Chapter 1

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Driving around NYC makes you want to hurl and go ballistic just to clear the road. Chris have been stuck in traffic for an hour. Good thing he wasn't driving. He's mind drifted back again, from that faithful day. Man, how can he be such a fuckin' dick! Class A fuckin asshole, Chris. You made her beg. In the middle of the night and fuckin' shoved her.

He closed his eyes. Clenched and unclench his hands. Anxiety level rising. He reached out and drank whatever was in front of him. This time, it was white wine. A little lighter then yesterday's bourbon. 

It's been a month now and still haven't seen her. Scott was delegated to phone call research and he's doing all the leg work. He wouldn't have much time. Just 5 months more and he'll be called to go and shoot the last phase of the Avenger's. He got a tip though, from a crew that they had worked with before. 

Said he saw her on one of the music lounges in Williamsburg called Sidewalk Cafe. Man, he doesn't even know she sings!

What's up with you, Mace? Chris thought. You've been gone but still I can't stop thinking about you. Not even when I was so mad at you. So, so wrongly mad.


Oh I don't wanna leave you
Baby it tears me up inside
But I'll never be the one you're needing
I love you, goodbye

Baby, its never gonna work out
I love you, goodbye....

Chris stares at Mace across the room full of people. Dumbfounded. She could really sing. 

Well, what the fuck Christopher. All you did was just basically flirt with her and use her. That's why what you know about her was as limited as your brain function. Awesome. Pat on the fuckin' back, Evans.

"Thank you everyone. What a lovely crowd!" Mace said on her mic. She stood up and raised her hand to point at the good-looking man beside her. "Thank you, as always, Ryan." The crowd loves them, judging from the applause they were given.

Chris stood up and went outside of the over-crowded bar. Called Scott.

"I found her." Chris said as soon as Scott picked up the phone. 

"So did you talked to her?" Scott, curious how it'll be, meeting Mace again after that awful past they had. Wished he was with his brother.

Chris didn't answer. 

"Oh geez! dude! Chris you're in your fuckin car aren't you?!"

"I can't talk to her. What am I gonna say, Scott? Sorry Mace, I fucked up? Now can we kiss and make up?!"

"You're scared of her?! you fuckin' meatball! You messed her up and now you cant man up?!"

Chris winced. They had this conversation before. Doesn't lessen the pain he feels though. 

"Scott, listen. Come over here and talk to her. Just....Just warn her that I know. I don't want to OVERLY surprise her." He stated.

Scott snorted. Chris can imagine his brother rolling his eyes in frustration. 

"When you say surprise, what you really mean is she doesn't freak out and kick you're ass out of the bar?" 

"Yes!" Chris shouted on the phone.

"I can't now. You know I'll come and rescue your ass but I'm working. I'll drop by there later." 

"Fuck it. I'll handle it." Chris threw his phone on the passenger seat. Swallowed hard. Gazed at himself in the rear view mirror and went out. He can feel his armpits sweating.

He walked in the bar. Again. Someone else is performing. The guy who was playing the guitar with Mace earlier.

He went to the bar first. The bartender, a female, smiled at him sweetly. He smiled back and signaled for a shot of tequila. 

"So, what else can I do for you?" She flirted.

It's now or never, Evans. Chris told himself.

"Actually, there's this girl. The one who just sang with that guy playing the guitar," He pointed at the guy on stage. "a few minutes back. Do you know where I can find her?"

"You just broke my heart, you know." She shook her head and pointed at the door to her side. "No visitors allowed though. Performers lounge."

Chris subtly gave her a big tip. Smiled that gorgeous smile of his and said, "Can you let this one slip?"

She rolled her eyes, smiled and shrugged. 

Now, the hard part. Chris walked towards the door just as the guy, Ryan, if he remembered correctly was just finishing up his set on stage.

He heard Mace's unmistakable laughter inside the room, his stomach clenched. Feels like he's gonna vomit. He knocked loudly to be heard and a girl, about Mace's age, opened the door. 

She instantly recognized him. This is New York. What does he expect?! She seems so shock she just stared at him. 

"You're...whose that?!...Steve!" She squealed. 

Mace frowned.  Lucy know's someone named Steve. Maybe one of her gazillion exes? Though curious, Mace sat back on the corner of the couch and tried to get ready for her last song of the night.

