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Anyone can become evil. Inside each and every one of us lays a small seed of darkness that is rooted to our hearts. I like to think that for most of us, the seed withers and dies inside us. For others, it remains dormant or only grows a few leaves. But there are a select few where that poisonous seed blossoms into a tree ripe with wicked fruit. These people are so full of evil that the twisted tree growing on their hearts can never be cut down.

I consider it a blessing and a miracle to those who manage to live their whole lives without ever encountering such people. But for those of us who have witnessed such horrendous beings in our lifetimes, I like to think we know the signs or what makes a villain, well, a villain.

Obviously, a villain needs a motive for their actions. It could be revenge, it could be desire. A hunger for power, for love, or maybe even attention. A villain will do anything to get what they want too. They'll steal, they'll lie, they'll murder. Like I said, they'll do anything. Plus, almost every villain has a killer theme song but that's a topic for next month.

You see, anyone can become evil. It is an unspoken truth most of us don't want to think about. But it's true. It's only a matter of time before the inner villain slips out through the cracks...

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