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So before we start I just want to let you no that a lot of this a lot of this but some of these are theories which I will let you know which one is the theory that someone did say.

If V and J never existed the first thing that would happen is instead of CYN being The 4th drone she would be the second.

And because J and V never got repaired she never sort of gained a type of competition for the attention of her Tessa and N.

With J and V existing she had competition which she failed on being the one to get the attention a lot causing her to be put in the basement which could explain why she is the way she is but older brother usually takes her out when they forget.

But if V and J never got repaired there would be no competition for the attention of N and Tessa which also causes her to gain a small bit of their personality slowly As she's a drone that sort of games of personality of how people act around her trying to understand the real meaning of life.

But with J and V just existing J sort of gave CYN All the wrong influence and with the humans aren't any better James Elliott acting towards drones makes her feel that the real meaning of life is becoming the strongest or being at the top which is what James Elliot does to drones all the time so it's a little bit of his fault why she's the way she is as she believes the real meaning of life is becoming the strongest not to protect those you love as he never shown to do that but just because of pure selfish power.
(just so you know this is a theory)

But without J and V being repaired CYN has no reason to like understand anyone else as she was kept far away from the parents which caused her not to get locked up in the basement which also gave her their personality kind and neutral.

With J and V being around Taking basically taking all the love she believes CYN rightfully deserves And her being forced into the basement she blames J that she had to kill Tessa as she was thrown into the basement so many times and eventually she became heartbroken because the 1/2 of the people she loves she feels like the trade her which possibly broke her.

She doesn't seem to take responsibility for her mistakes always shifting the blame onto the J & V there's been some times where she blamed something on them where they got stabbed in the visor with a fork even though CYN doesn't look like it she would be very happy of the outcome.

She also blames them for her turning N into a Disassembley Drone once again refuses to acknowledge her mistakes as her hatred for the two of them grows deep.

So why didn't she go out of her way to kill them if she hates them so much even one at the mansion why didn't she kill them well there's an easy reason for that because they were already on deaths door from the very beginning they became a disassembley drown as they've been working through their own demise and digging their own graves slowly but surely. But I will get to that soon.

So if CYN was the one who created the disassembley Drones and not the company then the company has no control over the disassembly drones.

Which means they've been doing what CYN ask them to do which means what happened to the company well if I know on how sadistic and mischievous CYN is there's a chance she had Jay specifically her considering there's no human out there who can stop a Disassembly drones healing factor not even humans as possible she sent her to destroy the entire company killing the CEO or possibly torturing him before killing him which makes her whenever she talks about the company the exact same company she's possibly destroyed with her own two hands without any memory of it makes her revenge on her just satisfying by just a thought of that actually happening and a possibility of it being true.

Now let's get on with CYN Final revenge plan for the two drones who took everything from her at least that's what she believes in her head she blames Tessa's death on them and she blames V for her brother not being with her as much as she was hoping.

So on how they are digging their own graves well they planted the seed from the very beginning alleys jaded ever since the mansion she already planted her seed for her countdown to start going down. At Copper 9 V planted her countdown and her demise.

So who is the one person who is easily able to kill the two drones very easily and is far superior than them in every way who is the one drone that is closest snapping possibly whoever chose N you are 100% correct he is far superior than them in every way I have not seen him once try and kill anyone he has so many weapons yet he doesn't use them I only see him use a gun and his claws I haven't seen him use any other weapon even though he has them.

So it is only about time before he snaps and kills them as everyone even the kindest of souls have their breaking point N is just a tough nut to crack and his personality doesn't at all help with that which is also stopping him from snapping in general if his personality was not oblivious idiot and only a kind idiot he would've probably already snaps now it's personality meaning nothing to what J and V can't defend themselves from what N has in mind.

But why did CYN change V personality as there's a reason for it as she always has her own reasons to do something like this

Well it's quite easy V New personality is something N doesn't really like even though he doesn't show it.

One of the two reasons for her new personality is so whenever the time comes N Won't feel remorse of what he's done at least you'll feel less remorse as the whole point of her new personality is it for her to be a good killer it's just so N feel bad at all about Her dealing with what N had in mind as if CYN shows up and comforts him she can play the innocent card and say after everything she's done she's killed so many workers I think you did the world a favor by getting rid of her as she won't ever stop killing workers even though she's the reason why she's the way she is but it's all part of her own sick revenge game

The second reason why she did it is something she hopes that does happen she has seen the way V looks at N in the mansion and while either being feelings for him or just general friendship she hopes it's the first option for what she has in mind it will be entertainment and a really good way for her older brother to move on.

