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Hi guys this is sowji...thank u for your support... let's move to ff...

Pragya said I also never have any interest in you..actually, I accepted for mom's sake...I don't care about you...abi said I also never care about you...I also agreed on dadi sake...  Pragya said listen Mr.rockstar...we both are agreed for our family's sake...I am ready to marry u...because my mom likes you a lot...I would never hurt my family...I know love your family a lot...I have a condition...abi asked conditions...Pragya said yeah conditions...can I say about my conditions..abi nodded her head...Pragya said I am ready to marry u...I don't have any problem to marry you...we will act as husband and wife in front of others...I know that...u don't know anything about me...I never force you ever to start our life...if u love any girl after the marriage...if u told me frankly I will give divorce also...k I request you...don't hurt my mom was very happy because of this marriage...abi look at her...abi said I have no girlfriend...still I never love anyone...Pragya said I talking about after marriage... we never told and share anything about our relationship to others..this society think as husband and wife...but we are not husband and wife inside our room and outside....we would act in front of the family...I promise you...I would never hurt your family members...u are also promised me. u would never hurt my family members...abi said actually I was thinking how to start about this...but u told everything frankly...k I agreed to your condition...I promise you...I would never hurt your family u love anyone...after the marriage, I also don't have any problem in that...Pragya said I would never love anyone...after the marriage also I will not love anyone..because I would follow and obey my culture....actually I did everything for my mom sake...I don't have any interest in more thing...I will go out with my friends...I will never ask you where are you going...what are you doing...but if u like only just inform me....else never needed....y I told you about this...because if suppose your family member asked me about you...I want to answer for their questions...abi think in his mind...she is very understanding girl....pragya asked if u told anything about me...abi looks on...think in his mind how can she read my mind voice...Pragya asked hello r u listening to my words...abi nodded his head said thank u..pragya asked for what...actually I am also thinking to told about this...but u did my job so easily...Pragya smiled...asked did u agree for my condition..abi said the deal...Pragya said one more thing...if u have any doubt about my activity and me ask me frankly...don't bad mouth about me in my back...did u get that...what I said...abi think in his mind...she is showing lots of attitudes but not bad abi...I like her frank talk towards me...abi said sure and same to u...pragya think in her mind...not least he should understand my feelings...Pragya said thank u...and sure...I feel doubts about your activity...I will ask you frankly...suddenly bulbul knocked the door...di did u finish your conversation...Pragya said yeah bulbul...we are coming...abi and Pragya go towards downstairs... Sarala asked Pragya did u like him...Pragya blushed...Sarala smiled hugged her...dadi asked did u like her...abi nodded his head...Purab and Alia are started to tease abi...purab said c our abi knows how to blush...abi stared at him...Purab said dadi abi want to marry di so soon...all laugh....dadi said I am very happy today..dadi started to praise pragya...dadi said priest told to me...coming Thursday is a good we have to arrange the engagement in that day...Sarala said k ji...after abi family leave from the Pragya home...bulbul and purvi are started to tease pragya...purvi said di did u ask jiju mobile number...Pragya said no....bulbul said di you are unromantic...pragya said bulbul I feel sleepy..stop your nonsense talk...Pragya dozed off slowly...screen shift to abi home...abi dadi is very happy...Purab said abi I feel very happy...I talked with di sisters...di sisters and her family are very nice...I feel very happy for you....abi smiled think in his mind your di is also interesting purab...few day after finally engagement day arrived..whole Mehra house decorated in flowers...abi dadi called media announced about Abi and Pragya marriage...Sarala family comes to abi home...actually abi saw pragya..he was totally mesmerized by her beauty...she is wearing sky blue color lehenga...she is very simple...but neat.....pragya saw abi....he is a white shirt and sky blue coat...pragya and Abi are looking at each other...suddenly bulbul grabbed Pragya hands...Purab grabbed abi hands...suddenly bulbul sings a song..nachde ne saare....all are dancing in that songs...abigya are also dance with them...after they are talking with their friends. The engagement ceremony of abigya...abi is talking with other girl...pragya never care about him...Pragya was happily talking with her friends...suddenly Sarala scolded pragya...what are you doing here...go to stand along with your husband...Pragya thinks in her mind...oh gosh it's all my fate to stand with nearby him...Pragya goes towards abi...abi never look at her..pragya hugged abi...abi looks on...thinks in his mind...what is she doing...Pragya whispered my mom looking at us....just hug me....abi understand...he is also hugged us....all smiled Pragya blushed...Purab said Abi Please control your romance. Abi stared at him..Pragya said don't jealous of us...Pragya holds abi hand...Purab said c guys..she is supported her husband...di I feel very happy...finally my abi get wonderful girl...abi and Pragya look at each other smiled think in their mind..not bad...she is acting very well...not bad he is acting very well...dadi called them...this is the time to exchange their rings...abi and Pragya goes towards their stage...abi looks at her eyes.. Pragya feels some magnet attractions towards him...both are looking at each other eyes..background plays bol a song....abi wear engagement ring in her hand...follow by Pragya wear engagement ring in his hand.....Pragya and Abi are taking a selfie with eachother...after all are joined together take a selfie with eachother..abigya enjoyed their engagement...abi introduced his friends to pragya....pragya introduced her friends to him...

Abi and Pragya exchanged their garlands...all look very happy...Pragya mom gives to kanniya thanam...Pragya eyes filled with tears...abi holds her waist...pragya look at him...abi said don't cry.....else ur looks bad in marriage album...Pragya stared at him....abi said I know that I am rockstar...I always look good...Pragya decides to make fun in abi face...

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