Jane Johnson

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Maybe you like the girl whose always jubilant with pride and rarely has a frown. She is so quirky but amazing that the only remedies she needs is some romantic comedy movies, delicious food, and a best friend to cry on. Probably the girl who is friends with all, almost a model. Those girls who always take pictures with a smile and can never disappoint anyone right, because she is hopeful and makes lives better.

Maybe you are the one for the girl who channels her sadness into her attitude. Hides behind the face of 'I don't care' take me or leave me. That tough girl who knows who she is more of a rockstar than a princess. She marches in with a head held high and doesn't cry because she is too good for guys. Those girls who only show strength in the public but weakness in solitude.

Maybe you like the girl who always cries but it doesn't matter because she is just built emotional. You see a team of two or three or maybe fifteen people around her everyday hugging her so tight. This girl is the one who little does she know is loved more than she would ever think. Taking a wild guess she partied hard and will take any company she gets. Those girls who aren't afraid to be vulnerable to the world because all they need is love.

Maybe you like the girl who doesn't even know her own emotion. A complete mystery with the way she speaks, the way she looks, you just see her as camouflage. Her tears are clear, so invisible that you only see sand on her skin when there's an ocean pouring down. The girl you would never talk to unless there is a good reason, but the jokes on you you missed out. Those girls that deserve to stand out more even though they watch humbly from afar.

Maybe you like those girls who just sit in a room and play music and close their eyes. They do everything to stop crying, and just have a mind of jumbled thoughts. She sits there lonely and realizes she needs to get away from the world. She is this paper girl circling in the world trying to find her purpose. As laid back as they seem, probably the most comforting out of all. Those girls who choose answers over emotions, they are a rarity right now...

Sadness comes in any face, washed up mascara under your eyes or a pink wet face.

Sadness comes in any emotion, behind the anger is just regret and behind the laughter is a brain of depression.

Sadness comes in any way you let it come, everybody has it at the end of the day. How does it come to you.

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