Liplock Vs Evil Plan

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The Episode starts in purab holds bulbul in his arms and alia firmly holds arjun shoulder.alia leans on arjun shoulder.arjun smiles.abi says," Yes! I love you my jaan".pragya asked," how much you loves me".abi said," don't know but I love you a lot".pragya asked," suniyil, I want lip lock".abi is shocked.pragya says ,"give me now".abi says," pragu we are in public.I will give you later".pragya ask," when will you give me this?.I want now.she behaves like stubborn kid".abi look at arjun.he says ,"guys you both go to parking area.I will come".arjun and purab chuckles look at abi condition.alia keeps talking to arjun.arjun says ,"abi come back soon😉. else we can't control them.bulbul ask ,"why are you controlling us?.we have all rights here.why are you restricted us?".purab said," bulbul baby.he is not talking about us.he is talking about his friends.hey na arjun".

arjun is blinking his eyes.he nods his head.bulbul said," oh ok.puru darling".she leans over purab chest.she holds him tightly.abi takes pragya along with him.pragya says," suniyil I can't leg is paining".pragya sat down on the floor.abi asked," pragu...get up! lets we go".pragya says," suniyil I can't leg got hurt.she shows her foot".abi could see her innocent face.he thinks in his mind, she is really cute.he admires her actions.pragya ask,"suniyil,I feel like my head is spinning now.she spins her head".abi smiles seeing her antics.abi said," ok pragu lets we go".pragya says ,"suniyil I want liplock".I saw one couple kissing eachother in that party hall.abi looks on.

screenshift to rabul,alijun.they face a lot of trouble.After they reached car parking area.alia,bulbul never leaves their pair.purab says ,"when will he come?".arjun says," we can wait exit area for them".purab says ,"ok I will start the just call abi and inform him about this".arjun said," ok".he calls abi.abi sees his phone call.arjun said,"we are driving towards exit both come there".abi said ,"ok we'll come".abi ends his call.he turns,pragya smashed her lips on him.abi is shocked.later he responded to her kiss.pragya is fully affected in alcohol. she gets dizziness.pragya lose her control.she fall down on abi arms.abi is shocked.he says,"pragu open your eyes".then only he realized...she affected in she got dizziness.abi touched his lips.he look at pragya.he smiles.he holds her in his arms.After abi is ogling at her.pragya is sleeping like a kid.abi walks towards their path.he sees their friends.after they goes towards abi house.abi said ,"guys today you will stay here".arjun holds alia in his arms.he takes her towards her room.likewise purab holds bulbul.

he goes towards guest room.abigya goes towards their room.abi placed her on their bed.after abi moves towards the couch.suddenly pragya holds his hand.abi turns look at her.she blabbered something...suniyil I love you.abi smiles and says," I love you too my jaan".they dozed off slowly there.

screenshift to alia room.alia is sleeping on the bed.alia holds arjun hand.she is not ready to leave his hand.arjun is trying to take his hand.but it vain.after arjun slept sitting position on the floor..screenshift to rabul.bulbul says," puru don't go away from me.I love you purab".purab says ,"I love you so much my bulbul".after purab moves towards the couch.but bulbul holds his hand.she pulled him towards her.purab is trying to move away from her clutch.she hugged him very tightly.purab affected in her touch.after they slept there. next day morning,Pragya wake up from her sleep.pragya tried to recall about last night incident.Next,alia sees arjun.he is sleeping on sitting position. After,bulbul sees purab.purab sleeps near her.she hugged purab.suddenly she gets pain in her head.she screamed," puru puru..puru..".purab is jerked and wake up from his sleep.he asked her,"what happened?why are you screaming?".She looks at him innocently.bulbul says ,"puru my head is paining".purab understood,"why she get pain in her head".purab says ,"wait here.I will come". he went to the kitchen.he prepared buttermilk for bulbul.he takes it after he goes towards guest room.bulbul keep her hand on her forehead.Purab calls her.she look at him.he give butter milk.she drink it.purab ask her,"how do you feel now?".bulbul says," better".purab smiles. she gesture him come towards her.purab went near her.she hugged him very tightly.she kissed his cheeks.purab looks on.after he touches his cheeks.bulbul said ,"you have solution for all my problem".purab blushed.bulbul said," don't blush my darling".

screenshift to abigya. pragya gets flashes of her last night moment spend with abi..she sees abi.abi gives juice to her.pragya pulls abi.abi is stunned seeing her actions.he asked," what happened?".pragya whispers," suniyil yesterday I kissed you".abi does the thought of teasing her.abi said," yeah pragu.yesterday you didn't leave me for a single are making my sleep restless".pragya is shocked.abi chuckles seeing her reactions.pragya sees him.she understands him.she throws pillow towards him.she ask him,"are you playing with me?".abi runs whole around their room.pragya is trying to chase him.dadi sees them.she smiles.screenshift to alia room.arjun comes to alia room.he give butter milk to her.alia drink it.after she feels better. arjun said," ok alia.I am leaving". Bye.alia calls arjun.arjun stopped.he look at her.alia comes near him.she hugged him.arjun also responded to her hug.alia said ,"bye arjun".arjun smiles

Days passed.Rabul,alijun wedding preparation started.They started to do all the arrangements.they finished their shopping.screenshift to the jail.tanu knows about abigya sister wedding.she planned to ruin it.she thought to kill them.she hires someone to kill them.she informs her plan to her mom.that person put it on bomb in mehra mansion.that person calls tanu.he asked about bomb spot address.tanu tells that person after you finished your work.get money from my mom.she shares bomb spot address and her home address.that person says ,"I finished my work.After I will get money from you".tanu said," ok".she ends her call.she smiles evil manner.tanu said no one will save them from that bomb.

Few days later.Finally wedding day arrived.

Abi,arjun,purab,sarala family members are reached wedding mahal.pandit ji started to do the rituals..purab and arjun are sitting in the mandap.they are doing their rituals.abi asked," mitali bhabhi,did you see pragya?.where is she?".mitali says ,"dadi give her some work".she went out. abi calls pragya.but she didn't pick up his calls.abi looks restless. He is worried about pragya.

Pragya sees a mysterious man. She follows him. That person gets a call. When she heard his conversation. She is shocked. Suddenly that person turns hearing some sound. Pragya sees him. He is trying to turn towards her.She is shocked.

Next update is final episode....

What's going to happen?.

Whole family dies or survive?.Whether or not pragya will get caught in tanu trap?. LET'S SEE it's happy ending or sad ending🙂😉


Pet Vibes Only - A hero comes home

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