Thirty Three

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(Before Sergio, Raquel, and Matt returned home)

Danica and Xavier entered their house after a lovely early dinner. They'd been neglecting each other, and Danica was so happy to be out with her husband. Because they knew Sergio, and or Raquel would return with Matt, they opted for a 5pm meal, so they would be back in time for their grandchild, and possibly their own personal dessert. Ava said she'd been having stomach pains, and wanted to lay down, and since Raquel took Matt, they figured it was the perfect time to reconnect. When they arrived home, Xavier kissed Danica softly.

"I need to check on a couple of things, then we can resume our conversation." Giggling like a schoolgirl, Danica nodded before kissing his cheek.

"Okay. I'm going to open a bottle of wine."

Smirking, Xavier winked at her before walking down to his office. Internally sighing at her lovely husband, Danica headed to the kitchen, noticing a letter with her name on the front. Recognizing the familiar handwriting as Ava's, Danica became a bit concerned.

Scratch that. A lot concerned.

Tearing open the envelope, Danica's eyes scanned the paper, shaking her head in disbelief.

Dear Mother,

If you're reading this letter, it means that my plan came to fruition, and I am no longer in Seattle. It means that you will not see me again, and that I am well and truly free. I need to explain some things to you, but I know that if I tried you would want me to stay, and fix things. Here's the thing; I don't want to fix anything. I want to be free, and have a fresh start. This is what I had to do to accomplish it.

Let me start off my by saying, that no. I did not lose my memory. As a matter of fact, I never did. I was injured, and shot, yes, but not by intruders. No, my dear old husband, Alberto Vicuna tried to shoot me. He tried to shoot me, then make sure I burned alive in our home. He was so angry of my betrayal, he even found the man I truly loved, Mick's brother, the senator, and made sure to kill him, and that his body burned with mine. When you think of it. It sounds poetic. But, I couldn't let that pass. You see, I slept with Alberto for a very long time. At one point I thought I loved him. But it turns out, I just wanted to possess him. In all actuality, I loved Jackson Blackstone. I met him at a convention I secretly went with Alberto with. He was attractive, strong, and had no desire to be there. I think that was what drew me to him. That he was a bad boy. Anyway, he was watching his brother campaigning with a disgusted look on his face, and when his eyes met mine, I knew.

He was the one.

We snuck away that night, and that was how Matt was born. Everytime I look at that boy, I see his father, his real father, Jackson. The next day, I tried to see him again, but he only laughed it off. Told me it was a one night thing only. I was hurt, but I didn't want him to see it, so I too left. From that moment on, I never loved Alberto. But he was a means to an end. When I found out I was pregnant, I made sure that Alberto would take care of the baby. Reason why? He still hadn't left Raquel for me, and I was hurt, so I made sure that Alberto would suffer. Years later, I find out that we have to go to another convention, and lo and behold, Jackson was there.

Except I made sure to avoid him. Whenever I saw him heading my way, I would leave the room, or not speak if he was talking with a group of people. In a rare moment, he caught me off-guard, and alone. He started apologizing, and asked for another chance. Because I loved him, I caved, and that night, was the best one I'd ever had. The next day, he promised to come for me, but his job, then his brother, prevented that. He told me that Mick told him it wouldn't be wise for us to be together. That maybe it was just a one night stand type of thing. That morning, I became even more bitter than before. I was determined to make him pay for hurting me as much as he did. So, I spent the next several months sleeping with Alberto, while plotting to hurt Jackson. And I did. Catching Mick in a weak moment, I slept with him, making sure to record the entire thing. I sent it to Jackson, and told him that now I can rest knowing I had both brothers. It was mean, petty, and very nasty, but I didn't care.

I received phone calls, threats, and text messages from Jackson, but I only laughed them off. Mick figured out what I was doing, and tried paying me off to keep quiet. I agreed on the condition that the money would increase every six months. He then added that I would have to sign an agreement, along with a NDA clause of his involvement.

I did.

Months later, Raquel found me, and Alberto, which led to the events you now know of. Mick was angry about his brother shaming his own campaign with his use of drugs and constant women. However, the two of us never counted on Alberto figuring out that Jackson was the one I really wanted, and I think he knew Matt really wasn't his. Truth was, I didn't even know if the baby I lost was Alberto's or Mick's. It doesn't matter, though, because I am finally free of it all. I want you to know, that you, and dad are not to blame for my choices. No, the blame falls entirely with me. You are a smart woman, mother. I have lied for so long, that I know no other life. The reason for my acting concerning my memory loss? I could see the pain I had caused you, and dad. With Raquel dating Sergio, and him finally settling down, along with Andres and his so-called perfect family, I was the odd one out. When I had woken, I figured that if I feigned memory loss, and acted as how I used to, you both would be happy again. But I knew I could only do that for a short amount of time.

