51: MARCH 2019 - Guilt and Lust

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Later that evening, Seokjin lay on his bed, his mind filled with guilt and regret. Although he had not had intercourse with Youngsoon, they had indulged in some sexual activity. She had been insistent yet docile and sweet. It was evident that she wanted to please him. She urged him on, but it wasn't until she admitted that she was a virgin, that he recovered enough to stop himself. He couldn't believe he'd engaged in this lunacy.

He convinced her that she had to maintain her virginity, and she had seemed satisfied with what they'd done up to that point.

She told him it was better than she imagined and wished they could do it again.

He very quickly got her dressed and out of his house. Yet, his guilt didn't keep him from feeling immense sexual frustration. He knew that he didn't want Youngsoon. He was missing Luisa terribly.

He thought a quick shower would dampen his lust, but when he picked up his phone to dial her, another idea came into his mind. He switched to calling her for a video chat.

"So, when are you coming back?" Luisa asked, holding the phone closer. She was sure she had misheard.

"I will be back in two weeks," he repeated, his eyes feasting on her image over the video call.

She sighed. "You said that two weeks ago. Is something wrong? Is there something you're not telling me? Is everything okay?"

"Sweetheart, I already told you that everything's okay. I just need to take care of a few things here," he replied.

"But...but you should be taking care of me," she whined.

"Baby, when I get back I will be taking such good care of you that you won't ever have cause to complain," he said, his voice a husky growl. His body was shaking with his need.

"I didn't mean only that, you weirdo. But...I do miss you...in bed."

He licked his lips. "Well, I will definitely take care of that. I once heard that a woman well satisfied sexually will never complain about anything. I'd like to put it to the test. I don't want my baby to whine."

Luisa scoffed. "You think I'm whining because I need you for sex? You sure are full of yourself."

"Can you picture yourself full of me? So full of me you can't breathe?" His voice had dropped down an octave, and his body felt warm. "I miss you, Lu. I miss you so much. Can I show you how much I miss you?"

"Show me?"

He took a deep calming breath. "May I speak freely and openly?"


"I miss my hands on your soft, full breasts, the way your nipples perk up the minute I touch them. I miss your mouth on my body," he said, his voice a raspy croak. "I miss my fingers inside you."

"Jin," she whispered. "What...if someone hears you?"

"Baby, let me finish. I miss the way you close your beautiful eyes and moan when I slip my fingers in and out of your warm wetness." He felt his member twitch with the image he was painting.

After a second's pause, he continued: "I want you to close your eyes and put your hand down your panties. Can you do that for me, sweetheart?"

"What? Are you serious?"

He cringed at the outrage in her voice. "Baby," he said soothingly. "Please just hear me out. It's not a bad thing—"

"Not a bad thing?" her voice went higher. "Why are you asking me to do this? I don't understand."

"Because I love you so much and I miss you like crazy," he replied. "Please. It is not unusual for couples to do this, you know."

"Have you done this before?" Her question shot out like an accusation.

He shook his head. "No. No, I haven't. I've never wanted to before. But with you, well, I just miss you so much. I thought it would be new and...and exciting. Just trust me on this."

There was a second of silence. "What if someone finds out?"

He inhaled and smiled. "My love, no one will find out. Why would they? This is between you and me. Please, Lu. I really need you. You know I love you. I love you more than my life. Please. Let's just try it."

"Can I stop if I don't feel comfortable?" she asked slowly.

"Of course! We can stop any time." His smile was shaky as he waited for her refusal. He knew he was being a selfish bastard, but his frustration levels were so high that he couldn't think of anything else to do. And he certainly was not prepared to do anything more with Youngsoon. He shut his eyes expecting her angry response.

So, when he heard her say, "Okay," his eyes flew open.

"Really? Shit!" He got hard instantly. This was going to happen. "Are you sure I can talk to you freely? Can I say words that...that...you know?"


"Baby, let me see you," he whispered without preamble. "Prop up your phone. Let me see you take off your clothes. Now. Please." His hands were trembling.

Her phone camera moved sharply, and she went out of the frame.

"Baby, baby, wait! I can't see you!" He desperately called out.

She slowly crawled back onto the bed, giving him a view of her breasts. "I'm here. Is this what you miss?" She closed her eyes and brought her hands to her breasts, pinching her nipples until they were rigid. She moaned as he stared hungrily at her.

Not for the hundredth time, he wished he was with her in person. "Lay back and open your legs," he instructed, his voice thick and low.

Luisa bit her lip and turned her body around, laying down with the lower part of her body in front of the phone.

"Yes. Yes," he panted. "Okay, baby, open your legs for me. Open your legs wide. I want to see you. I need to see your beautiful pussy." His excitement tended to bring out his lewd vocabulary, but he couldn't help it. Luisa was laying in front of the camera, obeying his commands, and he couldn't stop shaking.

She nodded and bent her legs at the knee. She slowly opened them toward the phone. "L-Like this?"

He fumbled with his phone until he was able to prop it up on his nightstand.

"Oh, shit. Oh, fuck, yes! Just like that. I can see you glistening. You're so wet for me! You look gorgeous! Now, lay back and use your fingers to open yourself up to me. I want to see." He slipped off his pants and began to rub himself slowly.

She did as he asked and waited for his next instructions.

"Oooohhh, my sweet girl," he said, his eyes trained on his screen. "I-I'm sorry...for the language, but...fuck...can you please rub your clit nice and slow for me? Just real slow. Show me."

He was still hesitant using coarse language even after she told him it was okay. He was afraid to offend her, but the words just tumbled out. When they had sex and he sometimes yelled out something crude, she didn't seem to mind.

"You can tell me...whatever you want, Jin," she said, breathing heavily.

