24: DECEMBER 2017 - Lost

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"You really don't plan on going?" Megan asked for the third time. She had come over to Luisa's apartment for a quick chat after work.

Luisa shifted on the sofa. "We're in testing mode at school. I need to get all the rest I can." She purposely did not meet her friend's eyes. Megan would see the embarrassment she was trying to hide. The Halloween disaster, as she called it, was never far from her mind. The fact that it didn't change her feelings toward Seokjin made her even more miserable.

They'd run into each other several times since then. At the mailboxes, at lunch with their friends. At various places. Sometimes he was with Emily. Sometimes he was alone. It was when he was alone that she was in danger because she could feel his eyes on her the entire time, waiting for her to glance at him. But she couldn't. She'd be lost if she did. She'd agree to anything he proposed, and she would hate herself for being a party to cheating. She couldn't take the chance tonight. She was at her weakest point because she missed him too much.

The tall girl sighed. "Okay, then. I'm pretty sure Seokjin will be disappointed that you're not at his birthday party. This is the first year since college that everyone's in the same city."

"Well, it's not like I went to all his parties back then either," Luisa said. "It's not a tradition." She crossed her arms and sank lower into the sofa cushions. She knew she was acting like a petulant child, but why would she want to go to a party only to see Seokjin and his fiancée being all lovey-dovey? "Besides, you know I don't like large crowds."

"Uh-huh." Megan stared at her friend for a few seconds. "Is it because of Emily?"

Luisa scoffed. "What? No! Why would it be?"

Megan narrowed her eyes. "Uh-huh."

"Why do you keep using that tone?"

The redhead stared at her then grinned. "Why are you so defensive? I know you, Lulu. I think I know why you don't want to go."

The brown-haired woman scoffed again.

"No, really," Megan continued. "Deny it if you want, but I think that you don't want to see Seokjin because you still have a thing for him."

"I do not."


Luisa bristled. "Stop that." She took a deep breath. "I won't deny that he's...well, extraordinarily good-looking, and any girl would be attracted to him, I guess." She scowled when she saw her friend's smile. "But just because I think he's handsome doesn't mean that I have any feelings for him. Other than friendship, of course."

"Of course."

"And...and I'm sure he feels the same way," Luisa concluded weakly.

"Fine. Fine. But whatever you do, please don't invite Charlie over or go anywhere with him. I heard that he's back in town. That ass needs to stay out of your life."

Luisa's eyes shot toward her friend. Her ex-boyfriend from college Charlie Ramos had texted her two days ago wanting to take her to dinner while he was in town.

"Of course I would never invite him here," Luisa replied. "And I'm not going out with him. Ever."

Megan nodded. "Good. You don't need his negative energy, Lulu. He's a vampire. He sucked the happiness out of you once. Don't let him do it again. Thanks to him you almost ruined a good friendship."

Luisa blinked. "I did?"

"Sure. When you ran off and slept with Seokjin as revenge," her friend began, "that could've been disastrous. If Charlie hadn't dumped you so cruelly, you wouldn't have gotten drunk and done that. Yet you and Seokjin have managed to remain friends."

Luisa shrugged. "I guess."

"And he and your other friends are getting together to celebrate his birthday. If you don't want to go, that's fine, but please don't back out because of Charlie or Emily or any other excuse." Megan gave her a pointed stare.

"I wasn't," Luisa said. "It really was a rough week at school, and I'm just tired. I feel as if I can't move a muscle even if I wanted to. Please tell him that I'm sorry I couldn't go." She got up and went to her purse and pulled out a small wrapped box. "Here. Give this to him. Wish him a happy birthday for me. I'm just going to sleep early. That's all I want."

Megan nodded and stood up. "Okay. If you're not there, I guess it's less competition for me if there are any hot guys there."

"Hot guys? What about Cal?"

"What about Cal?" The tall girl winked. "I'll let you know how it goes. Bye."

Luisa sat on the sofa for a few more minutes before she hoisted herself up and trudged to the bedroom. Sure, she was physically tired, but she hoped that Megan had bought that excuse. She hoped everyone else would, as well. She just couldn't face Seokjin right now.

