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But if you asked me to

I just might change my mind

And let you in my life, forever


Thorn got sick overnight. Vomiting and fever. Sebia has been on the comm nonstop except while she is helping him to and from the bed. She has already given him the antibiotics, but he has to suffer through his body fighting it off. She is scared he will be the first to die from this.

I'm trying to stay out of her mind, but her emotions are overwhelming me, even with my walls up. I've realized that even though the Kymari are in total control of their feelings, typically, when they are distraught, they lose that ability.

"Sebia. He is sleeping. Please lie down and get some rest. The symptoms will last several days, and you must rest and sleep. You will be no help when he needs it if you are collapsing from not caring for yourself."

"I know." She said softly. She lay down next to him on the bed.

"I'm sorry I didn't see it sooner.I said to her. "It never occurred to me until he was bit. The Kymari's reaction to the virus is much worse than ours."

"Our medical teams should have a cure within days if we are correct." She said softly. "I hope we are so I can give it to him."

"I hope it is, too."

I stayed with them over the next few days just in case we were wrong. Since Thorn got sick, I was sure it was West Nile Fever, which is developed from the virus. Thorn had a fever, body aches, and a stiff neck within hours of being bitten. The Kymari tested the birds and mosquitoes in the areas of the most outbreaks and confirmed the virus. They believe they will have a cure within another day or two.

"Thank you both for letting me stay with you, but I think it's time for me to go home."

"If you don't mind," came from Thorn, "could you stay a few more days? I want to get some information in an archive about humans. It's horrible that they have no history. The Votaks even destroyed the space stations and such."

"It would keep Thorn busy since he should be bedridden for another few days," Sebia added. "I also have someone coming over later today to show me how to give you that cleaning I promised."

"Well," I chuckled. "I guess I can't pass that up. I can stay for another few days."

"Thank you, Basil. For everything."

"You're welcome, Sebia."

Cleaning my scales and the massage that came with it was the most enjoyable experience I have ever had. I could not believe how good it felt for Sebia to scrub each of my scales, wipe away the grime and then coat my skin in oil. Every itch I had went away, and the part of my back I could not reach had never felt better.

Tasha's handler was the one who came over to show Sebia how to do it. Tasha laughed at me as she saw my reaction to this new experience. She's quick, though, and got out of the way before I could hit her with my wing.

The Kymari laughed at us as I shared my feelings towards Tasha. I couldn't wait for the next time I grabbed her at the park. She is getting dunked!

After they left and my hosts went to bed for the night, I couldn't sleep. When I realized it was WNV, I didn't get the high. I got the satisfaction of knowing that I may have saved lives here. My love for science finally did something good. I felt happy about myself and what I did.

Part of me is not looking forward to returning to the park. I've gotten used to being warm and not having to look for food. I like having someone to talk science with, and that cleaning is something that I will dream about for years. I'm very tempted to become a bonded animal, but it must be to Sebia and Thorn. They are scientists, not guards, so I doubt they would be allowed to do that.

I hope they visit me often at the park. I am going to miss them. It's weird, but I would stay with them if they asked me to.

If I died tomorrow, I would be thrilled with what I accomplished. I may have only helped identify a virus, but no one died, and I used my science in the way it was meant to be used.

With that thought, I went to sleep.


"So what did you want to start with, Thorn?"

Sebia had a tablet in her hands but suddenly turned it off and laid it to the side. She stared at me like she was trying to figure out what to say. When I looked closer, I got scared. Oh, no.

"During the time that you have been with us, Basil, you slipped a few times. You would use pronouns like 'we' instead of 'they'." She said. "I realized it as it happened, but my mind was on other things, and I didn't let it distract me from the task."

I didn't answer her. I curled myself up on the edge of Thorn's bed. Her mind was calm for once, and she seemed more concerned about my actions and state of mind than in the discussion. I turned to Thorn, and his mind was the same.

"The only way you would have the knowledge you do would be if you were once human and worked in this field. Your knowledge of the medical field is at the molecular level. You were a doctor or researcher at some point." Her voice was soft and caring as if she wanted to calm me, like a parent to a child.

It didn't matter, though. I was in full panic mode.

I just killed the flock.

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