I don't love many people, but I do love my family. I screwed up many times, but I knew you would always forgive me. Call me selfish, but I took advantage of that. I love you mom, very much.


Your Ava.

Setting the letter down on the counter, Danica shouted Xavier's name, who rounded the corner seconds later, with paper in his hand as well.

"Did Ava-"

"Yes. she left you one as well?" Xavier asked, to which Danica nodded. Handing over his paper, he took Danica's and they each read what their daughter left them.


I'm sure mom has read hers, and you both are shocked, so i'll be brief. I've been faking all along. I did not lose my memory. Truthfully, I was glad to lose the baby, because I couldn't stomach having another child. I even told the doctor to make sure that never happens again. I don't want to go into all the details as to how this started, I left mother's letter filled with the circumstances which led to my ultimate demise. But dad, I want you to know that I love you. So very much. I am sorry I disappointed you, and mom. That I couldn't be the person you had both groomed me to be. Like I told mother, I chose this path, and I am choosing to walk it alone. I will be okay. I am not returning, and I pray and ask that you not look for me. I have found a place where I will be able to live the rest of my life. A life where no one knows who I am. A place where I can truly start fresh. I have my own means to support myself, so you don't need to worry on that front, but I cannot tell you how I received such support. It would only disappoint you further. Please know that although I will not see you any longer, I will also be keeping tabs on you both. I love you with all my heart, and soul.


"Call the family," Xavier barked out, to which Danica hurried around the counter, and pulled her phone from her purse.


Humming to herself, Alicia was putting away the toys that her children had been playing with all evening. They were now tucked into the living room with Andres. Alicia always smiled when she could hear the giggles from her son and daughter. It's no surprise. Andres was a big child himself, and even watched just as many Disney movies as the kids. She was truly thankful to have such a great family. Hearing the doorbell, she shouted that she would get it, rolling her eyes when she received no response.

Typical. The moment The Lion King comes on, all THREE of my children can no longer hear commands, she thought in amusement. Looking through the peep-hole, she noticed the delivery man, and frowned. Looking at the clock on the mirror, she noticed the time, frowning.

"It's 6:30 p.m."

Opening the door a bit, Alicia narrowed her eyes at the man.

You could never be too careful.

"Yes?" she asked, to which the man smiled.

"Hello. I'm looking for Mr. or Mrs. Marquina to sign. Ava Marquina requested the signature come from one of you?"

Inwardly groaning, Alicia said that she was Mrs. Marquina.

Taking the pen, she signed before taking the one letter, addressed to Andres.

"Have a good night miss."

"You too."

Closing the door, Alicia growled, before stomping her feet. She knew, she just knew it had been too quiet for the past several weeks. That it's been too good to be true. Walking into the family room, she smiled when she saw her son under Andres's arm, and her daughter playing with his hair. To be fair, Andres's hair was amazing. It was what she grabbed whenever he was in her.

Or on top of her.

Or behind her.

Clearing her throat, she waved him over.

"Andres, can I see you in the kitchen? It's important?"

Turning his gaze back to the screen, he moaned.

"Really? Their about to sing Hakuna Matata," To which his son clapped, and his daughter bounced in his arms. Rolling her eyes, she waved the piece of paper.

"Number one. We own this movie. Number two: It's from your sister."

"Oh, hell."

Standing, he kissed both of their heads, and turned up the television before walking with her into the kitchen. Sitting at the stool, he held out his hand, opening the letter. Andres pulled Alicia beside him and kissed her cheek.

"Sit beside me."

Nodding, she watched his face as he read the letter. After several minutes of silence, Andres threw the paper on the island, before standing.


"I've gotta go upstairs, and call the baby-sitter. We need to get to my parents house, babe." Noting the seriousness in his voice, she only nodded. When he left the room, she picked up the letter.

