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Six Months Later...

After one and a half years of being abandoned, the city of Manhattan was barely recognizable. The area surrounding it was even worse as nature returned to the land. Vines covered everything while wildflowers bloomed in the trees and bushes. Birds sang and bees buzzed. Despite all of the destruction that happened in the past, the place was beautiful and perfect.

Perfect for killing.

Sitting high up in a tree, Chloe's green eyes narrowed to slits when she saw her target arrive. He had come, just like she had told him. He trusted her too much. Foolish idiot, he trusted the wrong person. The tabby cat was no longer the apathetic and lazy feline her friends once knew her as. She had become a killing machine in the time since the destruction of the city, aiding Ozone's cause to extinguish the canine race. Of course, that included her friends.

She had to admit, Chloe was not overly fond of the idea of killing her friends at first. But then she remembered everything they had done. Max ruined everything first and as a result Gidget became desperate and Duke unstable. Rooster even turned untrustworthy. Poor Buddy had turned into a monster. And last she heard of them, Daisy and Mel had gone and left to pursue their own ambitions. And this one, her next target, he had bothered her ever since the cat met him. His death was long overdue. Unsheathing her claws, Chloe launched her attack.

"Rhonda? Rhonda, are you here- ahhh!" Pops yelped as something heavy jumped onto his back. There was a loud crack. Then there was a sharp shooting pain. His spine was broken, no doubt, and maybe some ribs. Unable to stand, the old basset hound looked around for his attacker. What he did not expect to see was the beautiful gray tabby he fell in love with. His eyes widening in shock, he rasped, "Rhonda?"

"It's Chloe, you old fool," Chloe hissed, her ears pinned against her head. Creeping closer to her target, she flicked her striped tail as she meowed, "Don't look so surprised Pops, surely you should've realized that I would kill you one day." Trembling, Pops mumbled, "You're gonna kill me?" Sitting down, Chloe answered, "Yes, but first I need information from you. Where is Max?"

"Why do you want to know?" Pops replied with his own question. Slamming her paw down on his leg, breaking it, Chloe stated, "Cuz he is my next target. I've already gotten Duke and the abomination that was once Buddy. I heard Gidget got what she deserved and I won't dare lay a claw on Daisy or Rooster, another cat will get them one day. Mel is probably long gone so I need to get Max first and I know he's close."

"I've already ruined Ball of Fluff's life by getting involved in this mess, I ain't about to ruin Tiny Dog's," Pops bravely remarked, holding his head high. Her ear flicking once, Chloe muttered, "Keeping your big mouth shut for once I see. About time. Fine, I'll find Max without your help." Without any hesitation whatsoever, the gray tabby cat lashed out with her claws, striking hard and fast. Pops didn't even have a chance to react as his throat was sliced. His eyes rolling into the back of his head, the old dog slumped over onto the forest floor and drew his final breath. Watching, Chloe wiped the blood of her paw before stalking away. She had another target to seek out...

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