Uncontrollable Emotions

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Hi guys this is sowji... thank you for your support... let's move to ff...

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"Quick Votes" ⭐🌟⭐⭐⭐---> "Quick New Episode".

The Episode starts in pragya says," suniyil,listen to me once".abi said ,"you don't even think about my emotions".abi get tears.pragya couldn't see his teary eyes.abi says ,"you don't believe me".pragya is shocked.abi says," now you wouldn't have done this".pragya looks clueless after hearing his words,she is shocked.

screenshift to arjun office.that girl says," I thought you both are couple".alia look at arjun.arjun is also looking at her.suddenly alia come back to sense.alia says," we are...".she stops her words in the middle. arjun is looking at her.she says ,"we are good friends".arjun think in his mind,"she consider me as her friend.but I consider her as my wife". alia think in his mind, "I know that you consider me as your wife.but i really like you".

screenshift to purab home. He hugged her.bulbul smiles.After both breaks their hug.bulbul says," Oh my god!!I have to leave now. I have to go home.maa is worrying about me".purab says," relax bulbul.they thought,you stayed in your friend home.so no worries".bulbul says," but i... ".Purab said ,"don't worry.your mom won't ask any questions to you".bulbul said ,"now I have to go to home".purab said ,"ok get ready.I will drop you at your home".bulbul said," no....I go in the auto.else they will doubt us".purab said," atleast I drop you near by your street".bulbul thinks for a while minute after she smiles and says," ok".purab says," I will wait for you.come quickly to the hall".bulbul nods her head.

screenshift to sarala home.pragya says," nothing like that suniyil.I never meant to hurt you.yesterday you played with me.so I thought to play with you.I didn't know,it hurts you. I am sorry suniyil".pragya get tears.Tears are automatically coming out from her eyes.abi don't like her tears. He couldn't see tears in her eyes.pragya hold her ears. She said," sorry suniyil.i can't live without you...you are my world.you are my everything.Please suniyil forgive me...hereafter I won't do this.I love you suniyil".immediately abi hugged her.pragya hugged him tightly.pragya kissed abi forehead,eyes,nose,cheeks.she smashed her lips on him.she gave deep kiss.both breaks their kiss. Because both feel suffocated to breath.that much pragya gave deep kiss on abi lips.abigya are breathing heavily.pragya is breathing.she said," suniyil,I love you".abi said," I love you too my jaan".pragya jumped towards abi.she hugged him tightly.abi kissed her head.suddenly sarala,rockstar dadi entered there follow by janaki also entered inside their home..they sees abigya. They are hugging with each other. They smiles. After janaki get cough.abigya turns look at their back.but no one is there.abi ask her," you heard any cough sound".pragya whispers," I think maa is come".janaki again cough.abigya looks shocked.sarala ask her," why are you disturbing their romance".janaki says," sorry di".abigya comes towards the kitchen.they are shocked.pragya calls maa. Sarala,rockstar dadi,janaki are also shocked seeing them.both are slowly walks towards them.pragya says ,"maa..when did you come?".after follow by abi came there.sarala says beta..aap..janaki says," actually we have already arrived when you and abi hugged with each other".abigya look at each other. They feel embarrassed and also looks shocked.sarala crushed janaki leg.janaki says," I mean...we never noticed you and abi.may I right di😂😉😄😆😜?".sarala stares her.janaki gave sleepish smile.Rockstar dadi said," beta when did you come?".abi says," it has been 15min since I came".dadi and abi are talking with each other.suddenly bulbul entered there.she sees them.bulbul calls jiju.abi said," bulbul".dadi screamed finally bulbul came.

screenshift to purab.purab drives his car.he thinks about bulbul and his talk and their moments.he smiles.suddenly song plays in his car radio.background plays jab tak..he is dreaming about bulbul.he imagines bulbul is sitting along with him.she looks at him.she smiles.purab ask her,"why are you smiling?".bulbul comes towards him.purab is nervous.she touched his face in seduce manner.he looks nervous.suddenly he stopped his car.suddenly he turned towards her to tell something.he is shocked.she is missing from there.then only he realized, it was his dream.he says," she drives me crazily".Suddenly,his phone rings.that was purvi.he attended her call.he said,"yeah bolo purvi".purvi says," purab could you please meet me in my home".purab said ,"ok purvi".he reached there.purab said ,"why are you called me purvi?".purvi said ,"I want to tell you something important matter".purab says," I am also want to share some important matter with you". purvi said ,"ok!! first you have to tell".purab says," ok".purvi look at him.Purab tells purvi about his love bulbul.purvi is shocked hearing his words.purvi said ,"purab,now i want to tell you something important matter".purab said," yeah tell purvi".purvi says," I don't know, when it started.how it started but my words are true.I love you purab".purab looks on.he looks shocked and confused.purab says," I consider you as my friend. You knew it,I love bulbul.you misunderstood our relationship".purvi said ,"no purab I never misunderstood our relationship.I really loves you".purab said ,"sorry purvi.I love bulbul.I can't marry you.I consider you as my friend".purvi is shocked.

screenshift to arjun office. alia says," ok bye! I am leaving".arjun asked ,"why are you leaving?just say here for a while minute".alia said," now I have to go. I have some important work to do.can you meet me at imaran park.I want to tell you one important matter".arjun asked," what matter".alia says," I will tell you at the park.I will wait for you".arjun is clueless.

Purab admits purvi to the hospital.she cuts off her hand.he calls abi informed him about it.abi is shocked.screenshift to arjun.arjun is thinking about alia words.

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