Chapter 7

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"So Mace, whose Ryan to you?" Chris asked while they walk towards his car.

"This is getting to be annoying and a inappropriate question, don't you think?" Mace stated mildly. "First, you have absolutely no right to know cause we don't do that anymore. Second, is it wrong for a friend to react for his friend? Ryan's like a big brother to me so shut it. It's the second time this day that you've asked me that question, in case you failed to notice."

"He sure doesn't look at you like a big brother." He muttered.

"I heard that. Why do you care? It's not as if he's doing anything to you. Just don't get annoyed when he gives you comments. You know that already. You're used to it too." She smirked at him.

Chris shut his mouth. He knows there's no winning this conversation.

"Where are we going?" Mace asked after a while.

"Let's go to the pet shop, get some crate. Dog food...." Chris maneuvered his car to the parking lot.

"Thank you by the way." Mace told him, earnestly.

"Why thank me? I'm exploiting the fucking situation, aren't I?" He said sarcastically.

Mace rolled her eyes and cuddled the humongous husky in front of her.

"This is one of the reasons why I need to save up." She accidentally confessed.

"To have a dog?" Chris asked looking at her.

"To have a yard. I don't want to be here in New York forever. I wanted a place with a big lawn so that I can have a place for this kind of a fella." She stroked the dogs fur. "Whats his name?"

"Kinai." Chris answered, reaching out to ruffle the dogs coat, too.
"Come by Sudbury sometimes."

Chris was surprised he said that. He know he wanted her to go there but he doesn't want to invite her this way.

Mace laughed out the awkwardness.100% sure he was kidding. She had a stupid, hopeful feeling though and mentally slapped herself for even assuming that, that was really an invite.

Chris didnt repeat it. She obviously doesnt want to, he concluded. She just laughed it off.

Like a joke.


"Hi! What can I do for you lovely couple today?" Perky saleslady in her 40's greeted the two of them.

" were not...." Mace began to clarify but Chris cut her off by putting his arm on her shoulder. Very much like a couple would.

"Do you have a cage for him?" He asked the lady.

"What a handsome looking husky! Yes we do of course." The lady went ahead of them and Mace elbowed Chris.

"Ow! Mace!" He nursed his side, looking pained.

Mace frowned up at him. "Stop doing that! Misleading people for fun."

"Who says its for fun?"

"Oh come on! Everything with you is for fun."

Chris raised his hand, intending to explain himself when....

"Betty here will assist you. Just tell her whatever you need." The lady introduced them to a younger blonde girl.

Betty immediately zeroed in on Chris, of course. The pretty blonde stepped in front of Mace and cheerfully said, "Hi! Yes, may I help you?" To Chris.

Mace looked amused and slowly went and left him there.
"Do you have a cage for a dog as big as him?" She heard him asked Betty.

"Come boy." Mace and Kinai decided to check the store on their own.

They saw the cages and tested it if he fits. The dog was so excited by all the treats that he was making a riot on the floor.

Chris, on the other hand, was currently preoccupied with the dog food. Betty, waiting patiently by his side.

"I think this will fit." Mace announced but Betty merely glanced at her.

Nope. Mace thought. I'm invisible.

Chris suddenly sauntered towards her, crouched in front of the cage. "Did you let him in?"


"How about dog food and food bowl?" Betty followed and asked Chris.

Mace smiled knowingly at Chris. Enjoying the show.

"Babe," Chris suddenly held Mace's hand and smiled sweetly, "Why don't you come with me and Betty here?"

"Babe?" Mace repeated, both amused and annoyed.

"Yes?" Chris, acting so besotted.

"You're unbelievable, you know that?!" Mace hissed at him, snatching her hand.

Chris grinned and winked at her.

Betty went sour from there but kept her cheery smile whenever Chris ask or inquire about this and that.

On the counter, Mace took out her money but Chris handed out his card instead. Not wanting to create a scene, Mace kept her mouth shut until they were inside his car.

"Chris, next time dont do that. I can pay for myself. I can pay for Kinai."

Chris shrugged and explained, "Kinai is not your responsibility. I was the one who said yes into fostering him for 3 days. I actually am just grateful that you'll be helping me out."

Mace opened her mouth to disagree but Chris put his hand over her mouth.

"Let's not bicker over this, Mace. Ok?"

Mace nodded, frowning.

"Can we go to my place?" Mace asked the moment he removed his hand. "I need to get a few of my stuff. Is that ok?"

"Yep. I'm heading there, babe." Chris joked, pulling out of the parking lot.

"Really? Babe?" Mace laughed. "You should've at least humored Betty. I would've if I were you."

"You don't want them to get the wrong idea." He said simply.

"But you did! You pretended that we were a couple when were far from that." Mace stated, humor in her voice.

"Far from that is taking it too much. We were that. No matter how much you want to forget." Chris said seriously.

Mace was quiet. Not knowing what to say. He's right of course.

"Sorry for being a buzzkill." Chris told Mace, smiling sadly.

Mace just shrugged and smiled back at him, got in her apartment and took a few of her clothes then off they go.


Mace and Chris found a great place for Kinai to get settled in. Chris got a really huge patio, a safe one that Kinai can run around a bit and not cause any huge damages to his apartment. Mace sat at the patio floor, playing with Kinai when his doorbell rang. Chris went and answer it.

