Chapter 15

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Mace was exhausted. The talk with Chris in the morning, Kinai and then the interview. She guessed, Chris was too cause he was pretty quiet when he drove her over at the Sidewalk.
She would like to think that everything is sinking in with him. That really its finally closed. Nothing else left to do but go their separate ways.

That hurts still for Mace, admitting that it is finished or knowing that it's not going anywhere. But really, she doesn't have anything to offer Chris except that....yes...she loves him, even before. That feeling never really changed. She knew that it wouldn't be enough for him. He deserves more and she...she deserves a quiet life, away from publicist, gossips, and people who would try everything to ruin them.

There's no fairytale ending. And wishes doesnt come true. Or maybe it does for other people, not to someone like her.

After finishing up work at the bar, she went out into the cold air that is so quintessential New York. Ryan followed her.
"Want me to drop you off?" He stood beside her. Holding his guitar, adjusting his coat.

Mace smiled, "Thanks, Ryan. Will take the cab."

Ryan looked at her. "You look tired. Come on, Mace."

Mace shrugged. They walked over to the warmth of Ryan's car.

They drove in silence for a while.

"We havent carpooled in a loooong time." She commented.

Ryan looked at her and smirked. "Well, you were busy."

Mace rolled her eyes. "Come on, Ryan."

He chuckled. "I guess Chris was the douche we were referring to when I first met you?"

Ryan knew. He knew because he was with her when she was at the Sidewalk Cafe looking for a job. He was the one who talked to Ben, his father, when she was rejected that first time. He was the one who literally helped her get started in New York. And she'll be forever grateful.

"I know it might looked really stupid but I wanted him to realise it for himself how doomed this thing is and for him to have a closure. I don't want to be the one responsible whenever he goes to his psychiatrist, you know. Besides, I know he's really sorry so he's just trying to be sure everything's ok before he goes save the world again."

Ryan find that hard to believe. That Chris Evans is doing this all to rid of his conscience, knocking on his asshole head. Man to man, he knows Chris is still into her. In love? that one he's still reserving. But he'll be damned if he let that man hurt Mace again. Not if he can help it. But for the last week of their bet, he'll let Mace handle it.
"Well you know I'm here for you. So..."

She smiled at him, "Thanks. Will let you know when I need to dump his body."

Ryan threw his head back and laughed. "I know a perfect place."


Mace was about to sleep when a knock on her door made her jump. Her apartment is far from safe so a knock at 12 midnight is very alarming, to say the least.

She paused before opening, trying to remember where she put her baseball bat.

"Mace open up its me."

Its Chris.

She opened it. "What the hell? its 12 Chris!"

He looked pissed.

"I told you I'll pick you up."

He did.

"But I said you don't need to."

She did. Chris Thought.

Chris invited himself in since Mace was just standing there, gaping at him. He's pissed cause he learned from Lauren that Ryan and Mace left together. He took off his leather jacket and threw it at the chair, crashed on Mace's couch.

"I have no idea what to say. You're here at 12, you looked pissed and now you look like your going to sleep on my couch." Mace was tired and totally confused.

Chris closed his eyes. "Lets talk tomorrow, I'm exhausted."

Mace looked puzzled and irritated. She took the pillow near her and threw it at his face and climbed up in bed.

"Real mature." His voice muffled.

She clamped her mouth shut and tried to sleep.

Around 2am-ish, Mace felt Chris climbed up her bed and hugged her, from behind. His hands are cold. She felt bad for not giving him any blanket so she sat up and adjusted hers for him.


Mace readied some toast and coffee for them. Chris woke up at the smell of coffee, saw Mace watching TV quietly and munching on her toast. Chris went inside the bathroom first then went out to get coffee for himself, sat beside her.

"What's up with you last night?" Mace immediately asked him the moment he sat down.

I think I got jealous. Chris mused. And I don't think I'm ready to say it out loud.

She studied the play of emotions on Chris' face. His beard is starting to grow again and they haven't even taken the video for Ellie, still.

"So, you mentioned trail hike yesterday morning? Whats the plan?" He evaded her question. Thats that, Mace concluded, knowing how stubborn he can get.

"Yeah. A hike. You wanna come?"

"Sure. When will it be?" He asked, sipping his coffee.

"Saturday next week."

Chris nodded, "OK, then."

"I have to go to work, Chris. I'll leave at 9am."

Chris nodded again. He hates where they're at right now. The unknown. Should he ask her where she'll be? Should he wait for her text? God, he sounded so fuckin needy and he hates it.
"Moms coming later tonight. Will be picking her up."

