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Raquel spent all day thinking about last night.

About Sergio's arms around her.

About his kiss.

About what his eyes promised.

She rolled her eyes at his arrogance on the way home. She scoffed at his audacity. She squeezed her legs in the middle of the night at the thought of his lips on her skin.

He said he wanted a chance.

He said he loved her smart mouth.

He is offering more than empty promises, and sex.

Raquel agonized over this decision, before breaking down and calling her friend.

"Hey, Raquel, what's up?"

Raquel smiled when hearing her friend's voice. It'd been a while since they talked-well just over a week ago when she confessed Alberto's infidelity. Raquel made a mental note to call her more often.

"Hey, Alicia. Nothing, really."

Raquel heard her best friend's sigh, and could see her rolling her eyes.

"Okay, so spill it. It can't be any worse that Alberto's idiotic self. Let's just cut through all the fluff. I've known you since the seventh grade, and you know I always find a way of drawing whatever out of you. Now, tell me what's going on?"

One thing Raquel loved about Alicia, was that she was honest. She didn't care at all that Raquel came from a wealthy family. People always thought that it was easy making friends. It wasn't when you had something that people wanted the most. That was why she learned early on to not have too many friends.

Except for Alicia.

Her family was a typical, middle class American family. her father worked two jobs, her mother was a teacher, and she had three brothers, which inherently, became her siblings the moment Alicia brought her home one day from school.

Since then, they'd been close. They went to the same high school, and college. Alicia had to attend law school on the east coast, but she now resided back in Seattle. Now, Alicia was a corporate lawyer, and successful in her own right. She was pulled from her thoughts by Alicia 's irritated voice.

"Raquel. Raquel? If you've gone off and started daydreaming again, I will-"

"I'm sorry. Jeez. And to answer your question nothing's really wrong. It's just. You know that Sergio guy?"

Smirking, Alicia got up, and walked to her office door. Opening it, she told Raquel to hold on.

"Listen up! I've got an important business call. If anyone interrupts me, you will rue the day you were born."

Slamming the door shut, Alicia made a show of loudly locking her door before holding the phone back up to her ear.

"Okay, you were saying?"

Laughing, Raquel plopped onto her couch.

"Was that really necessary? If you have important work, I can call back later."

Snorting, Alicia closed her recent file, before pulling out her secret stash of cheese puffs.

"Nonsense. Besides, I'm too much of an asset to this company, all the interns are scared to death of me, and all the men I work for give me space because I'm a woman, and all I have to do is scream period, and I have entire rooms to myself."

Giggling, Raquel shook her head.

"You know that's wrong. Exploiting your gender to get what you want."

"Do I care? Absolutely not. Besides, half of the chauvinistic pigs are too stupid to even realize what I'm doing. Now, go on, I'm listening."
"Okay." Taking a deep breath, Raquel began her tale. Several moments later, the only thing that Raquel could hear was heavy breathing.

"Alic? You still there?"

Swallowing her cheesy snack, she smacked her lips before sitting up in her chair.

"Okay, so let me get this straight. You meet a man at your father's party. A hot, sexy, single man. He flirts with you. He makes it known that he's interested. You then see said sexy man at a dinner that where your douche-bag ex is a no show. You end up going on a date with him, and he kisses you senseless after leaving a quaint shop."

Sighing, Raquel could hear it in her voice that Alicia was working herself up.


"Said sexy man gives you some space, only to show up last night outside of your art class looking like a sexier version of James Bond, trying to convince you on why you should consider him, then proceeds to kiss the stupid right out of you again, on the street, with your daddy's drive not even ten feet away-"

Blushing at the memory, Raquel was unaware that she was twirling her hair like a school girl.

"-And he is hoping that you meet him at one of his favorite jazz spots at 8pm, which is in," glancing at her watch, she frowned, "Five hours?"


"Okay, I'm sorry why are you calling me again?"


"Raquel! Don't you even go there. Here is a man, a real man who wants only you. He has more money than Midas, and has interest in no other person but you? I didn't think I had stupid friends, but I could be wrong."

Gasping, Raquel was about to speak, when Alicia beat her to it.

