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"How's that feel?"

Moaning, with her eyes closed, Raquel smiled.

"It feels amazing. But then again, foot rubs always do."

Hearing Sergio's chuckle, Raquel blinked her eyes open. She sighed at the sight in front on her. Leaning against the headboard, Sergio had picked up one of Raquel's feet and was currently rubbing a very soothing oil into her skin. She arched her toes under his touch, and had been moaning for over ten minutes now.

They made plans to leave earlier, but they saw San Francisco decided to rain, and opted to stay inside. Sergio made love to her again, and now they found themselves in bed, at 2 in the afternoon with the curtain wide open. Raquel thought she'd never seen a more beautiful storm, than one in San Francisco. The rain was hitting the ocean, and the wind was carrying it across the bay. Seeing it from Sergio's bedroom was very much idyllic. She wanted to paint it now, to forever freeze this moment in time.

"A penny for your thoughts?" he asked, bending over and kissing her toes, setting one foot down, and lifting the other one.

Pulling the sheet over her naked chest, while laying at the foot of the bed, she sighed.

"I was just admiring the view of the ocean. Sergio, your home is truly beautiful. I've never seen anything quite like it."

Smiling a bit, he nodded.

"I thought so too. To be honest, it reminded me of a castle of sorts. A paradise tucked away. I even found out that the man who owned this house before me brought it for his wife. He married her after dating her for one week."

Eyes wide, Raquel stared at him in disbelief.


"That's what I said. Granted, it was during the Vietnam war, and he was drafted, but he knew she was the right woman for him, and didn't hesitate."

Stretching her toes into his hand, she ran her fingers over his exposed muscular thigh.

"I can imagine her surprise."

"That's the thing. He said, that she must've been as crazy as he was, because she instantly said yes. Anyway, he served three years, but was discharged when he became deathly ill. They thought he was on death's door, so they sent him home. Turns out, he caught some type of fungus. It left him sterile."

Raquel instantly felt for both the man and woman.

"They were lucky though, because before he was sent off to war, she became pregnant. They had a child, who was three at the time. He told me that the woman was his miracle."

Raquel felt her chest constrict from the beautiful story.

"What did his wife say when she found out?"

Leaning over, he kissed her ankle, before bringing both of her feet into his lap, and rubbing them together.

"She said she didn't care. She was just grateful that he was still alive, and they would live together forever. Their son now lives in Canada. His wife died two years ago, and he was so heartbroken, that he could no longer live in it."

Blinking back tears, she quickly wiped away the ones that had fallen.

"That is the most beautiful story I've ever heard. I'm sure this house has a lot of memories."

Smiling at the thought, he nodded.

"It does. The man said the house was lucky."

"What was his wife's name?"

Mouth quirking up a bit, he answered her.

"Dara." Sitting up, Raquel slapped at his leg. She was in shock. The woman had her middle name?

"That's my middle name."

{why not have a middle name ;)}

Crawling over her body until he was settled between her legs, he nodded.

"I know. I said the house is lucky."

At that, Raquel melted as Sergio Marquina proceeded to kiss her until she could no longer think anymore.


After dropping her son off at school, Ava headed to Alberto's office. She knew it was time. Time for them to talk. Seeing the devastation on Raquel's face when she quickly put two and two together broke her unlike anything else had. Her parent's disappointment in her also hurt, and she was certain Sergio was very sad to see his sister act in this light. Even Andres, who wasn't present, was informed by Danica, and she had to fend off his calls all morning. She ignored each one until he threatened to show up at the senator's office, and beat him to death.

It was a general consensus, that she, was not everyone's favorite at the moment. Call her selfish and spoiled, but she wanted to be liked, so she would do whatever was necessary to keep everyone's wrath away from her. Approaching the secretary, Ava smiled.

"Hello. I was wondering if Mr. Vicuna was in?"

Looking flustered, the woman quickly shuffled papers around before clearing her throat.

Poor thing. It must be her first day on the job.

"Ah, actually Mr. Vicuna is busy right now."

Before she could schedule an interview to see the man, she heard a loud moan from the back of the office. Stiffening, she glared at the secretary who looked mortified.

"Look, miss, I don't know who you are, but I just got this job. He told me to say that."

Seething, Ava flipped her already short hair away from her face.

"So, you know, I'm the mother of his two kids. This one in here," she said pointing to her stomach, "and one I just dropped off at kindergarten!" Walking around the desk, she stormed over to the shut door, and threw it open. She was stunned at the sight.