"Mace?" She heard Lucy say. She looked up. Stare at her friend. 

I don't know anybody named Steve. Mace thought, frowning.

"Yes?" Mace stood up and went over to the door. Wondering, trying to remember if she knew someone named Steve.

She froze when she got to the door.

Chris swallowed hard. Mace changed a bit, physically. She's thinner now. Hair longer. She's as beautiful as he remembered her to be. 

Lucy looked at her, in awe. "Mace! Chris Evans is looking for you! I didn't know you knew each other!"

"We don't. I don't know him. You must be looking for someone else." Mace, felt hot and cold at the same time, stepped in front of the door and proceeded to shut the door to Chris' face.

Chris let her. He deserves it. 

Hands in his pocket, he stared dumbly at the closed door. Pondering if this is their future and on what to do next, when someone tap his shoulder.

"Hey man," The man behind him said, "is there something I can do for you? Looking for someone?"

Chris looked over his shoulder, "Hey. I was just...I would like to talk to Mace."

He tried again. Telling himself to be persistent. No matter what.

The man smiled, looking confused. "Of course. They might not have heard you in there. Let me..." 

He went in the lounge. "Mace, someones looking for..." 

Chris heard him spoke then got cut off.

Then the guy poked his head from the room, looked at him, "Sorry but she said she doesn't know you."

Chris gritted his teeth. Just then a short, stumpy guy went to him, pushed him out of the way and rudely announced, "Hey! What the fuck are you doing here? Performers only! Couldn't you read?" 

Then he looked up and immediately recognized Chris. His attitude made a complete 360.

"Oh man! Chris Evans right? My daughter loves you! Sorry for doing that! I'm Ben, I own this place." He extended chubby his hands. 

Chris took it and smiled warmly at him. Saw an opportunity. "Great to meet you, Ben. Sorry about trying to get in. I was looking for one of your artist? Mace?"

"Oh Mace! Sure! Sure! Yeah! Hold on let me get her for you." Ben opened the door and shouted, "Mace! Come here!!!" He sounded so excited.

Mace went out. Looking pissed. Pursed lips. Flushed face. She leaned on the doors entrance and crossed her arms.

"I don't know him, Ben." Mace said, impassive. Looking at Chris.

"Well, what better way to get to know each other then? What do you mean you don't know him? You read comics all the time!" Ben declared.

Mace pursed her lips, again. A sign she's being more and more irritated. Chris noticed the familiar habit.

"Do you mind if we take a photo for my daughter?" Ben asked Chris.

"Yes, sure." Chris smiled pleasantly.

Ben handed Mace the camera. Mace looked furious but took the photo for Ben. Then started to get back inside. 

"Mace wait..." Chris grabbed her gently on her elbow.

Not wanting to create a scene in front of her employer. Mace turned around and subtly slapped Chris' hand on her arm.

Ben, oblivious, announced that he's going to leave both of them while he sends the photo to his daughter.

She just stood there. Angrily stared at him. Not saying anything. 

"I...I've been..." Chris began, "I was....What I mean...I saw you..." 

Mace rolled her eyes and turned, intending to leave him there. Again. Chris hates how stupid he sounded. Stuttering like a fool but tried to hold her arm once again to keep her from going back in. This time, Mace slapped his hand hard and pushed him on his chest.

"Fuck you!" She hissed at him and then went inside. Slammed the door on his face.

Chris looking defeated, went back to the bar. The bartender immediately gave him another shot of tequila.

"Seems like you needed it after that show over there." 

Chris didn't speak just swallowed the tequila straight. 

"Never saw Mace act like that, though. She's usually very nice and quiet. You must have fucked up bad."

Chris looked back at the door. "Do you know where she lives?"

The bartender shook her head, "Sorry. Your gorgeous, but its obvious that she doesn't want you near her. So, no. I don't."

Chris smiled sadly at her. "Totally understand it. Thank you." He nodded at her then started to walk out of the bar.

"Hey!" The bartender shouted after him, " Didn't say you can't ask Ben. He seems to adore you."

Chris brightened up and smiled. 

"Forever grateful!" He shouted at her.

"You better bring one of your hot co-stars with you then!" She laughingly shouted back at him.

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