"Don't even think of speaking. It's still my turn. Now, if you're calling for my advice, I say hang up the phone, go find the classiest, yet sluttiest dress, and let Mr. Marquina have his wicked way with you. Preferably tonight."

"I can't do that!"

"And why not? Hell, if you don't want him, send him to me!"

Groaning, Raquel sighed.

"Alic Please. Just listen."
"Okay. I am."

"What if he-"

"Stop. I know what you're going to say. Remember, I know you. Now, listen to me. He is not douche-bag. For one thing, he's richer-"


"Oh, stop it! I'm saying it, because money isn't something you have to worry about. Secondly, he can give you what you've been wanting all along. True love, and hopefully several orgasms!"

"Alicia, I'm hanging up now."

Raquel was irritated by her cackling.

"Oh, come on Raquel! It was funny. Let's not pretend that Alberto knew what he was doing. How he got that girl knocked up is a miracle in itself."

Smirking, Raquel spoke.

"It took him a while to find my, um-"


"Okay, I'm hanging up now."

"Have fun sweetie! And remember do everything that I would do! We'll meet up for lunch next week. Hopefully then you'll be able to walk straight."


Ending the call, Raquel leaned back against her couch. Although it was said in an abrasive way, her friend was right. This man wanted her to give him a chance. And in the process, maybe it could be something more.

"Let's be honest, Raquel. You want to go."

Decision made, although nerves were overriding her confidence, she strode to her closet, looking for a dress that would knock the socks off of Mr. Marquina.


Nodding to several people he'd met at countless function, Sergio made it a point to keep moving until he was at the booth in the back of the jazz club. He waved over a waiter, who was more than ready to take his drink order.

"What'll be sir?"

"A bottle of your finest wine. Two glasses. I'm waiting for someone."

"Yes, sir."

Waiting until the man left, Sergio took a breath to calm himself. To be honest, he was nervous. Not about his feelings, or his intentions. Not about the girl. No, he was nervous as to whether or not she would show. Last night, he couldn't get a read on Raquel. Oh, she was willing, and pliant in his arms. But when the light of day approached, common sense returned. Logically, he knew that he was the better choice. But he didn't want what that boy Alberto did to ruin anything they could have. His attention was drawn to the band who entered the stage, before the legend himself began setting up his instrument. Glancing at his watch, he noted the time.

8:05 pm.

Come on, Raquel, Sergio thought, give us a shot.

Deciding to play the night by ear, he told his security, mainly Dante, to ease up on him. He knew that Raquel was aware, and had several due to her father's involvement in executive level business. However, he wanted her to feel as if it was only the two of them. He wanted her to learn to trust him, and his attention.

"Good evening, folks. I hope you enjoy the music."

After a thunderous applause, which included himself, Boney began to play. The sound of Boney James' bedtime story began playing throughout the club, and Sergio found himself relaxing a bit more. After several minutes, he glanced at the door, and his breath caught. Because there, at the entrance, stood the most beautiful woman he'd ever seen.

Wearing a red solid hook and red puff sleeve bustier mini dress, that stopped mid-thigh, and red four inch heels. She had no jewelry on, save for a pair of diamond earrings. Her hair was piled on top of her head, and her lips were a ruby red. Several heads turned in her direction, but her eyes scanned the room, stopping when they locked with his. Scooting to the end of the booth, he stood, and silently waited for her to come to him.

Biting her lip, she smiled a bit, before walking over to him. Apart from the music, the only thing he could focus on was her.

Raquel Murillo.

His for the taking.


Raquel was absolutely thrown.

She had expected it to e a lovely event, but she didn't think it would be this crowded. She saw several men who did business with her father, and she saw the raised eyebrows at who she was heading to. She knew tongues would be wagging come next week, but she couldn't find it in her to care. She was going to start doing what she wanted. And the first order of business was to choose who she would be with.

Sergio Marquina.

She knew what she was saying.

Being here meant that she was giving them a chance. A real shot, as he would say. And that was what she wanted. Because truthfully, Raquel saw something in his eyes that often what he dreamed of.