Alberto was in the office.

Giving head to a man.

A very skinny, effeminate man.

But a man, nonetheless.

Stunned, he shot away from the man, while the younger, more attractive blond only smirked at her. His smirk dropped however, when he saw her round stomach.

"Ava! I can explain! I-"

One thing Ava hated the most, above not being liked, was to be made a fool. Everyone knew this. Her family, even her friends. While she was typically a sweet woman, she was very much vindictive when need be. Sadly, it's why she carried on with an affair with Alberto for so long. She thought she was the better woman.

It didn't take a genius to know that wasn't the case, and she knew her brother would never date a woman who didn't have some set of morals. That's why she felt terrible for hurting Raquel. But not anymore. Opening her wallet, she noted that the young man had fully dressed, but was unable to leave because she blocked the doorway. Holding up his hands, he stammered.

"Look. I'm so sorry. He told me he was single. I had no idea he was involved with someone else. Especially a woman, or I wouldn't have asked him to leave the bar with me?"

Eyebrows raised, Ava questioned the man.

"Bar? What bar?"

Interjecting, Alberto spoke.

"Now, there's no need to ask-"

Knowing not to refuse a pregnant lady, after all, his sister was about to burst, he instantly answered.


Mouth agape, Ava kept shaking her head. Alberto was picking up people at gay bars now? What was wrong with the man?

Opening her handbag, Ava interrogated him further.

"What's your name?"

Sighing, the man ran a hand through his messy hair.


Ava paused at the name, before shaking her head. When she found her wallet, she pulled out a wad of cash. Both Alberto and Willow's eyes opened.

"I will give you two-thousand dollars to run to the Seattle Times, and explain that you just gave a blow job to Senator Vicuna."

"Ava! Why would you tell the man to do that?" Alberto roared. Ignoring the loser, Ava waited for his reply. Not one to look a gift horse in the mouth, he nodded, before taking the money Ava held out to him. Pocketing it, he thanked her.

"Oh, and if it's any consolation, the man is trash honey. You can do so much better."

With that, Willow strode out of the office, winking at several people standing around open-mouthed, and in shock at the turn of events.

"Close the door, Ava."

Narrowing her eyes, she refused.

"No. Alberto, you messed with the wrong woman. I tried to be patient. I thought I was being good, waiting on the man I love. But I can see what a waste of time that was. I cannot wait to see you crumble."

Falling to his knees, he begged her.

"Ava. Please, Ava! Don't do this! Look!"

Ruffling through his drawer, he pulled out a red box.

"See? This was your engagement ring. I brought it last week, for you."

Wavering a bit, Ava placed her hand over her belly.

"But, Raquel. You haven't even claimed our son. Especially this one on the way." He saw her waver, and pounced on it.

"But I will. I was only waiting until I married you."

"And what about Willow?"

"What about him? He's nothing. You know I have a sex addiction. It doesn't matter who it's with. I've started therapy this morning. I just couldn't say no to what was in front of me. it was pure temptation, nothing else. I'll even bring it up during my meeting, tonight!"

Ava's inner voice was screaming at her to walk away, and leave the poor man on his knees. But the part of her that still loved him, was thrilled with the fact that he finally brought her a wedding ring. Taking the box from him, she gasped at how large it was.

"It's so pretty, Alberto!"

"Like you,"he whispered, looking properly chastised. Biting her lip, she placed her hand on her hip.

"I don't want a long engagement. I want to get married, quickly. Like within a month."

Relieved that all of his money wasn't leaving he, nodded.


"And I want you to publicly announce your son. He is after all your seed." Irritated at having a kid, Alberto nonetheless smoothed his face over in perfect submission.


"And I want to move into a bigger house. Bigger than my parents. And you need to come over and meet my family."


After he agreed to her demands, she squealed before running over and kissing him.

"Oh, Alberto, I knew everyone else was just a phase. That you only wanted me. but wait! What are we going to do about Willow?"

Winking he kissed her cheek.

"It doesn't matter. I'm a politician. I'll just deny it. Plus, with you expecting, and our son, who is going to believe him anyway?"

As Ava kissed him, she was glad that she at least paid the man.


"Raquel, wait!" Sergio shouted, laughing as Raquel ran ahead
of him on the busy street. Currently, they were at Union square, shopping in the evening. The rain had let up a bit after their afternoon delight, and instead of staying in, Sergio opted to take her shopping.