It was all her fault, of course. She never gave him a clear indication that she was interested in him even after he had repeatedly pursued her. Instead, she'd steered him toward Emily. When she'd finally made up her mind, it was too late. In her supreme idiocy, she had never called him back after he'd made all those attempts. How can she be upset that he did what she told him to do? She was only upset at her own stupidity.

With another sigh, she prepared herself for bed. She hadn't lied. She really was tired. Her head hit the pillow, and her eyes fluttered closed.

"You didn't come to my party."

"Wha...What?" Luisa opened her eyes. She must have been asleep for a while. It was dark, but she could see someone standing in her room.

"Don't be scared, Lu. It's me." Seokjin's voice felt like silk gliding over her body.

She sat up and rubbed her eyes. "What are you doing here? How did you get in?"

"Doesn't matter," he said huskily. "I'm here now because I want to be with you. I told you I'm crazy about you."

"Yes, you are crazy. What about your party? What about your fiancée? I don't think she'd like for you to be in another woman's bedroom."

She felt the bed sink as he sat down next to her.

"This is not about her. This is about you. And me." His warm breath caressed her cheek, and she gulped.

Luisa shook her head. "S-Stop joking around. Did Meg let you in? What's going on? Is this a prank?" Her heart sped up as his face inched closer to hers.

"Does this feel like a prank?"

His lips felt soft against her own. He nipped at her lower lip, making her open her mouth to his tongue. She didn't even think to push him away. She wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him down. His hands caressed her from her head to her hips. She struggled to kick free of the blanket when she heard him taking off his clothes in the dark. She didn't hesitate. She pulled off her pajama top then lifted her hips to tear off the bottoms.

She sighed when his body sank down into hers. The skin to skin contact was electrifying.

"Is this what you want?" he whispered into her ear, causing goosebumps to erupt down her entire body. "Tell me. Do you want me?"

"Yes," she sighed. She abandoned herself to the sensations. Her body was tingling from his touch. She wasn't sure what was happening, but a wildness was rippling through her being. The tightness in her lower regions was an aching pulse that she could not ignore. His hands and lips were everywhere.

"Do you want more?"

"Yes," she repeated without hesitation. "More."

"Who do you belong to?" he murmured. His hand moved between her legs, and his fingers began to move in and out of her slowly but insistently.

"What?" she asked, disoriented. The sensations were overwhelming.

"Who do you belong to, Luisa?" he repeated. "Say it." He traced kisses down her body. He removed his fingers from inside her warmth and plunged his tongue into her. Her moan was loud and obscene.

"Who do you belong to, baby?"

"You," she gasped, feeling her body beginning to spasm. "I belong...to you."

"Say you love me. Say it." The vibration from his lips sent her over the edge.

She tangled her fingers in his hair as his mouth continued pleasuring her. Her body convulsed as the first wave of her orgasm hit her. "Y-Yes! Yes! I love you. I love you, Jin. I love you!"

"That's my good girl. Say my name again," he said, and she screamed his name in the throes of passion.

Her body was turning itself inside out against Jin's mouth and fingers. Again and again, he made her cry out mindlessly. Her body was exhausted, and yet it was responding to his touch without ceasing. She felt him enter her roughly, filling her up, and she screamed again in ecstasy.

"I love you so much, baby. Do you love me the same?"

"Yes! Jin, I love you! I love you!"

Then she opened her eyes.

She was alone in her room, tangled up in her bedsheet, her heart still racing as her body floated down from her high. Her hand came up to her face, which just a moment ago had been covered in kisses. She touched her lips tentatively as she slowly sat up. Looking down, she saw that she was still in her pajamas.

It had been a dream!

"Oh, my God," she gasped, her hand at her chest. She had a sex dream about Seokjin. It was so vivid. Too vivid! She struggled to get her breath under control.

After a few minutes, she climbed out of bed and headed to the restroom to clean herself up. She scoffed as she changed her underwear. This was embarrassing even if she was alone. It had been more than two years since they'd slept together, and she still remembered how his touch made her feel. He was the only man who had made her lose control of herself, who had made her feel such intense passion.

She craved him desperately.

Not only that, she had just admitted that she loved him. Even in her dreams, she loved him. She had loved him for a long time and had never told him. She was completely lost in her love and desire for him.

And now he was going to be another woman's husband.

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