Then someone sneaked up on Mace and covered her eyes.
She tried to guess who was behind her by touching the hand and reaching for the face.

Well, that was hopeless.

" smell good! With really soft hands! Scott!" She guessed.

Scott removed his hand and hugged Mace. He is, by far, her favorite person in this room. Scott kinda reminds Mace of Luke.

Chris was a bit jealous, for the second time today.

Damn you, Mace. Chris thought as he looked at Scott and Mace getting all excited. Envious that she's so enthusiastic about meeting everyone but gets irritated when its him.

"How have you been? Has he been harassing you?" Scott pointed at Chris.

Chris threw up his hands and frowned at Scott.

Mace didn't answer but asked a question instead.
"Will you be staying here? Haven't seen you since you visited me at the bar."

"Nope," Scott shook his head, "wont be staying but I'll be coming with you to the bar tonight. What about you Chris? Whats your plan?"

Chris went to check his phone. "I actually have a meeting with my publicist later."

Mace turned and busied herself with Kinai. She hates publicist. Still remember that call she had just before she lost her baby, yes hers. Nobody else.

The publicist tracked her phone down and informed her that if she tries to sell lies or information to the public or ruin Chris in any way, they wouldn't rest until she pay millions to Chris for defamation. In short, a lawsuit is waiting with your name on it, Mace thought then.

Scott sat down beside Mace on the patio while Chris was out of earshot.

"So how are you Macey?" Scott teased. Calling her by her nickname.

He knew about her pregnancy. They met while she was in Oregon. Mace got a feeling that it wasnt an accident but she trust him that though his full loyalty is with his brother, that pregnancy was never mentioned to him. Besides, as far as he's concerned she never told him who the baby daddy was.

"Ok. You?" Mace answered shortly.

"Thats it? Ok?"

"Well, what do you want me to say? That I've got two weeks then we might not see each other for a long while? I think you know that already." Mace told him.

"Is that what you think will happen?" Scott studied her.

"I think, base on your brother's history, its not gonna have a happy ending. This is a waste of his time." Mace gave Scott what's on her mind. Knowing she's not gonna be judged.

"I just want to give what he wants," Mace continued. "so that he'll feel at peace about himself then finally close this fuckin book."

"Its not a book, hon. Its a damn porn magazine between the both of you." Scott said drily.

Mace threw her head and laughed.

"I wish you'll stay, Scott! You have work?" Mace asked sobering up.

"Yep! Bizzy as a bee. I love your sets at the bar. Holy crap! We should've set up a band! Wait! We can! Lets do that!" Scott, getting excited.

Mace nodded, playing along, "That would be great!Lets ask Ben!"

Chris appeared just then.
"Mace, I'm gonna drop you off? What time do you need to be there?"

Mace looked up at Chris. "Nope. I'm good. No need to drop me off anywhere."

"We'll ride the cab together." Scott piped in.

Chris wanted to drop Mace off. No matter how impractical that is. He doesn't care.
"No im going your way. I'll drop you off."

"No, you're not." Mace and Scott said in unison.

"Why the hell not?" Chris looks annoyed, Mace noticed.

"Cause its out of your way." Mace answered him, puzzled why he's insisting.

"No, its not." Chris retorted stubbornly.

Scott shrugged, relenting. "I wouldn't push my case."

Mace got annoyed, "Thats the problem. He's so used to being the boss."

Chris felt insulted, "Are you calling me bossy? I was trying to be the caring..." He trailed off.

Scott looked at Chris, amused.

"What?!" Mace asked, a little pissed. Totally oblivious to Chris' blunder.

Chris threw up his hands in frustration then his phone rang. He went inside to take the call.

Mace look at Scott. "Honestly, I can never get him."

Scott took a deep breath and grinned at Mace, "He might have missed you and this "drop off" thing is his way to be with you. But thats just me."

Mace rolled her eyes and shook her head. Totally not believing that.

Mace stood up and went to Chris who was now at the fridge drinking an orange juice.

"You don't need to drop us off. Were gonna take a cab. Its out of your way and its stupid if you go around, stuck in traffic cause you decided you wanted to babysit." She said in a reasonable tone, arms folded in front of her.

Chris wanted to kiss her then but stopped himself.

"Who says anything about babysitting? Fine. Go take a cab. Geez Mace. " He shot at her, annoyed.


So they did.

Scott and Mace were waiting for a cab in front of Chris' apartment.
Scott turned to her and asked, "Whats up with your insistent public demand to take a cab?"

Mace shrugged. "We've been together since we had that stupid deal that he won. I dont want to make him feel obligated just cause..."

"I dont think he's obligated." Scott said, "And dont get me wrong I'm not siding with him. God knows I'm not. Its just that, dont you think he really, actually, might like to just hang out with you as much as he can?"

"I find that hard to believe." Mace simply replied.

Scott shrugged and gave up. "Just dont go breaking his heart, Mace."

She looked at Scott, amused. "I couldn't if I tried."

They both laughed.

"Oh and by the way, mom's coming."

Mace smiled. "The Evans' are taking over New York!"

"Come and meet her." Scott told her.

Mace smiled politely, shook her head.

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