The closer she got to him, the more she wanted to be near him. She saw his eyes roam over her body appreciatively, and it caused her to blush from the inside out. The man himself was no slouch. Dressed head to toe in a Versace, burgundy suit, he looked every inch the CEO of a billion-dollar industry that he was. The black polished shoes finished the look, and his tousled hair, and clean-shaven cheek only added to his allure. Raquel could see several women sending looks his way, and it filled Raquel with pride to know that he only had eyes for her. Something that sadly, Alberto could never provide.

I should have saw the signs, sooner.

Once she reached him, he leaned down and kissed her cheek, lingering for a bit to take in her scent.
"You look absolutely breathtaking Ms. Murillo."

Pulling back, Raquel subtly breathed in his woodsy scent, trying not to moan at how good it felt being in his arms again.

"Thank you. You look good as well."

Waiting until she was seated, Sergio slid in beside her.

"I went ahead and ordered us some wine. I hope that's okay."

Nodding, she placed her purse on the table, before looking up at him.

"It is."

For a moment, the two held each other's gaze. The low-lighting of the club, adding a sensual flair that only heightened their awareness of one another.

"I'm glad you came, Raquel. I really mean it." Deciding to be honest, he spoke quietly, amidst the music.

"I thought you weren't going to come."

Running her hand over his on the table, she sighed.

"At first, I didn't think I would, either. But I had to. Because Sergio, I want to give us a try. "
Flipping his palm over, he curled his hand around hers before pulling it to his mouth.

"I'm glad."

Before they could get into a deeper conversation, the man returned with their wine.

"Would you like to order?"

"Are you hungry, Sergio?"

Keeping his eyes locked on hers, he smirked.

"Absolutely famished."

Flushing at the look he was giving her, Raquel tried, but failed to hold back her own lust. The man was going to kill her, and they hadn't even ordered dinner yet. The waiter clearing his throat, brought back the two of them.

"But, to answer your question, Raquel. I could eat." Turning to the waiter, he spoke quickly.

"I'll have the steak, well done with the baked potatoes."

"Very good. And for you, miss?"

Leaning closer to Sergio, Raquel whispered.

"What should I get, Sergio?"

Raising a brow, he asked her what she could eat.

"Chicken, fish, etc."

Smiling, he shook his head.

"The lady will have the salmon with wild rice." Turning back to Raquel he silently asked if that was okay. Her nod of approval was all he needed.

"Very well. I will return with your orders, shortly."

As soon as he left, Sergio each poured them a glass of wine. Raising it, he leaned his head close to Raquel's.

"To a new beginning."

"A new beginning," she echoed, clinking glasses with the man. The two of them settled in for the next round of songs, with Sergio pulling Raquel closer to him with his arm around her, and Raquel's crossed leg resting against his ankle.


Once the musicians went on a half-hour break, their food arrived, giving them ample time to talk.



"Favorite color?" Laughing at the unexpected question, she wiped her eyes at Sergio's confused look.


"Nothing. It's just, I didn't expect you to ask that. My favorite color is Orange."

Now it was his turn to laugh.

"What's so funny?" She asked, before cutting up her fish.

Smirking, Sergio began to dig into his own meal.

"Orange. Raquel, that has to be the most ridiculous color ever. Nothing goes with orange. Not a t-shirt, nothing."

Giggling, Raquel pointed her fork at him.

"Sergio, this is a first date. You're supposed to like everything I like. Then months down the road I'm supposed to find out that you abhor the color after I've forced you to wear it several times during our budding relationship."

Laughing again, Sergio couldn't believe Raquel.

"Well, I will never lie to you, even if your favorite color is orange."

Swallowing her food, she asked him a question.

"Place you want to visit the most?"

"Easy." She waited for him to elaborate, and when he didn't she sighed.

"You do know how this works, right? You're supposed to answer my question, as I do yours."

"What if that question is more of a show you, that tell you?"

Raising a brow, she leaned back.

"What do you mean?"

Glancing up at her, he winked.

"Show, not tell. Now, my turn. Thing you want to secretly do, but haven't told anyone about?"

Make love with you. All night long.

