4🐿 Coffee Jerk

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It was a few days after I ended the relationship and I tried very hard, like really hard to forget about him but everything I did reminded me of him.

When I woke up I thought about the nights he slept over,
When I ate I remembered the horrible breakfast he would make on my birthday,
Everything I did, I was reminded of him, whether it was good or bad.

"I need to forget, I need to forget." I would say to myself everyday hoping it would work but it never did.

Wish I could just be happy without him.

Wish I could only keep the good memories and take out the bad, but if that were to happen I would go crawling back to him.

Wish something happened that made me just forget about him.


I was at a internet cafe after school looking for some jobs I could do when someone approached me.

"Is this the cafe which Taehyung games at?" She asked and I replied yes.

Taehyung was one of the best gamers there, he was real famous in the cafe and everyone wanted to play with him.

When he came in everyone crowded him and watched with awe as he played games. But for some reason he hasn't been here in a while.

'Chin-Wa and I would always play games together at this cafe.' I thought sadly. No Forget Him. FORGET HIM.

I still had my uniform on, since I hadn't made my way home yet. I went to the front desk to order a coffee and when I was going back, someone bumped into me and spilled the coffee over me.

"Oh,hmmm." He said and then left like that.

I was angry, he spilled the coffee on me.

I paid for that coffee and MY UNIFORM.


I walked over to the person who bumped me. It wasn't as crowded so I was able to find him.

"Hey!" He shouted as I took him by the collar and dragged him outside. He was taller than me but I pulled him down.

"Hey what are you doing?" He asked and I let go of his collar.

I just looked at my uniform. "You have to pay me to clean this." I said and he just huffed annoyed and took out his wallet.

"Here, this should be enough." He said and gave me some money.

I checked and it was quite a lot, more than I needed but who was I to complain.

"If that's all then I'll be leaving." He said and right before he turned to leave I stopped him.

"Shouldn't you at least say sorry." I said annoyed.

"Ok then,sorry." He said and than left.

Well that's something, even if it probably wasn't sincere it's something.

I went back inside to get my laptop and to change to my sports wear since my uniform had coffee spilled on it.

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