Chapter Six

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As usual me and Dillan waited for Tori  in the cafe after theatre class .  I sat next to him and leaned on his shoulder while we went through our scripts . My palm was sweating the whole time and it took everything in me to prevent the paper from shaking . 

" So you guys are partnering up in other stuff too huh ?"

I jolted , putting distance between us without a real reason . It wasn't like we were caught doing something we weren't supposed to do .

Dillan looked at me rolling his eyes . " Why did we even say anything about our  partnership ?"

" Because she kicked your ass ." I bluntly state .

"uhm.. That's right I did." She raised her brows at us making him chuckle.

We told her everything that day after she rained a series of punches and pokes on him , and regretted it .

She started teasing us every chance she got , for a week straight !

We ate lunch soon after and scarfed down desert after desert for hours  . The three of us stayed in the cafe till 6:00  and went our separate ways . 
I hugged Dillan good night , my knees wobbling as his mouth met my neck .
Tori found it the perfect moment to start coughing.

He left in a cab , Tori and I walked back to the college parking lot . I climbed into the passenger's seat and waited until she got in .
When it took her a long time , I turned to her to see that she was pinned to her spot legs raised halfway to enter the car , her hands resting on the door . Her shoulders tense , she stared at the truck driving out of the parking lot across from us .

" Tori ? Are you alright?" I ask a bit concerned . " Yeah .. Yeah I'm fine" she gives me a fake smile " Let's get out of here." She whispers climbing in fast.

" who did you see in the car?" I ask after long minutes of silence. Tori never falls silent , Something has got to be wrong . " He's .." She started but quickly shook her head .
"  No one you should be concerned about." She says after a while . " I'll take care of it ." I didn't bother to ask anymore and we drove in  silence after that . she dropped me off at my house without so much as a hug or a good bye .

I've been thinking about asking her to go with me to this car shop a few miles out of the city tomorrow . But thanks to mystery guy in a truck who ruined the moment, I entered my apartment  more worried than I've ever been for her. I gathered that whoever she saw in that car wasn't someone she wanted me to know about but i couldn't help the curiosity coursing through me .  For a moment I even thought that she didn't trust me enough to tell me . 

I changed , did my dishes, and lounged on the sofa looking for something to watch .  My phone pinged right in the middle of a movie I wasn't  watching , over thinking about things i shouldn't even be worried about .

Dillan : You home yet ? And Good evening ?

I smile at his timing .

Me : Got home a while ago, sup ?

He sends back almost instantly .

Dillan: I have nothing to do so , I wanted to talk to you . Besides I have writer's block . It's frustrating.

Another text arrives a second later .

Dillan : What are you doing ?

Me : Watching TV.

Dillan :  TV ? Did you forget about midterms ?

I roll my eyes even though I knew he wasn't going to see them .

Me : Did I ask you to remind me ?

Dillan. Lol . Anyways smart ass , I wanted to talk to you about something.

My interest in knowing what he wanted to talk about spiked, Would he know about what happened to Tori?

Me: What is it ?

It took him a while to send back . I waited at the edge of my seat my eyes trained on the screen .

Dillan : I like a girl and I think she likes me too , but I haven't told her . And the truth is I don't know how to tell her .

My heart drops to my stomach. I threw my phone away and walked to the kitchen . Grabbing a glass i poured myself water and downed it in one breath .
I walked back to the living room and snatched my phone .

Me : Who is she ? 

As if he was waiting for my reply he sends back.

Dillan : You know who she is .

The moment I saw that text Tori popped in my mind . He can't possibly be talking about her ? No !
And would he like me ? Would he be talking about me for me ?

My head hurts at this point . I've been thinking a lot its exhausting me .

I pushed the power button , threw the phone on the table  and went to bed .

I don't care if it makes me a coward but all  I know is that I didn't have the courage to see any more of it .

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