Mace smiled, opted not to say anything cause what will she say, really? She went to get ready instead.

Inside the bathroom she looked at herself. "What are you doing, Mace?"
She wanted for the last week to end fast cause she doesn't think she can take it anymore. What the fuck are they doing?! Playing couple?

She went out and Chris looks ready to go. Ready to go. Well...that sounded so final even in her head.

"Bye, Mace." Chris said sadly, walking out the door.

Mace waved at him, she hopes, not too cheerfully.

"That's way too happy a wave." Chris commented drily, leaning on the door jamb.

Mace smiled at him sheepishly.

Chris took a deep breath and waved at her without saying anything. Closed the door behind him.

Mace swallowed back the tears and blinked like a hundred times.


Chris was not in a cheerful mood the whole day. A cloud named Mace hangs over him. After the talk, he feels like she's going to just let it hang like that. Her stubbornness is just...Chris took a deep breath.

"That bad huh?" Scott studies his brother.

"Yeah." He replied shortly.

"I wonder what mom will say?"



Chris saw his mom at the airport, went down from his SUV and hugged her.

"So how are you two?" Lisa asked her two boys.

The two brothers proceeded to update her on mundane things. Usual Evans talk and the issue about Mace.

"Will she be coming for dinner?" Lisa was curious to know when they will be introduced properly.

"No, mom. I mean, how will I ask her without freaking her out? I've literally turned off my phone today to keep from texting her. Or calling...after her 'revelations' she was all cordial and cold as ice. I mean, how will I suppose to ask her?" Lisa looks at her eldest son and wondered if he knew he's falling in love. Now, to meet this girl that had her son looking so hurt and confused.

"I have a plan but don't tell Mace I thought about this." Scott was adamant, "Whatever happens YOU did this." Scott pointed at Chris.

"Thanks, Scott. That would really help me up my game a bit." Chris told his brother sarcastically.


Mace haven't received any text or call from Chris since yesterday. I'm happy, she told herself. I mean, he finally gets it. Its finally over. He finally know that this is pointless. The start of the end.

It didn't kept Mace from checking her phone though.

She mentally conk her head. Stop it. Move on.

A year ago, when Chris told her to leave, she looked back over and over again thinking that they were stronger than that issue. But apparently they're so not. So her mantra became the word 'move on.' And little by little she did. Thats her plan now. Knew this will happen so she made sure she'll have a plan.

Loving someone doesn't mean you need to be stupid.

Memories are painful but actually there to keep you hopeful.

Not for that someone to return, but for you to keep that memory and use it to move on.

A memory is better than nothing at all.


Chris was agitated all night. Checking his phone, not paying attention.

"Chris, why don't you just text her and get it over with?" His mom told him.

"I don't want to feel so needy. Might drive her away." Chris reasoned.

Lisa was quiet, which is so not normal for them but she was thinking when will she ever get to meet the ever elusive Mace.  Usually, her boys never had any problems with bringing the girls they like to meet her. Especially Chris. But now, she can definitely see its a very different story.

"Mom just make sure that you calm down tomorrow alright?" Scott reminded her.

Lisa rolled her eyes. "Come on! I taught you boys all that you know!"


It was the day of the kids theaters play. She finished up the editing of the play and was just helping out with the decorations for the last time. Ellie was helping her cut out the stars.
"Are you happy with your grandma?"

"Yes! She lets me play after school at the park for 30 minutes then we go and get ice cream every Tuesdays before going home." Ellie's eyes lights up, very much excited with her new life.

"Awesome! High five!" Mace, feeling very happy for her.

"Where's your friend, Mace? The one that looks like Captain America?" Mace was amused. Didn't know that Ellie could figure that one out. Chris is right. Kids are very much smarter at recognizing them.

"He's back home." She answered, pinching Ellie's nose.

"Where's does he live, Mace?"

"In a big palace." Mace joked, pinching Ellie's cheek. Making a game out of her questions.

Her eyes grew big. "He got a palace?!"

Mace chuckled but didn't answer her, this time. It's exactly 27 hours and 15 minutes since she and Chris last talked or have seen each other. She can feel the familiar ache of emptiness and pushed the feeling away with the smell of Ellie's hair and glue. Times with Ellie gives Mace the "what ifs." Makes her daydream.

A lady suddenly appeared, walking tentatively in the middle of the theater.

"Hi!" Mace waved. "May I help you?"

"Hello! I'm looking for Suzanne? I was told that she's gonna be here?"

"Oh, she left for lunch but will be back an hour from now."

"I see. Can I stay here and wait for her?" The lady asked, she looks very nice.

"Sure. Sure. My names Mace."