"But it's night time."

Smirking, he grabbed his wallet, keys, and phone, before pulling her along with him.

"Your point being?"

Escorting her to his second car in the garage- a top of the line Range Rover, this one in gray- he rounded the car, and started the engine as he listened to her before pulling out of the driveway.

"Sergio, wait! I left my wallet, and phone."

"You don't need it, while you're with me."

And she didn't.

A few people noticed sergio-let's be honest, a lot of people recognized him- but she was surprised that he kept a friendly disposition, even speaking with some college-age kids about his hunger initiatives.

"I know I shouldn't be asking this Mr. Marquina. But we attend San Francisco State, and were wondering if you could stop by our business school, and speak with us for a while? It's just, me and my two buddies are graduating, and looking for jobs. However, they're not geared into technology, as everything is here in the city, and Silicon Valley."

The two other guys nodded in agreement. Studying the three boys, Sergio spoke.

"Tell me something. What are all of your majors?"

The two-answered business, but the leader answered-

"Business and communication. I hope to one day be a speech writer."

Nodding, and uncaring of several pictures being taken, Sergio pulled out three cards. He flipped them over, and asked for a pen, to which they all offered him one. He took the lead one's pen, and wrote on the back of the three cards while talking.

"Tell you what. This is my direct number and email. I have three open positions waiting for you when you graduate. Just let me know, and I'll let my assistant know." Stunned, the boys gaped at him, while several people around them chuckled.


"You're not serious!"
"Is this real life?"

Chuckling at their answers, he nodded.

"It's real. What's your name?" Sergio asked the communication guy.


"Hmm. Well Chase, I need a speech writer that's more competent. I just fired mine recently. Send me some of your stuff, and I'll have you work in the communication department, at my company. When so you all graduate?"

"In two months." They answered.

"Good. I will see you all then. Oh, and Chase? Tell your dean, or whoever that my people will be in touch next week. I think I can come out in the next two weeks."

Once they all left, Sergio smiled at several other people, who were either clapping, or congratulating him on helping the youth, before steering Raquel into Chanel. Security immediately made sure to keep the masses out of the store, while they browsed around. Once it died down a bit, Raquel stood in front of him, stood on her tip toes, and kissed his lips. She sighed when he wrapped his arms around her waist. When she pulled away, he stared into her eyes.

"What was that for?"

Smiling, she kissed him again before speaking.

"For being a kind man. You surprise me every hour I am with you."

She smoothed his hair away from his face, noting that he seemed uncomfortable with praise being heaped on him. How adorable, and refreshing, she thought.

"I want to help others, if I can. Now, enough about me. It's time I spend all my hard-earned money on my girl."

Raising a brow, she cocked out her hip.

"I'm your girl?" she asked playfully.

Growling, he leaned over and kissed her quickly.

"Yes. Now, I'd like to see you in a red dress. What do you think?

Since then, they'd been into Chanel, Fendi, Armani, and now, Christian Louboutin. Raquel tried to protest at every store they went into, but Sergio would ignore it. She had a wealthy father, which allowed her to have more than most. But this was borderline excessive. Gently pulling on his arm as the sales associate walked away, she whispered to him.

"Sergio. I don't need all of this to be happy. It's all lovely, but I just want to be with you." Seeing the sincerity in her eyes warmed Sergio even more.

"I know. But I want to buy you pretty things. It makes me happy. And you want to make me happy, right, Raquel?"

Knowing she was caught in a difficult place, she shook her head.

"You don't play fair."

"Not when I'm with you. I'll never play fair with you."

At that, Raquel's mouth tilted up a bit.

"Now, be a good girl, and pick a pair of red bottoms. Maybe you'll avoid a spanking if you do."

Biting on his ear, she whispered hotly into it.

"What if I pick the shoes, but still want a spanking?"

At that, Sergio felt himself harden instantly. Raquel ran her hand over his front since, they were both tucked into a corner. He groaned before kissing her neck.

"The things you do to me, woman." Slapping her butt, she shook his head as she giggled.

"Pick the shoes. It's time to give out your punishment."

Or reward, Raquel thought smugly.

"I want food, first."

At his silent question, she smirked.

"You can't keep me holed up in your castle as a sex slave with no food." At that, Raquel heard a delicate voice clear behind her throat, and instantly flushed in embarrassment. Turning slowly, she smiled at the smirking woman.

"Um, hi. I want to look at the black ones with the designs on the heel."


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