8🐻 Not The Same

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Something felt odd as I went back to my car. It felt like I should remember something, something important.
When I got in my car I got a call from Yeonjun.

"Hello," I said.
"Did he get it?" He asked
"Not even a hello," I said trying to sound hurt.
"Yeah, Yeah, did he get it?" He said completely ignoring me.
"Who's he exactly?" I asked
"Kang Taehyun." He said a bit impatient
"Yes, he got," I replied. "Anyways why are you so into him?" I asked. Usually, Yeonjun wasn't this into a person he just met.
"I'll tell you later, right now I need to go." He said then hung up on me.
So rude.

I decided to go home since I had nothing better to do.

I spent my time there bored. When I was with Clare she wanted to spend a lot of time together (mostly shopping) so I never really did any other thing besides that.

So that afternoon I decided to go shopping.

Shopping wasn't the same without Clare dragging me around and pointing at things she found interesting.

I had ended up in a clothing store and just decided to take a rest here. While I was there I overheard something.

"Sorry, but my parents's restaurant is busy and they need my help." A worker said.
"Come on, it's the holidays and kids are gonna be swarming in here, we need you or we'll be understaffed." I think who seemed like the boss said.
"I know I'm sorry but my parents really need me." The worker said then bowed to the boss and then left.
The boss sighed and then went back.

Ugh, what am I doing? Am I that bored? I'm eavesdropping on other people's business.
After my lonely and sad shopping, I decided to go back home.

When I got home I saw a big surprise.
I remembered that the uniform I dropped off was the same as the person who I spilled coffee on. Now I know what school they go to but how would that help there is like hundreds of students in a school.


Knock knock.
Yeonjun came into my room.
"What's the point of knocking if you're just going to come in anyways?" I asked and he just shrugged and jumped onto my bed next to me.

"So are you going to tell me why Taehyun is so important to you, Do you like him?" I asked and Yeonjun quickly nodded his head.
"No, it's not like that." He said and then he sighed. "Taehyun is friends with Soobin."
"Oh." was all I could say.

For people who are curious for the next chapter
Hint: we are taking a trip to the past

Again feel free to comment and also feel free to try and guess what's going to happen next.

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