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The Episode starts in somebody who put a banana peel on the floor. bulbul didn't see it. Suddenly she kept her leg on a banana peel. Someone grabbed her hand before she hit the ground. One strong handheld bulbul in his arms.she look at him. That is Purab. Both are eye lock. they come back to their sense. bulbul stood up from his hold.she says thank you☺️.purab said "it's ok".again Purab tried to say something. but she left without listening to his words.purab thinks in his mind "what a strange girl!!!. all girls fall in love with me. but she didn't give attention to me. I feel some connection towards her".Suddenly someone called Purab. he turned to look at the person.purab said "hey Akash how are you man?".akash said "fine bro".akash asked, "where is that idiot".Purab said "he never came with us. He told he has some important meeting. he will join us at the reception party".At Pragya home, the two are hugging each other and sleeping in Pragya bed. Pragya looks at abi.she thought,abi looks cute.pragya move towards him. she kissed his cheeks. suddenly abi hugged her tightly.he cuddled, he came top over Pragya in her bed.pragya said "hey idiot when did you wake up".abi said "just now baby. actually, your morning kisses make me stimulation to do more romance".abi tried to kiss her. But she stopped him.abi look at her.abi says "I am not ready to leave you my dil".abi wrapped his hand around on her shoulder.actually he started to do his romance.pragya said "please my pyaar I already lied to my family. now someone sees us in our home. they would tell my mom.what will we do after that".abi said "meri dil just chill nothing will happen. I will convince your, don't worry😉".after abi get up from the bed. Pragya gave morning coffee to abi.he had it? after he goes towards the back door. he thought to leave from Pragya home. suddenly he stopped. he turned to look at her.he said "I will wait for you to come soon".pragya said "ok baby. she gave a flying kiss".he smiled and left. In Delhi, marriage was completed successfully. after abi family members and Pragya, family members came to the dining hall. they started to have morning breakfast. they finished it after they met newlywed couples. they blessed the bride and groom.after they took photos. bulbul spend some time with her cousin.she felt like someone ogling at her. she turned and look at the person. That is none other than Purab.purab smile at her. bulbul changed her direction. actually, Purab always ogling at her. she behaved like she doesn't care for him. In big, Pragya packed her bags.she leave from the home. here abi also packed his things. He reached the same hotel where they spend some time. they two met in the same hotel room. they kept their bag in that room. after they spend some quality time. now the time is 3 PM. actually, both families booked the same flight but the different seats. but abishek used his power. he exchanged her seat nearby him. now both reached the airport. now the time is 4 PM. The officer announced regarding Delhi flight. they got the flight.abigya are sitting together. Pragya holds abi hand very tightly. Actually, this is her first time. she is going to Delhi on the flight. when the flight takes off, she is scared. a look at her. he asked what happened.pragya hugged him very tightly.she said I am
scared. she feels safe in his arm. After flight started, some of his fans noticed him.they come and requested him.they want selfie from him.they asked him. He nodded.suddenly his fan noticed Pragya. Pragya behaved like innocent.she said "sorry".pragya feels embarrassed. after abi take a selfie with his fan.when abi take a selfie with his fan.pragya is continuously ogling at abi.after he went to his seat. abi softly asked her "why are you ogling at me".pragya whispered "because my hero is looking very hot😉I can't control myself".abishek smiled. they spend some time on the flight. after they reached delhi.pragya said "hereafter we can't talk anymore. I feel really sad".abi said "don't worry jaan.we can meet in secret😉".pragya smiled. abigya looks at each other their eyes. both can't control themself. Pragya kissed his cheeks.she said "I love you. Abi looks stunned.he didn't expect a sudden kiss from her.