"Hi Mace! Great to meet yah. My names Lisa." She have a Boston accent. Not too apparent, but it's there.

"Great to meet you, Lisa! Ellie, say Hi!"

Ellie waved her hand. "I am an angel later!"

"Wow! Thats great, love! Mind if I join you?" She asked the both of them.

"Uh sure, is it ok if we continue it on the floor?" Mace asked Lisa, gesturing towards their mess on the stage floor.

"Of course."

They sat indian style on the stage, cutting out stars, moons and flowers.

"Why aren't you two having lunch?" Lisa curiously looked around at an empty theater.

"Me and Mace always eats lunch here. We have sammiches!" Ellie told her enthusiastically.

"Wow! What kind of sandwich?"

"Mace made me grilled cheese!"

"I bet thats your fave, right Ellie?" Lisa, though conversing with Ellie, is also getting a feel of Mace's reactions. Little nuances.

After a long talk, Ellie decided to paste the flowers randomly on the stage wall with Mace giving her instructions on which places she can paste the paper flowers, stars and moons.

"How long have you been here, Mace?" Mace looked at Lisa, noticed how pretty her eyes are.

"Kids theater? 8 months, give or take. A friend referred this place to me when I was looking for something else to do with my free time so..."

"So you do theater?" Lisa was busily cutting moons and stars like a pro.

"Nope." Mace laughed, "I suck at theater. I can't act to save my life. I just help out on the decorations. How about you, Lisa?"

"I've been into theaters for a long, long time now. Its my passion." Lisa smiled, remembering the theater back in Boston.

Mace smiled too and continued cutting.

"I thought Ellie was your daughter." Lisa said suddenly.

Mace smiled sadly and shook her head, not looking at Lisa but instead cutting the paper flower perfectly.
"No. I don't think I'll have the chance to have one yet."

"Oh Why not? No boyfriend? Sorry I'm being too nosy!" Mace looked at the beautiful lady in front of her. With eyes that looks so stunning. Kinda looks like Chris'. Geez, I'm losing it. Seeing Chris everywhere.

"Its ok. Dont worry about it and nope no boyfriend. Free as a bird." Mace gave her a playful wink.

"You're too pretty to not be married or not have a boyfriend." Lisa commented earnestly.

"I'm sure your being nice. But thanks. Don't think I'm the marrying kind."

"Honey, there's no such thing. Actually there is," Lisa threw her head back and laughed, "but humor me while I wait for Suzanne."

Mace laughed at how candid she is and answered, "I think I've missed it. The one I was stupidly rooting for is really not for me. Think the school jock and the school nerd. Thats the scenario. It's never a fairytale ending." Mace smiled and shrugged. "So no marriage for me. At least, for now. How about you Lisa? Any kids?"

"I have four actually and my husband is a great man." She looked at Mace pointedly.

Mace nodded and smiled. "That's great to know."

"You're parents, are they still together Mace?"

"My dad died a year ago. My mom left me when I was 11. She married my dad really young and well..." Mace shrugged again, not knowing what to say but feeling really comfortable with the lady in front of her.

"I can never imagine leaving my kids. That must have been horrible for you." Lisa shook her head.

Mace smiled at her but said nothing about it and commented instead, "Your house must have been a riot having four kids."

"Oh it was. Still is whenever they get a chance to be at home." Lisa rolled her eyes, chuckling.

Just then Suzanne arrived, spotted Lisa. "Hi Lisa! Didn't know you were here! Oh what are you doing sitting on the floor!"

"Its ok Suzanne!" Lisa stood up and shook her hands.

"Sorry about that." Mace apologized and wondered how important she was seeing Suzanne looking so concerned.

"Its ok, Mace." Lisa waved her off. "No big deal."

"Lets go in the office. Do you want anything? Coffee?" Suzanne walked her into the office.

Mace sat back down, feeling self conscious. She didn't know that was apparently someone important. man! I asked her to sit on the floor! Geez! she face palmed herself.

After an hour, Lisa came out just when Mace, Ellie, and the other kids were hanging the stars on stage. Lisa walked up to a kneeling Mace, touched her on her shoulder. Mace stood up, a bit awkwardly and brushed her knees and her palm.
"Sorry, dirty hands." She explained when Lisa took it. Grasp it warmly.

"It was great talking to you, Mace. Your every bit the young lady that my boys keeps telling me about." Lisa slipped.

Mace frowned, "Excuse me?"

"Oh sorry!" Lisa tried to recover herself, "I thought you knew I was coming!

Mace looked puzzled.

"I'm Lisa Evans. Chris and Scotts mom."

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