Thirty Nine

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"Sergio Marquina speaking."


Waving off Andres, Sergio jogged upstairs until he was in his room. Locking the door quietly, he sat on the edge of the bed.

"Raquel. I take it Marrakesh went well?"

Looking out onto the middle eastern sunset, Raquel smoothed her hand over her belly.

"Yes. It's quite beautiful here. The people, the food, our family. They are so happy that you and I are happy. Plus, they keep trying to name our baby some crazy name."

Chuckling, Sergio ran his hands over his knees.

"Just say no. And please tell mother that only you, or I will name the child. I heard that she was going to adopt a baby once when we were younger and name him Ernest. There's nothing wrong with the name, but I'm glad that the call came the same day for Andres."

The two were quiet on the phone, listening to the other breathe before Raquel spoke.

"I saw Ava."

"I know."

Sitting on the deck outside, she told him that she figured it out.

"I know you did. But, I didn't want you to think I was being overbearing?"

"Overbearing? You? Even though you send poor Daniel out here? I never would have thought that," she said teasingly, to which he mock gasped.

"Hey! I was just trying to protect my very pregnant fiance. Besides, if you were there, and you happened to kill Ava, he could help you hide the body."


"Raquel. Don't tell me it didn't cross your mind once."

"More like three times," she murmured, to which he sighed.

"Baby. Thank you so much, for trying to protect me, and Matt. But, we are fine. Ava has made her bed. Now she must deal with the consequences."

Biting her lip, Raquel explained what she'd done.

"I took all the stolen money."

Closing his eyes, Sergio swore under his breath.

"Raquel," he started, only to be stopped by her.

"Wait. I didn't spend it, or do anything crazy. I just put it into an account for Matt. He deserves it, Sergio. Your sister was absolutely wrong for what she did, and when he gets older, and we tell him the truth, I want Matt to use it on something stupid. Like a collectors item, or a red sports car."

"Baby. We can buy him these things. And I'm not mad at you. I just don't want you stooping to her level. Ava is in her own hell. I think she has officially realized the error of her ways. She can't come home. She won't be happy there. She truly is lost," Sergio finished. Raquel could hear the sadness in his voice, and asked him if he wished she didn't get involved. His answer surprised her.

"No. I'm not. She didn't just hurt me, and my family. She hurt you as well. Ava has to know there are repercussions for her actions. I've already said my goodbyes to her. The Ava I used to know anyway. Tell me, how did she look?"

"She looked surprised to see me. She thought I would cave because of your relationship with her. I told her in explicit terms that her thinking was completely wrong."

"I bet," he added wryly.

"It's over now, Sergio. Once I leave here, I will no longer discuss Ava Marquina. In my eyes, that book is closed."

"I know. Andres and I even talked about it. He thought that the Ava we knew and loved died a long time ago. Maybe we could have saved her, or maybe we should have seen the signs, but we didn't."

"You can't predict that baby."

"I know. But, I can't help thinking that way. Being her brother I should have seen the signs."

"You had your life to live. And Ava made her choices a long time ago."

"I know. I love you, Raquel Murillo, soon to be Marquina."

Smiling, Raquel sighed.

"I love you too Sergio Marquina, soon to be my husband."

Chuckling, he leaned back on the bed.

"I like the sound of that. Hey, Raquel? I'm going to need you to hold on for just a second. There's a little boy that's been desperate to talk with you."

Raquel's heart clenched when she thought of Matt.

"Put him on please."

Raquel heard a door open, and Sergio call Matt's name.

"Hello?" Matt questioned, breathless from running upstairs.

"How's my Matt doing?"

Beaming, he shouted into the phone.


Tears in her eyes, she kicked her feet up on the rest that was by the railing.

"Have you been a good boy?"

Matt was nodding as if she could see him before answering.

"Yes. I've been good. Me and daddy, and Uncle Andres have been doing guy stuff."

"Oh, really? What about painting? Have you done any of that without me?"

"No! I promised to wait until you come back. When are you coming back, mama? I miss you."

"I miss you too, baby. But, don't worry. I'll be back tomorrow night. When you wake up not tomorrow, but the next day, I'll be downstairs waiting for you."

"You promise?" he asked, uncertainty in his tone.

"Absolutely. I would never lie to you baby boy. Then, when I get back, we are going to paint, and go on more trips to the zoo and aquarium, and we are even going to get daddy to take us on his big boat again."


Laughing, Raquel shouted a little into the phone as well.

"It'll be so much fun! But, I'm going to need you to be a big boy and keep a watch on your daddy, and Uncle Andres, and your cousins, okay?"