In the hotel, Sarala asked bulbul. Pragya got a flight. when will she reach here.bulbul said 7 pm maa.sarala said "I am restless. This is the first time she came alone in the flight". Bulbul said "don't worry maa. I already booked a cab for her.she will reach here soon".abi said "I can't live without you".pragya Said, "me too😘🥰😍".both came out of the airport. Pragya cancelled a bulbul arranged cab. actually, Abi is not ready to leave her alone.that's y she cancelled her cab.after abigya is sitting in the same car.they reached their hotel. both look at each other eyes.she said "bye😨😓!".she hugged him.she get down from his car.she wait for bulbul.after bulbul came there to pick up her. Pragya look at bulbul.she hugged bulbul. both went to their room. raj come to pick up abi.abi  came out.raj&abi,prabul are reached near lift.abi look at Pragya.ran pressed his floor number.he knew it. Both are on the same floor number.abigya are looking at each other eyes. after they didn't expect, they are staying in the same floor.pragya feel very happy. Sarala and her family welcomed pragya..abi dadi and his family welcomed abi. A few minutes later, they get ready for the reception. Pragya wore her white with blue saree. abi wear a white shirt and blue coat.actually they are looking like bride and groom.bulbul wore dark blue with golden saree.both are looking gorgeous. Abi family reached the venue earlier. later Pragya family reached reception mahal. actually, abi is waiting for Pragya arrival. suddenly air blows in his face. abi look at reception entrance..he is totally mesmerized by his love beauty. all the boys are looking at Pragya and bulbul. actually, Abi is Pragya cousin.pragya& bulbul(prabul) has 3cousin.bulbul said to Pragya, "our cousin looks very hot".pragya asked  "whom about you talking now".she shows towards abi. Pragya turned to look at the person.she saw abi.both are eye lock(background plays sayonara saiyara). They both secretly gestures. abi gesture her "you look gorgeous". Pragya replied, "gesture says u too baby😘😉".Screen shift to bulbul, Purab asked who is your cousin to bulbul.bulbul turned. she looks at purab.she is shocked. she didn't give an answer for his words.she went to near her maa.she secretly look at him.purab gesture are very pretty. bulbul feel restless.bulbul turned her face from him.purab think in her mind," she is showing her attitude towards me. but I like her.she is really pretty".pragya and bulbul are sitting along with her mom.suddenly one girl entered to talk to abi.pragya noticed that. she can't see abi with some other girl.but she understands she is her cousin.

screen shift to abi and that girl, that girl's face shows that is tanu.pragya is looking at abi.abi dadi noticed Pragya reactions towards abi.they took selfie.they took family photos. suddenly dadi started to speak in mike. abi didn't expect these words from dadi.dadi said I congrats bride and groom to exist 100years.bride and groom said thank you dadi. actually, I thought to conduct some games here. the whole crowd encouraged her.she said "we will play some game here. this game is only for youngsters.all the youngsters must participate in this game".she looks at Sarala.she sarcastically said "Whoever is afraid of this game.they should not participate in this game".sarala angrily look at dadi.abigya noticed them. Sarala asked their kids to play this game. all the youngsters started to play this game.prabul also played that game. whose name comes in that seat.they should take one seat from another bowl.what mentioned in that seat. they want to do that action. they nodded. now Abhishek played that game.dadi said "wait abi I will take for you".abi smiled.he said "ok problem. take one".abi always obey dadi words.dadi took a seat. she read will propose one girl from this wedding mahal. Pragya is shocked. Pragya doesn't like it.abi will propose some other girl in front of her. Pragya gesture abi.don't do this.dadi said I will choose a girl for you.don't worry. dadi choose tanu.abigya are shocked.tanu is very happy. actually, tanu already has some feeling on abi.he has no option. He obeys his dadi words.abi proposed her with hesitation.tanu said "I love you too abi".pragya angrily look at abi.pragya scolded abi in her mind.she thought to take revenge. after abi proposed Tanu. Pragya didn't see abi.she look at all the handsome boys in the wedding mahal. abi texted her. she didn't give a reply to his text. whenever abi look at her.she is looking at other increases his jealousy. He can't see his Pragya ogling at some other boys in front of him.he signalled  Pragya. she knew it. he is trying to get her attention.pragya behaved like to him it was kind of unknown.

Rabul dance performance. purvi feels jealousy to see them together. Pragya slapped abi.they two were fighting with each other.abi bit Pragya arm.pragya screamed in pain.

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