Real Reason

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The Episode starts in she looks at abi said those words".abi can't understand why she gets angry with him and why she angrily looks at him. Pragya went to her place. She thinks about something in her mind. Suddenly Sheela touched her shoulder. Pragya comes back to her sense. Sheela hugged Pragya. Pragya eyes filled with tears. Pragya said "I'm not doing this. I kept that file here only. I don't know where it went". Sheela consoles Pragya.she said we have to check CCTV footage.we will find any clue there. Pragya said "yeah you are right.we will check it. Pragya wiped her tears". They went to the CCTV camera room. she checked it. she can't get any clue there. actually, that footage was erased. Pragya thinks in his mind, "how could it possible". suddenly someone entered there. that person said actually the camera was repaired yesterday from 4 to 6 pm. Pragya is shocked. Pragya thinks in her mind, "now How do I prove that I am not doing this". Pragya can't understand what to do next. The screen shift to abi room. abi think about Pragya anger. "Why she hates me.why she is hating me this much". abi come to see Pragya in her cabin.but she is missing from her place.abi asked "the peon where is Pragya now". The peon said, "she went to the CCTV footage room". abi sees Pragya eyes filled in tears. he doesn't know why his heart also worrying for her. Abi went to Tina room.he said "something to her". Tina comes to see Pragya. suddenly Mira secretary( her name is rosy) comes towards Pragya.she said: "don't worry Pragya, we will find out the real culprit behind this". Pragya said "how will I prove that. I don't have any proof".rosy said, "I have proof". Pragya looks on. Pragya, rosy, Sheela, tina went to the reception area.rosy said I know it. yesterday all camera was I set it all over the secret camera for company purposes. rosy take that camera footage. Pragya called Mira. they played CCTV video on company tv. Rosy played that video. rosy, Mira,abi, Sheela, tina are watching the video. they see one guy entered inside Pragya cabin. he again spoke to someone. he gets a file from the locker.all are shocked. that boy looks at the camera. that boy's face is revealed.that is Neil.he is a close friend of Abhishek.he is also working in Mira company. Pragya is shocked. Pragya thinks in his mind, "he is the same guy who taunted me". Mira informed to the peon.she said inform me immediately!!!!.abi is shocked. His close friend surprises him with doing cheap things like this. He didn't expect this, his close friend Neil would do this kind of cheap behavior against me. Mira comes towards Pragya.she said "go to work in your place miss.Pragya".Mira leaves from the room. suddenly Pragya screamed miss Mira. Mira looks at Pragya. Pragya gives some Pendrive and laptop.she said I resigned from my job now. actually, I don't want this job. all information I informed to your PA rosy. I collected all the information. I saved one copy in this Pendrive.actually, that file copy is also in this pen drive. thank you for giving me this job. I want to prove myself that's why these minutes I look silent. now I proved myself. Hereafter I don't need this job. she went to abi.she said "thank you for trusting me. thank you for giving me this chance". Pragya said to rosy, "thank you rosy.because of you, I proved myself". Pragya never heard anyone words.she left from there. Mira said, "this girl shows this much attitude towards me". abi think in his mind," she is an attitude girl. but her attitude is really valuable not bad abi.she is a perfect match for you". Neil entered the Mira cabin. Mira slapped him.she called police. she gave a complaint against him.the police also arrested him. Abi said to Neil, "I trusted you wholeheartedly. I didn't expect this you did this kind of cheap thing against me. just get lost from my sight". Neil angrily looks at Pragya and abi leave from there. Pragya is packing her things. Sheela said "I accept your actions towards Mira. but I really feel bad. I lost one wonderful talent girl".pragya said "Madam stop your emotions. I feel very happy now I proved myself. I don't know why he trapped me. I don't know him. why he trapped me against this company". suddenly abi entered inside the pragya room. Pragya didn't even see his face. Pragya packed her things. Pragya said, "bye sheela.we will meet at our home". suddenly rosy come towards Pragya.she said "mam called you Pragya". Pragya entered inside her cabin.mira said, "I am not ready to leave this kind of talented person from our company".Pragya said "thank you for your offer. but now I don't need this".Mira again speaks.Pragya said, "mam I decided, I am not ready to work in your company".Pragya left from her cabin.abi overheard Pragya and Mira conversation.Pragya takes her bag went out of the office.she reached near gate.suddenly abi stopped her.Pragya looks at him.she said, "I am not interested to talk along with you".Abi said "I know it.but I want to know something. I want to talk with you for just 15minutes".Pragya looks at him.both went to the cafeteria.abi ordered two coffee.Pragya said, "I don't want your coffee.just tell me what do you want to know".abi asked, "why are you angry with me".Pragya said "because of your family, I lost my father".abi said "what!!!.what are you blabbering". Pragya said "I am not blabbering here. I am just telling the truth". abi asked "who is your father".pragya said "her father's name is Raj Singh Arora".abi is shocked.he asked, "tum Raj Singh Arora daughter".Pragya looks at him.she said, " you understand why I hate you this much".abi looks on.after abi never utter any word.he left from there.abi reached his car.he started his car.he stopped his car edge of the hill station.Pragya gets an auto.she reached her home.actually, abi mother is a sister of Pragya father.both families live happily in their house.Pragya and abi fathers are very good singers.purvi father trapped Pragya father against abi father and mother. one-day abi father recorded a one new album cassette.abi father gives that cassette to Pragya father.Pragya's father kept it safe in his home.purvi father invited both families to his film success meet.purvi father is a very big director.but purvi and tanu father don't like abi and Pragya happiness.but purvi father is a little bit, good person. abi father and Pragya went to attend that party.they drunk heavily.Pragya father lost his conscience.tanu father trapped Pragya father.he dropped abi father and Pragya father towards their home.after, he took Pragya father laptop.he released abi father song before the launch.Pragya's father doesn't know this.The next day, the whole family is shocked to hear the news.abi father misunderstood Pragya father.they are fighting with each other.pragya father said I'm not doing this.abi father beat Pragya father.after they separate into two families. one-day,abi father and Pragya father knows the truth behind this problem.tanu father killed abi and Pragya father.they changed statements against them.abi dadi is also Pragya dadi.abi dadi misunderstood about it.purvi father only knows the truth behind it. (how abigya know about the truth.I will reveal it soon).both came out from the flashback.abi is anger on that family.tanu father trapped abi against the Pragya family.It was only later he knew it she was his cousin.

Pragya, bulbul came to a theme park. Pragya didn't expect it. Again she will meet him.abi and Pragya comes to the same counter to enjoy a snowfall...

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