So N is in complete denial the feelings he has for V wasn't because of her luxe or anything like that it was on her personality with that con what does she have a chance of being with him it's not it's almost impossible as CYN knows that so she changed her personality to something that he doesn't like as the only reason why her brother took an interest in her was for her personality N being the oblivious drunk he is doesn't know that but if they were to go on a date he would really quickly figure out that the reason why he enjoyed spending time with her in the past was on her personality and that all change so it would probably break up which no matter how much V would try she's stuck with that personality as Tessa and CYN is the only ones that knows how to change it with one of them being dead and one of them who would never change her personality for the world.

So that's pretty screwed up but also very well deserved what were you expecting to happen if you place the opposite version of N and add them together it doesn't end very well for either one although N would easily be able to get over it V Will probably take her anger out on workers which is just feeding more into CYN's sick game as this entire time CYN's hasn't really done anything to change N and V or J Relationship did you just do it themselves she doesn't even need to try to do anything everything they're doing and doing it themselves their enjoyment and Kelly workers all because a false company told him to is all on their own record

Unlike J N Is doing it because he's being told to by his leader not by the company all the false company that's been dead and Possibly murdered by J which just gives her more satisfaction by the end of the day as there's no better revenge then power mode who know just changing someone's personality can cause problems with their relationship in the future for the good or for the bad and CYN Just Hass to be that little sister Who comforts her older brother after him killing all of his team members to get attention from him.

Now let's get back with if they didn't get repaired copper 9 would probably not explode because she has no reason to be the cause of the explosion.

The humans would probably just Study on the solvers power to see if they can give it to drones which they definitely can but it just made work very well for the drones need a lot more oil which the humans can atleast supply them of.

I do think N would meet Uzi at some point And possibly have a relationship with her only time will tell and possibly have a kid or two maybe more.

To be honest I feel like you are definitely getting the attention of more girls I mean for some reason he is able to attract women probably because of his personality but that's my guess I mean I guess you can give him the nickname N the chick magnet.

So the point of the possible true story you can say is Don't decide someone's usefulness until knowing your own background as you might be surprise of what you see you might not know and if you're even more useless than the person you're looking down.

Also the fact that J said and how you're useless to the company is a very big hypocritical thing to say considering you're the one who killed the company in the first place.
Especially considering your saying on how N is useless to the company since when did the company say he was useless you just say he is useless that's your own opinion on him just because you say he's useless doesn't mean he's at all useless he could kill you easily if he truly felt like it as he has shown in the OG that he is able to hold his own against V Even though she was using like every weapon in her arsenal while he only use his guns intelligence,
Not like V would know what that is.

But what is being said here is The original N Who is possibly also one of the weakest versions of him was able to go to toe to toe with V apparently to Jay is the second strongest out of them considering even the V is probably better she wouldn't allow her ego to be hurt by the knowledge of that.
But he was still able to go to toe to toe with her with her using every weapon in her arsenal and actually trying her hardest to take N down.

With N though all he was using was a gun and his claws. And that was him without even trying his hardest to take her down as he still passive I was trying to stop her from actually attacking him and trying to calm her down which means he wasn't even trying to kill her at all Just think about it for a second he wasn't trying to kill her and without trying he beat her what is he capable of if he was actually trying that's why he is by far the strongest disassembly drone I think in his generation or that was created by CYN Although it's possible that CYN I never gave him any of those weapons because she knew from the beginning even without those weapons it would be overkill as she knows he's capable of killing them with no difficulty.

So if I was N this is what I would say I would leave a recording and find a new home where I am respected. I would also leave a recording
And I would tell them in the recording that if the sun doesn't kill you or you can't find a worker because I told all of them to stay inside so the both of you can't find oil this is what I would say to them if the sun doesn't kill you or you can't find a worker drone to feast on for oil then why don't you go out there and do it yourself you're useless miserable failures.

But there's one thing I have thought of why is N and CYN The shortest and tallest drone Seen because when they were workers he was always taller than normal worker drones CYN was shorter than a normal worker is it possible that the relationship was a lot deeper than meeting each other in The mansion.

Is it possible that they are possibly genetically related.

The screen cuts black

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