they dating?!

This will make for interesting conversation.

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