She didn't answer, but the instant blush on her face made Sergio insanely curious to know. Instead, she whispered her own answer.

"Another time."



By the time they returned, both Raquel and Sergio were finished with their meals. They sat back, and listened to the last set of songs.

"And now. By popular demand. I will be ending the night with one of my favorite songs. I'm sure you've heard of it. It's called butter."

The musician smiled at the whistled, roars, and applause to play the top song. Once he began, Sergio dropped his hand to Raquel's thigh. Leaning over, he whispered in her ear.

"You enjoy yourself?"

Biting her lip, Raquel nodded as she felt his hand move up and down her thigh in a gentle caress.


Breathing shallow, Raquel whispered back to him.


Kissing her cheek, he moved to her ear lobe. Biting it gently, he spoke.

"How long has it been?" She opened her mouth to answer, but the slight tight hold on her thigh caused her to gasp aloud.

"How long," he said again.

Closing her eyes, she answered quickly.

"A year in a half."

Sergio pulled back if he'd been slapped across the face. She could see the man was shocked, and she felt embarrassed to have even let the drought continue for that long. But, she was glad she stopped. She didn't want to catch no stupid STI because of Alberto's stupidity. Blushing, she looked down at his hand on her leg. She didn't even realize that she was unconsciously moving it higher.

"Now, that's a shame. If I see Mr. Vicuna myself, I won't be accountable for punching the idiot."

Raquel could see the sincerity in his eyes. She was glad to see no pity. All she saw was nothing but his honest desire for her.

"Come home with me, tonight."

Without hesitation, she answered.



Raquel couldn't tell you how the ride home went. She couldn't tell you about the faces who wanted to talk with her, or Sergio's bodyguard who was trailing them. She couldn't elaborate on the wonderful penthouse that Sergio lived in facing the Pacific Ocean. The only thing Raquel could tell you about was the feel of Sergio's lips sealed over hers. His strong, hard hands that ripped her dress as soon as they entered the room. The way he laid her body on his bed as if she was breakable glass. Legs dangling over the side of the bed, Raquel gasped when she felt his suited, clothed body draped over her naked one, save for her panties.

"God, Raquel. You look absolutely magnificent."

Blushing from the compliment, she reached up and wrapped her arms around his neck. Running her hands through his hair, she whispered to him.

"Make love to me, Sergio. Please. It's been so long I felt like a woman."

Running his hands up her sides, he kissed her lips before licking them.

"It will be my greatest pleasure, Ms. Murillo."

Capturing her lips again, Sergio palmed her breasts. Rubbing her pert nipples, he began to gently pull on them, much to Raquel's excitement. She groaned aloud when she felt herself becoming wetter from his ministrations. Wrapping one leg around his waist, Raquel gasped when he broke the kiss, only to leave a trail down her neck, on her chest, and between her breasts. Pushing her breasts together, Sergio began to bite, lick, and suck on both of her nipples at the same time, driving her crazy with want. She could feel herself coming from his breast play alone.


Pulling away from his suckling, he looked up at her and winked. Raquel's hair was spread out on his silk sheets. Her chest was heaving and flushed, as were her cheeks, and her eyes looked wild with want. Her hands had long ago dropped to her sides, and she was gripping the sheets between her fingers. Pulling away, he stood over her. Slowly, he began removing his tie. Once that was off, he shook off his suit coat, and let it fall to the floor. Then he began to work on the buttons of his shirt. Biting her lip, Raquel ran her foot over his left peck, knowing he could no doubt see the wet stain on her panties. His answering groan was all she needed to hear.

"You're trying to kill me, Raquel."

Shaking her head, she smiled seductively.

"No, Sergio. You're trying to kill me."

Once his shirt was unbuttoned, he picked up her foot, and kissed her toes, before setting it high on the bed. Pulling his shirt off, Raquel marveled at his lean, toned physique, muscles rippling through his chest, and hard abs. Quickly snatching off his belt, he unbuttoned, and unzipped his pants, before those two fell at his feet. Stepping out of them, he removed his socks, leaving him in nothing but a pair of black boxer-briefs.

