20: AUGUST 2017 - Truce

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Luisa had accepted Selina's invitation to her party at some new club that had opened in downtown Dallas. Her father's company was one of the owners, so she had the run of the place.

Her first instinct had been to beg off since she knew that Seokjin would be there. He was one of Yoongi's best friends. Selina and Yoongi's relationship had become serious, and she was sure that an engagement announcement was coming soon.

She went through the doors, and the person standing in front of her turned around. It was just her luck to run into Seokjin as he stood in the lobby staring into the darkness of the club. She hadn't spoken to him since the day she asked for time. He had called and texted a few times, but she had never taken the calls nor responded to his messages. It was too difficult.

"Jin," she managed to say before his arm was tugged back.

Luisa saw the girl next to him. Emily was much thinner than before, and the dark wig she was wearing made her skin look unbelievably pale. Despite her weakness, she held a possessive grip around Seokjin's arm.

"Hi, Emily," Luisa said, hoping her smile looked genuine. "It's good to see you."

Emily nodded, her eyes moving between Luisa and Seokjin, who'd not uttered a word so far. "Hi, Luisa."

Seokjin kept staring at Luisa wordlessly, his eyes taking in her face as if he'd never seen her before.

Luisa cleared her throat. "Uh, should we...should we head in?"

"Oh," Seokjin finally broke out of his trance. "Yes. It's nice to see you, Lu. You look..." He pressed his lips together, as if realizing that any compliment to Luisa would underscore the fact that Emily did not look so good.

Luisa smiled nervously. "We better go in." She rushed past them, not wanting to prolong the awkwardness.

Once inside, she greeted everyone who was there: Selina and Yoongi, Megan and her boyfriend Cal, Namjoon and Nina. Hoseok and his date, a petite girl named Ruby. There were a few other people that Luisa was acquainted with and some that she met for the first time. She happily retreated to a corner with a glass of champagne. She wasn't sure how long she sat alone in the dark.


"Ahhh!" She almost spilled the champagne all over herself.

Seokjin sat down next to her. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you."

"Uh. What...what is it?" she asked, putting the glass down on the low table in front of them.

He looked at her. "I want to talk to you. But not here. It's too noisy." He stood up and held out his hand to her.

Luisa sighed and also stood up. "Fine. But what about Emily?" She hadn't taken his proffered hand, and he awkwardly put it down.

"This is about us," he replied. He led her toward the back of the club. There was a small bar area that was not hooked up to the club's deafening music system, although the room still shook with the reverberations from the outside music.

He motioned to a small booth. She slid into the seat, and he sat across from her.

She stared at him for a while, taking in his attire. "Why are you dressed like that?" He was normally in t-shirts and jeans unless he was in a suit for work. What he had on right now looked trendy. And expensive.

He glanced down at his outfit. "Uh, it was...it was a gift from Emily."

"You got an earring?"

"Oh," he replied, touching his ear self-consciously. "Yeah, her idea."

Luisa looked down, feeling a lump in her throat. He had said he had no intention of going back to Emily, but he sure was doing everything she asked.

"I just need to know one thing," he said suddenly. At her nod, he continued. "Are you okay with the way things are?"

Luisa looked away. "Why are you even asking this right now? We already said we'd be friends. Shouldn't your focus be on Emily and her treatment?"

He put his hand over hers. "Look at me. I know we said we'd be friends, but you continue to shut me out. You won't return my calls or messages. I don't know what to think anymore. We don't have a relationship. We barely even have a friendship. Do you even care?"

She couldn't look at him. He would be able to read her emotions in an instant. Of course, she still wanted him, in whatever capacity she could get him: friend or lover. She had always wanted him but had always played it off because she didn't want to be just another girl to him. Then, they'd slept together two years ago, and she was afraid she'd shown all her cards. He must have known that she was his, and it had embarrassed her. She'd felt awkward around him ever since. Then they'd gone out on their fateful date some five months ago.

That's when the issue with Emily arose. Now, she felt like a fool for thinking they could be together. He wanted her, that was obvious. He enjoyed having sex with her, without a doubt. But was there more to it? They had a physical need for each other, but could it be more than that? But now, how would she ever know? She had told him to take care of Emily. How could she go back on that?

"It's not a difficult question, Lu," he said. "Yes or no?"

"It is a very difficult question, Jin," she replied. "It isn't about yes or no when other people's lives are involved, when I don't know what's going to happen."

"I understand," he said, squeezing her hand. "I just want to know if I mean anything to you, if our friendship means anything to you."

Luisa pulled her hand away. "What do you want me to say? Do you want me to break down and cry? Is that what you want?"

"Of course not!" he exclaimed. He threw himself against the booth's backrest with an exhale.

"If we said we'd be friends, then that's it. Let's be friends," she said. "I don't know what more you want from me. I thought we had already decided."

"No. You decided. I didn't really have a choice in the matter." He held a hand to his head. "I honestly can't take this anymore. I thought we had something worth pursuing. I thought you wanted to be with me. I thought we were end game, and now we have to fall back on the dreaded friendship thing." He leaned forward. "Lu, we are so good together."

She shook her head. "You mean the sex is so good."

"No, dammit!" he said with an impatient tone. "It has always been about more than sex with you. Why can't you see that? From the very beginning, it was more than that."

"We've never really had a bond outside of sex, Jin," she countered. "Tell me, what do we really know about each other?"

"That's not true," he protested. "We do have a bond. I know that you're a wonderful, intelligent woman who tries so hard to hide her feelings, but who is passionate and exciting and everything I could ever want. I knew after that incredible night we spent together that you were special."

"You're equating good sex—"

"Great sex," he corrected.

She scoffed. "Whatever. Okay, you're equating great sex with a meaningful relationship, but we never actually developed anything more."

"That's because you keep hitting the brakes."

"Because I have to," she paused. "There's someone else involved. She's out there thinking that you're her boyfriend, that you're going to stay with her. Whether you like it or not, you two are a couple. I am okay because I have to be okay. We're friends because that's all we can be. It's not my decision. Don't make this difficult for me. You know that's how it has to be."

After a long sigh, he nodded. "Okay. I get it. I never meant to sound so needy or impatient." He took a few slow breaths. "I feel so alone right now. I need someone I can trust to talk to."

"You have friends," she said softly.

"My friends are trying," he broke in. "But they can't possibly understand what I'm going through the way you can. Guys don't talk about certain things." He paused. "You said you were my friend. You said we could be there for each other as friends only. I'll accept that. I have to accept that, but I'd like you to keep your word. Is that okay?"

Luisa nodded slowly. "I guess." She realized what enormous pressure he must be under and how trapped he must feel with no one to unburden himself to. If she wanted to be his friend, she had to be there for him, regardless of how much it hurt her. "I mean, yes. Of course, we can talk. Anytime you want. I am here for you." She averted her eyes. She knew he'd be able to read her emotions in her gaze even in the dim lighting.

He reached out and patted her hand. "That's my good girl. I knew you wouldn't leave me all alone. Thank you."

A few feet away, Emily stood at the entrance to the bar area. She didn't hear what they were talking about, but she could read their body language. After she allowed the cloud of jealousy to fade, she realized that they were not doing anything other than talking. Their sad expressions told her that it was something more serious. She turned and walked away, an unsettled feeling in her heart.

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