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Hi, guys, this is sowji.. thank u for your support... let's move to ff...

Pragya said Purab can u help me.Purab said sure bhabhi..pragya said my luggage is there..can u take my luggage...abi said pragu. .we will take our luggage..y r u bothering purab...pragya looks on. Purab said bhabhi would never bother me abi...I feel very glad to help her..don't worry bhabhi..I will take your luggage.Pragya looks at abi...said Purab it's k... I will take my luggage...else your friend will punish me...abi smiled...he saw her anger towards him..he likes her anger towards him...her cousin said I will also come along with you ..abi said I will go along with her...u will stay here...Pragya thinks in her mind...what happened to him...I can't understand his behavior towards me and my cousin...pragya never utter any word..she goes towards her luggage..abi said guys u have to wait in car parking area...I will come along with my pragu...all nodded their head...abi think in his mind...I will never allow anyone near by my pragya..abi what do u said..she is your bestie.she already anger on me...if she knows about my words...what will she abi just control your tongue..screenshift to pragya take her luggage...she speak with her friends...pragya invited them to her home...suddenly abi entered...pragya never look at his face...abi said k guys bye c you...all said bye...abi hold pragya hand..pragya angrily looks at his face...pragya asked what are you doing...abi said lets we go...pragya said leave my hand.....abi never ready to leave her hand..abi whispered in her ears...all are looking at us...we never want to fight infront of others...pragya think in her mind....he purposely doing everything...abi look at her...pragya nodded her head...abigya hold their hand with eachother...pragya feel inside very happy..but she acted in outside...they reached their car...pragya was sitting along with bulbul...abi was sitting in front seat...her cousin was sitting near by bulbul...pragya was talking with her annoys abi...abi said drive fast...purab looks confused...after they reached mehra mansion..abigya got blessing from dadi...they got blessing from all the elders...pragya introduce her cousin to her family member...pragya said dadi shall I stay few days in my mom home...abi dadi gave permission...abi said pragu we will stay here for a while days..after we will go to your home..abi dadi said no problem beta..she will go to her mom home..I have no problem...Pragya smiled..abi feel jealous.Purab understands abi anger towards her cousin..pragya goes towards their room..abigya freshened up goes towards Sarala home.Sarala welcomed abigya...abigya stayed there for a while days...Pragya cousin is always talking with Pragya, annoys abi and purab... Pragya served food for her cousin...abi angrily look at them...abi thinks in his mind...I will kill her cousin...her cousin was praised about pragya food..pragya noticed abi behavior towards her cousin...pragya was enjoying her cousin the time is 7 pm ...pragya was sitting in the garden...she was looking at the moon..suddenly her cousin entered towards her..he asked about her marriage life..pragya said yeah good going on...her cousin asked u know that..he never like my accompany towards you...then y r u make him jealous..pragya said I like his cute anger towards me..he is very cute...whenever he got angry on me...I love his anger...his cousin asked to do u love him..Pragya said what feelings I feel for him...but I love his accompany.I feel very safe in his arm...abi saw her cousin and Pragya from their room window...he can't hold his anger...her cousin asked I think u fall in love with him..Pragya said no...I consider him as my best friends...nothing more than that...her cousin asked really...then y r u reject your friend love proposal...y u told...I never imagine anyone as my husband except him...Pragya looks on...abi think in his I will never leave I can't tolerate this...her cousin said your hubby is looking at us only...don't look at him...he feels jealous...I can see her anger towards me..her cousin hugged pragya...pragya asked what are you doing..Pragya breaks the hug...her cousin said your hubby is very angry on me.I will make him jealous...Pragya said don't behave like an idiot...he will never effect on your hug...abi saw Pragya scolded him..abi think in his mind.I think she never likes him...she touched her mangal sutra...she was talking with him...her cousin asked y r u wear this mangal sutra around your neck...Pragya said this is marriage woman I never remove from my neck...her cousin said because u love him...Pragya said nothing like that...I am going ...good nit...her cousin said I can see your love for him...but u never accept the truth...Pragya goes towards her room... Pragya was thinking about her cousin...she come towards her room...she opened her room door...but she never goes inside...suddenly Abi pulled pragya..he pinned her towards the wall...Pragya looks at him..Pragya asked y r u pulled me..abi look at her lips...immediately he crushed his lips on her(background plays tum hi ho)...he gave a passionate kiss in her lips...Pragya pushed abi..she slapped abi in his cheeks.Abi looks on..Pragya asked how dare you.Abi said I have all rights on you...because you are my wife...Pragya said it's doesn't mean u can kiss my lips...just stay away from me...abi asked y I would stay away from you.Pragya said because...Pragya pushed abi...she leave from her room...

Abi asked sorry to pragya...pragya never speak heard his words..abi hold Pragya hand. Pragya removed his hand from her hand..sarala maa noticed abigya reaction...she asked them...both are complaining about eachother...sarala hold their hands. Sarala locked them in their room...she smiled...she leaves from there...abigya screamed maa open the door...

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