"I promise. Tell baby brother I miss him too."

If Raquel wasn't a mess already, she would've been by the time Matt uttered those simple words. Even Sergio's eyes gleamed a bit with tears.

"I will. We both love you."

"I love you mama."

"Hand the phone over to your daddy."

Raquel heard Matt hand over the phone, and him giggle before Sergio came back on the line.

"Well, he seems happy. I guess he just needed to hear your voice, and make sure that you were coming back."

"I understand. After all, he is my son."

"Indeed he is, Ms. Murillo. I'll see you Monday night?"

"Yes, you will."


"Well ladies, that was fun," Marivi said. They had just landed back in Seattle after several stops, and it was late Monday night. She glanced out the window, grinning at the men waiting for all the women.

"Raquel, sweetheart, I see your father. I'm going to head on home. You'll come by the house tomorrow? We should finalize any last minute wedding details."

Nodding, Raquel leaned over and kissed her cheek.

"I will."

"Good. And then Danica, and I will let everyone else know. Does that sound alright?"

Silene, and Alicia agreed. While everyone was standing, getting their bags together, Danica asked Raquel to stay back.

"Alicia. Let the boys and Xavier know it'll only be a few minutes before we step off."

"Will do Danica."

Once Silene and Alicia called out their good nights, Danica sat up, and took the seat Silene vacated only seconds before, She grabbed Raquel's hand before smiling.

"So, Raquel. How was my daughter?"

Turning wide eyes to the older, more knowing eyes of Danica, Raquel sputtered a bit.

"Well, I mean, she's-"

"Don't look too shocked, dear. I admit, while Marrakesh is a beautiful city, It is an odd place to have a bachelorette weekend. It took me a while to figure it out, but when I overheard Alicia and Silene, I knew you went to see her."

Deciding to be honest, Raquel sighed.

"I did see her, yes. I needed her to understand that there are consequences to her actions. Especially concerning Matt."

"Oh, I agree sweetie. I think you are right. I know Andres, Sergio, and even Xavier tried to get me to see, but I know if I was faced with her, I would have been too weak. She is my only daughter, Raquel." Danica said, hoping Raquel would understand. And she did. You can't choose your family, after all.

"I understand, Danica. I took all of the stolen money, and placed it into an account for Matt. When he gets older, he will decide what to do with it."

Nodding, she pulled out a tissue, and wiped at her eyes.

"Tell me something," Danica said shakily, "Did she look the least bit contrite?"

"She did at times. Almost as if she regretted it. But, she also knew that she was too far in the hole to climb out of it. She was involved with too many murders, and conspiracies to ever be a free woman."

Nodding, Danica squeezed Raquel's hand.

"I only wanted her to be happy. I just, this is terrible."

Squeezing back, Raquel hugged Danica.

"I understand more than you know, Danica. But we will get through this together. As a family."


Walking off the jet, Raquel inhaled the cool Seattle air. She smiled when she saw Sergio leaning against the Audi SUV. Everyone had been long gone, but he was calm as ever, even in the cool air. Jeans, boots, and a leather jacket. He was every inch a bad boy.

Her bad boy.

"Baby," he said, before placing his large hand on her stomach. He smiled when he felt a kick, and laughed when he felt another.

"The baby is active."

"Yeah. He is most nights."

Guiding Raquel into the car, he closed the door behind them both.

"Jacob, back home."

"Yes sir. And if I may say, it's a pleasure to have you back with us Raquel."

Blushing, she thanked Jacob. When they sped off, he placed his ear buds back in his ear. Turning to Sergio, she pulled his hands to her lips and kissed them.

"I missed you so much, baby."

"The same. Don't leave like that again? At least for the next several years."

Laughing, Raquel agreed.


"Hmm?" he asked, as he kissed her neck. He pulled back when she was silent.

"I want you to know that I love you. Really love you. No matter what happens, I will always be there."

Smiling, he returned her sentiments with his own.

"Raquel Murillo, I promise to love you the rest of my days, and show you how much I love, respect, cherish, and desire you. I want nothing but for you, and our kids to be happy."

Tears welling in her eyes, she dropped his hands, and cupped his cheeks.

"You do. Everyday Sergio you make me happy. I was resigned to settling in with Alberto. I'm so glad you came that night to my father's company party. I would probably be lost."

"I know I'd be lost."

"Forever, Sergio."

"Forever, Raquel."



I know this is probably not the ending you all hoped for, but I felt this story was coming to an end. 

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