Tricky Act

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Hi guys this is sowji... thank you for your support... let's move to ff...

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The Episode starts in arjun ask," why?? what happened yesterday?".alia thinks about arjun words.alia said ,"nothing happened....i realized my mistake.yesterday you were drunk.I dropped you to your blabbered something about you".arjun is tensed.he ask her, "what I blabbered?".alia looks on.arjun asked ,"tell alia.what I said last night".alia says ,"nothing just said,you like want want to spend some time along with me.suddenly she stopped...".she realised what words she said.she look at arjun.arjun is ogling at her.arjun smirks.alia says," i consider me as your friend".arjun chuckles.he says," oh ok!!so are you ready to be my friend??".he forwards his hand towards her.Alia smiles.she said," yes!!".she forwards her hand towards him.arjun ask her,"shall we have coffee together?".alia nods her head.arjun and alia goes towards the coffee shop.screenshift to the hospital.pragya ask, "why bulbul didn't you tell me this before?".bulbul says ,"di, I thought to sort out this.I don't want involve anyone.I don't want you trouble.that's why I hided it di".pragya ask her, "who said you are troubling are my sister.i will never allow anyone to trouble my sister".purab said ,"di, don't worry.I will never leave her today.because of her,she avoided me.she created the problem between us".pragya says," purab now problem is you don't want to create any new problem.just leave her".abi said ,"pragu is right.just leave her purab".purab said," ok!! I leave her for your words".abi said," lets we check once, how is she now?".all goes towards purvi room.purvi is talking with her mom.she sees bulbul, purab,abigya.she got anger on bulbul.she look at purab.she calls purab.purab ask her,"why you did you cut down your hands".purvi says," because, I love you purab.I want you in my whole life.because of her,she point our towards are going away from me".she holds his hand.purab couldn't control his anger.purab says," just leave my hand purvi".purvi says," I will never leave you.I want to marry you purab".purab said," it will never happen purvi".bulbul got anger on purvi.but pragya gesture her.don't speak anything to her.bulbul stays there calm.she is trying to control her anger.purvi says ,"purab,I will go extreme level to get you in my life".purab said," purvi you lost your sense.I always love bulbul.she is my life.I won't marry you purvi.i consider you as my friend.just stop your day dream about me.just come out from your nightmare world".purvi said ,"no purab.I want you.she hold his hand firmly.she is not ready to leave his hand".bulbul says ,"just leave his hand". Purvi said ,"who the hell are you.because of you,my purab moves away from's all happened because of you".bulbul said,"The reason for all this is you are the only one I did not do anything in your misunderstood him.he cares you as his friend.but you misunderstood his feelings.don't tell, I am the reason for your condition".purab says ,"she is right purvi.I always consider you as my friend".purvi holds his hand.she says," please purab.don't go away from me".purab strictly says ,"leave my hand  purvi".purvi never ready to listen his words.she he holds his hand firmly.purab forcibly removes her hand from his hold.purab decides to leave from there.purab says," lets we go guys".abigya,purab,bulbul decides to leave from there.suddenly purvi takes the knife.she started to blackmail purab.purab is shocked.purab said," just drop down your knife purvi".purvi said," no purab.just say you will marry me.I will drop down this knife".purvi mom is scared.she requested her.Please drop down your knife purvi.purvi said ,"maa,just tell him.he will marry me".purvi maa says ,"do as her say".purab said," no maa...I can't do that".suddenly abi holds her hand.Right time,purab takes knife from her hand.Purab slapped purvi.purvi mom is shocked.purab said," hereafter, I never want to see your face in my life".purvi said," I will never allow you to go away from me".suddenly the police arrived there.The police ask them,"who called me here".purvi mom says," it's me sir".The police ask her,"why do you called me here".purvi mom gives complaint against purab.purvi shares evil smile towards bulbul.The police arrested purab.purvi maa said,"because of him,she attempted the suicide".pragya says," it's all fake".The inspector ask purvi.purvi nods her head.The inspector arrested purab.purab says," I did nothing".abigya says," he did nothing.why are you arrested him.they are telling lies".suddenly someone stopped the police.The police look at the person. That is bulbul.bulbul walks near the police.she said," just see this video.after decide it,who is real culprit?".bulbul started to play the video in her phone.purvi says ,"I will go extreme level to get my purab.if I attempted suicide.I am very sure,the police will inquiry about it.I will give fake case against purab.after the police will arrest him.after I want to save him.his family member ask help from me.after they should agreed for all my conditions.If I said he want to marry me.they want their they agreed for his condition.I can easily marry him.I know it. he loves you.I will make you go away from his life".bulbul stopped that video.bulbul ask the inspector,"do you understand who is the culprit here?".purvi and her mom said ,"this is fake video".The inspector goes towards them. They said," if you repeat this again.I will arrest you for giving fake case".The inspector scolded them and warned her.they said," sorry to purab.After they leave from the hospital".purvi angrily look at bulbul.bulbul holds purab hand.she goes towards her.she said," I will never allow anyone to harm my purab.If you do this again I am not going to leave you.just stay away from my purab".purab happily look at bulbul.bulbul says ,"lets we go purab".purab said ,"wait bulbul".he look at purvi.he throws purvi gift on her face. He said," hereafter you are not my friend.I hate you".after abigya,rabul left from the hospital.screenshift to alia and arjun.arjun and alia are talking with eachother.alia likes arjun company.they have coffee together.they spend some quality time together.screenshift to abigya,rabul.abi says," bulbul what a mass performance".purab is ogling at bulbul.pragya asked ,"when do you recorded this?".bulbul said," di..when she talked with me rudely.I decided to record it.Because I knew her. She will do anything to get him. So,without her knowledge, I started to record that video helped us".purab is ogling at bulbul.bulbul sees his gaze on her.she raised her right means what..purab gesture her nothing.he thinks in his mind,"I love you one can understand me like you".bulbul think in her mind,"yes purab you are one understand you like me.because you are my heart beat.i love you purab".abi look at pragya.pragya gesture abi what??.rabul are busy in their romance.they never noticed abigya.abi gesture are looking very hot.I can't take off my eyes from you.pragya blushes.she gesture rabul is here..purab says," di we didn't see anything. may I right bulbul?".bulbul said," yeah purab😂😂😉😉".abigya feels embarrassed.The screen ends in their happy face.

Precap :
Abigya ,rabul comes to same restaurant where alia and arjun having their coffee.but both didn't see eachother face.purab asked," abi what are you thinking now?".abi says," I am thinking about alia".bulbul asked ,"why jiju?.what happened to her".pragya says ,"we are searching a groom for alia".

---------------To Be Continued--------------

On Going Story:

Two hearts are looping in identical love(KKB,MATSH,PMHMD,SwaRagin,Naagin2,KRPKA)

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