"Take it off," she heard herself whisper. Keeping eye contact with her, he slowly removed them, before standing in front of her.


His was so big. She knew her eyes were wide in shock, but the size of him was a surprise.

Alberto didn't even rate. Raquel thought smugly.

Leaning over her body, he kissed her lips once more before sliding back down her body. Licking her belly button, he stabbed his tongue inside before whispering against her skin.

"I want to taste you, Raquel. Can I?"

Hovering over her folds, Raquel shivered when she felt his breath over her sensitive flesh.

"Yes. God, yes, Sergio."

Smirking, Sergio ran his hands up and down her overheated legs.

"Raquel? Have you ever been French kissed?"

Confused, Raquel peered down at him.


holding open her folds, Sergio opened his mouth, and slid his tongue from her entrance all the way to her clit. Before sucking.


Breathless, Raquel gripped his hair, stunned at how good his mouth felt on her. Moaning, she tried to pull away from the intense feel of it all, but was unable to escape. While she was focused on his mouth, Sergio moved his hands under her bum, and pulled her tighter, kissing, licking, and sucking on her as if she was his first meal in years. Whimpering, Raquel continued to arch into his body, unaware that tears of pleasure were feeling her eyes.

"Sergio, Sergio, Sergio," Raquel kept repeating, chanting his name like a mantra. Sliding lower, Sergio licked around her entrance, before sliding his tongue deeper into her warmth. At that, Raquel came almost instantly.

"Sergio!" she shouted, and she flooded his tongue with her essence. Her legs were shaking, she was panting as if she'd run a race, and she'd never felt more alive in her life. Licking back up to her clit, Sergio continued circling it before sliding one, then two fingers inside of her.

"Come for me, Raquel. Come for me, again."

Crooking his fingers inside of her, Raquel's eyes widened again as he found a spot within her that caused her to practically vibrate out of her skin.
"Sergio," she shouted, this time more hoarsely, as she came again. Pulling away from between her legs, Sergio kissed her trembling legs, trailing back up to her lips. Raquel noted that his lips were shiny from her, and when he bent to kiss her, she readily accepted his lips, then tongue. Spreading her legs wider, Sergio reached for protection, only for Raquel to stop him.

"I'm on the pill, and I'm clean. As soon as I found out about Alberto I went and got tested."

Breathless, but knowing they needed to have this conversation, he spoke quickly.

"I've been single for six months. I've gotten tested regularly, and I just had one last month. I'm clean too."

"Good. Because I want to feel only you. No barriers."

Leaning back over her, he kissed her short, but hard.

"No barriers."

He lined himself up to her entrance, before gently sliding inside of her. He had to stop several times for her to adjust to his size, but once she gave him the signal, he thrust to the hilt. Clutching his strong back, Raquel wrapped her legs around his waist as he continued to move in her with steady, sure strokes.

"God, you feel so good, Raquel."

She kissed his cheek, before whispering in his ear.

"You feel so good inside of me, baby. No one has ever been this deep in me."

Groaning at her words, and the tug she gave his ear, Sergio sped up the pace.

"Come for me, Sergio. Come inside of me. I need to have all of you, as you do me."

Stiffening, Sergio thrusts several more times inside of her before finally reaching the same glorious climax that Raquel had touched only seconds before. Gasping for breath, Sergio gently pulled out of her before crawling up the bed. Situating Raquel gently beside him, he pulled her into his arms, and kissed her until she became breathless again. Looking up at him, Raquel smiled hesitantly.

"That was the best sexual experience of my life."

Chuckling, Sergio leaned down and kissed her again.

"Mine as well."

Reaching up, Raquel smoothed back a piece of damp hair, before moving to sit astride him. leaning over, she kissed his lips, unable to stay away. Moving his hands up her back, he moaned when Raquel deepened their kiss. Pulling away, she smiled when she felt him harden against her backside. Before she could process anything, he flipped her onto her back, which caused her to squeal and then giggle.

"Why, Mr. Marquina. Where on earth did you learn those moves?"

"I'll tell you about it some other time. Now, where were we?"
So how was the chapter.
Sorry for the late update

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