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Raquel was tired.

Ever since she busted in on Alberto and his slut, Raquel had been working herself rugged. She found herself lost whenever she tried to draw anything, so, she left her painting alone. Instead, she focused on working at the foundation her father created. Sergio had called numerous times, and she'd been avoiding her parents. One day, while in her office, her assistant came running in.

"Raquel, I'm sorry but your father is heading this way now. He said that-"

"I said that I can see my daughter whenever I please." Striding into her office, her father removed his coat, and sat across from her. Smiling sadly, Raquel told her assistant that she could leave. Once the door shut, Raquel faced her father.

"What can I do for you, dad?"

Rolling his eyes, he spoke.

"Cut the crap. What is this I hear from Alberto not to call him? I wanted to introduce him to some friends of mine while setting up a time to golf, and-"

"We're no longer engaged, dad."

Pausing, Bryce's eyes softened.

"Raquel, it's okay. Couples often fight but-"

"I walked in on him with another woman. A pregnant woman. Who, I found out, is carrying his child."

Raquel watched as her dad's countenance completely changed. He went from zero to one-hundred in seconds.

"He did what?! How dare he! And with my daughter, no less!"

Raquel was relieved that her dad was sticking up for her, and it caused instant tears to come to her eyes. Seeing her cry, he stood, and quickly rounded her desk.

"Oh,mi niña pequeña."(my little girl)

Crying into his shoulder, Raquel shook her head.

"It was so awful dad. I could hear them talking. I just, I can't-"

"Shh. I understand. More than you know, kid. Don't worry. I will take care of this. Why don't you take some time off?"

Pulling away, she studied him.

"Are you sure, dad? I mean, you built this foundation, and you need someone to watch over it."

Laughing, Bryce ran his hand over Raquel's hair.

"mi hija. Hice esto para ayudar a otros, , pero pensé que te gustaría. Lately, you seem, I don't know, distant? Your mother and I have discussed this at length, and we thought maybe it was because you were preoccupied with your wedding. When that didn't seem to be the problem, I thought you would want to run the foundation because you love helping others, and it would keep your attention. I would never want you to do something because I told you to. You can do whatever you want. That is why I worked so hard all those years. So that my children, would want for nothing."(my daughter. I did this to help others, yes, but I thought you might like it.)

Staring into the kind eyes of her father, Raquel felt truly lucky to have someone like him on her side.

"Thank you, dad." Sniffling, she grabbed a tissue and wiped her eyes before speaking.

"I do love working here. I even wanted to broach the subject of expanding something to do with a center for underprivileged youth. But, I think I will scale back a bit on the hours. I think I want to focus on something else for a while."

"What?" Bryce asked, curious as to what his daughter would say.

"Art," she whispered hesitantly, looking for any type of reaction on her father's face. The only emotion she saw was surprise.


Not wanting to elaborate, she only nodded.

"Well. I think that's great, Raquel. I don't know much about it, but I guess that's what having an art specialist in our family is for."

Laughing, she pushed at her dad's shoulder.

"You make me sound like some professional."

Eyes twinkling, he smiled at Raquel, glad to see her face light up again.

"Well, you will be. You're a Murillo. It's in our blood. Now, do me a favor. Take the rest of the day off. Go do something fun."

Bryce stood, with Raquel following suit.

"I just may do that," she added, walking her dad to the front of the building.


Hours later, Bryce sat in one of his many meetings. This one being the last one for the day. He wanted to personally thank all of his donors, and work on scheduling more business with them in the new year. Bryce especially wanted to work with Sergio Marquina. The man was one of the best in the business world, and at a young age he was already shaping up to reach another billion within the next couple of years.

"And that is why I think with you backing us, Mr. Murillo, Marquina Enterprises can reach another demographic with solar power. It's important that we find other alternatives for powering technology."

Noticing the man seemed distracted, Sergio cleared his throat.

"Mr. Murillo?"

Snapping out of his thoughts concerning his daughter, Bryce turned his attention to the young man.

"Marquina, I've told you to call me Bryce. It's the only way I'll go into this solar power business with you."

Grinning widely, Sergio chuckled.

"Well, then Bryce. I must insist on you calling me Sergio. How's that sound?"

Laughing, Bryce nodded.

"Deal. I apologize for my absent-mindedness, if you will."

"If I may speak plainly sir, has it something to do with my proposal? I'm willing to move some parts around, or edit should we need to."

Waving off his suggestion Bryce waved it off.

"No. The project is fine, and something I want to work on with you in the upcoming weeks. No, I am thinking about my daughter. I'm sure you've heard of Alberto Vicuna?"

Nodding tersely, Sergio had to hold back his irritation, instead opting for a neutral expression.

"Yes. The up and coming senator?"

Snorting, Bryce stood.

"Yes. Well, my daughter just broke off her engagement with the man. Apparently being faithful is not one of the things he can promise his constituents."

Holding back his shock, Sergio stood, following the man over to his decanter. Alberto cheated? And on Raquel? Why? The woman was drop dead gorgeous, funny, and smart. She didn't need money to make her appealing, she was that all on her own. He wanted to pursue her, but he remembered the look of shame that crossed her face when she thought she was doing wrong by kissing him. But now, she was free.

Making her available.

Oh, Ms. Murillo, you haven't seen nothing yet.

Instead of appearing too interested, Sergio answered with a polite, "Oh?" Throwing back his drink, Bryce sighed.

"Yeah. Gave the bastard all this money for his cause, and he ends up breaking my daughter's heart. But, he will pay."

Shaking his head, he offered Sergio a drink.

"Ignore me, son. Look, I will sign whatever needs to be signed about this solar power initiative. You young boys are the future, and I want to be a part of it. Have your department fax over the contracts. I hope we can schedule another meeting in two weeks?"

"Certainly. I'll leave the proposal with you, and I'll have my secretary call yours."


Shaking hands, Sergio quickly left the office.

Oh, Raquel, let me show you how a man truly treats a woman.

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