"Okay, okay. Keep it going. How does it feel, baby? Can you imagine me doing that to you? Can you imagine my fingers on your clit? How does it feel?" His eyes were glued to the small screen.

"Y-Yes. It feels good."

"Yes," he repeated in a trembling voice. "Okay. With your other hand...yes, I want you to insert one finger into your pussy...I can see how wet you are from over here...fuck."

She did as he requested and even inserted a second finger without prompting.

"Aw, fuck, baby," he murmured. He rubbed himself faster, fixated on the image of Luisa touching herself. She was rubbing herself, pumping her fingers in and out, and her hips began rising higher, bucking up as her fingers moved in and out. She began to get lost in the feeling.

"Faster, Lu," he said breathlessly. "Go faster. Pretend it's me. Picture me doing that to you, my love."

He heard her loud, long moan, and he knew he wouldn't last much longer.

"You're doing so good, baby, so good fucking yourself for me," he muttered breathlessly, rubbing his stiff length faster and harder. "Add another finger and plunge them in deeper. Pretend it is my hand that's fucking you like that. Rub your clit faster, baby. Faster. Yes, baby! Pretend it's me. Picture me fucking you with my fingers. Shit! I'm getting close."

Her moans became louder. Her hips were lifted off her mattress. He could see the wetness coating her entire hand. She was rubbing herself faster, then she shoved her fingers deep into herself and began shaking. "J-Jin..."

"Shit, Lu, you...look incredible! Fuck! Fuck! I want so badly to fuck that beautiful pussy right now. I want to pound into you all night—aaahhh!" Her wails sent him over the edge. He was falling into a whirlwind of pleasure. He kept pumping himself as he spurted all over his bed. He let out a loud, lascivious moan. His body continued to tremble as he gasped for breath. The vision of Luisa pleasuring herself before his eyes was etched into his brain.

When he opened his eyes a few minutes later, he saw that Luisa was staring at him, her pupils dark and her hair disheveled. She seemed dazed.

"Put your fingers in your mouth and suck them," he commanded suddenly, almost surprising himself with his ferocity.

"Wh-What?" she asked, confused.

"I want you to take the fingers with your cum all over them and put them in your mouth and suck," he repeated. "Now!" He stared at her intently, feeling a surge of aggression. "I want you to tell me how you taste."

She nodded again, leaned closer to the phone, and put all three fingers into her mouth. She sucked on them eliciting another moan from him.

"Fuck, baby. Tell me. Tell me how you taste."

She moved her fingers out. "Uh...it's kind of...warm—"

"Aaaahhh." His moan interrupted her. "G-Go on."

"I-I don't know how to describe it. It feels soft and salty and ..."

"And sweet," he finished in a shaky growl. "So fucking sweet. I remember. My tongue can't wait to lick all of that up, baby. I can't wait to stick my face into your warm sweetness. You are the best ever." His heart was still racing.

"Jin, I...I can't believe I did that," she said. "I've never done that to myself."

"Really?" His face had regained some composure, and he tried to focus on her image on the screen. "Why not? You've never been curious about your own body?"

"Well, yes, of course, but I just never did anything like that," she replied. "I had no idea I could make myself feel like that."

He let out a loud and contented exhale. "I'm glad I showed you. You're amazing! Everything about you intoxicates me. The way you taste has never left my memory. For years, I fantasized about burying my face in you. I wanted to shove my tongue and my fingers into your soft wetness. It would drive me crazy at night. I'm so glad we did this." He took a deep breath. "I swear, Lu. You make me insane." He wanted so badly to be with her, to erase the memory of what he'd done just a couple of hours ago. "Thank you for doing this, my love."

She bit her lip. "I love you, Jin." Her face loomed large on the screen. "I would do anything for you. Only you. Just like I know that you are only mine. You said you've never done something like this with anyone else, and I'm glad. I know it's difficult being apart. I miss you, too. I think about you all the time. I know that sex means a lot to you. I'm not saying it's bad. But I did this because you asked me to do this, because you are faithful to me. I know you would never turn to another woman."

Seokjin tried not to avert his gaze, but the guilt made another unwelcome appearance. "I love you," was all he could say.

"Tell me that you're mine," she repeated. "Only mine. That you will only ever do this with me."

"Of course," he exclaimed, trying to drown out his guilt. He looked into the camera. Her breathless post-sex appearance was too much to bear. In spite of himself, he felt the hunger returning. "Can we do this again?"


"Are you busy?" He licked his lips. Youngsoon's face had come back into his mind, and he needed to erase it. He needed Luisa's image imprinted in his head and soul. "Again? Please?"

"Isn't it the middle of the day there? What if someone hears you?"

He laughed. "I really don't care, but I don't think anyone can hear me. Didn't you have fun? If you were here in person, we'd be going at it at for hours."

"I'll tell you what," she began. "We will do this again...in person when you get back. How's that?"

"No! That's too long," he whined. "Baby, let's do it again. Please! Please—"

"You said you'd be home in two weeks," she interrupted him. "Now, if you delay again, you'll be waiting even longer. I want to make sure that you want me, only me. If you miss me, you'll come home soon."

"Wait, Lu," he sputtered, his screen moving erratically as he grabbed it from its stand. "You can't be serious—"

"Yes. Clean yourself up. Goodnight, my love," she said in a sing-song voice and closed the video chat.

"Fuck!" he hissed, falling back onto his bed. This was a problem. His body was trembling with need. He wanted Luisa. He needed her. But his guilt felt heavier now that he'd talked her into video call sex. The knowledge of having betrayed her dampened his desire, and he was able to get himself back in control. He had to get back to her before he did something stupid. Again. 

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