Dear Andres,

If you're reading this, it means i'm gone. Gone as in never coming back. No need to look for me, as i've planned this all along. I do not want to live in Seattle. I want a fresh start. I have explained in the letter I left mom the reasons for my actions, but I wanted you to know that I did not lose my memories. I was faking the entire time. If you want to know the intimate details as to why, when you speak with mom she will let you know. I didn't want my letter to you to say that. No, I wanted to thank you for being a great brother. The best brother a girl could ever ask for. You were always fun, and gave great advice in an off-handed way. I wanted so bad to be the sister that you needed. That you and Sergio both needed. But, I couldn't. The things in my life, well, I take responsibility for them, but I want you to know that it has nothing to do with you. I loved being an aunt to your beautiful children, and I think you lucked out in the wife department. Alicia is just as in love with you, as you her. I wish i could feel that, but I've been unable to. Hopefully in my new life I will have the chance to experience that. Like I told mom and dad, where I am at, you cannot find me, and you never will. I am also under a new name. I wanted to give you this as well. Matt is not Alberto's I had a paternity test taken, and he is Jackson Blackstone's. Senator Mick's brother. The paternity test is in the envelope along with this letter. I want you to know that I will always cherish our time that we spent, and I don't want you to feel too bad that you believed I had lost my memories. I wanted it that way, so you all could see me how I used to be.

With love,


"Wow," Alicia murmured to herself. Setting down the letter, Alicia looked into the envelope, and saw another folded piece of paper. It showed with 99.99% certainty that Alberto Vicuna was not the father, but Jackson Blackstone was. Sliding off the chair, Alicia headed into the living room to her kids. Clapping her hands together she smiled.

"Okay, babies! Mommy, and daddy have somewhere important to go, but the baby-sitter will be here soon. Stay here until I come back downstairs, okay?"

Both of her children nodded. She kissed their heads before heading up to her husband. She had a feeling this was going to be a long evening.


(Flashback to present time)

After Danica told Raquel, and Sergio to head upstairs, to change, both of them kept glancing between one another before turning and heading up the stairs. When they were in Sergio's room, Raquel leaned against the door, while Sergio opened his drawers, looking for sweat clothes for the two of them. While he was looking, Raquel spoke.

"I hope everything's okay. Your family looked to be in shock."

Sighing, he turned, before tossing Raquel a pair of sweats, and a large t-shirt.

"That's an understatement. I truly have no idea what could have happened. Ava isn't downstairs, which makes me think it has something to do with her."


Walking into his closet, Sergio paused when he saw two letters on his shelf. One addressed to him, the other to Raquel. Snatching the one with his name, he quickly opened it up. He could hear Raquel changing, so he knew he had time.


I've wrote all of our family letters, but this one was the toughest. I've had to stop, and come back to your letter, chickening out every single time. As sad as it is, with the rest of the family, it took maybe an hour, two tops to say what I needed to say; yours however, took some time. Anything concerning you always takes time. Well, here goes nothing. If you're reading this, then it means I am gone. Officially. I will not be returning. No I haven't been kidnapped, and no, I wasn't held against my will. I've also taken measures to ensure that I am never found, and should you think to find me, there have been steps taken that will lead you on a goose chase. Sergio, I've been lying. I never lost my memory.

It wasn't to get back at anyone, but to be the person I used to be. I explained my reasons in mother's letter, and if you want you can read it there. It's no excuse, but it's how I am. Truthfully, I've always been searching for love. Problem is, the only love I seemed to be able to get was from my family. Romantic love never seemed to work for me. It made me bitter.

Then Raquel comes along, and not only does Alberto try to marry her, but he tried to break up with me. It should've been me. Even though I never loved him, I wanted to possess him more than anything. I was also so glad to be rid of that baby. The second one wasn't his either, but I couldn't bring another baby into this world, especially knowing that I was going to leave it in someone else's care. I wanted to let you know that I never meant to hurt you. I am glad you and Raquel have this great connection. That you seemed to be able to find the one. But it seems to not be the case for me right now. I revealed some things to Andres, which he will confirm with you, but in your letter, I have relinquished all rights of my child to you. I want nothing to do with him, or children, and if you want, you could even say that I died, if it'll be easier for him. Along with me relinquishing my child, is another contract, which I had my own lawyer draw together. It shows that I have left my child in my brother's care. I only request that his name be changed. No child should have to bear the last name Vicuna, when he could be a Marquina. I'm sorry it had to end like this, but this is the path I chose. I want to start fresh away from it all.

I will always love you Sergio,


Sergio shook his head in disbelief. His own sister? Not only did she betray him, but she'd been lying this entire time? Grabbing Raquel's letter, he stormed out of the closet into his room, waiting for Raquel to come out just then she did, she took a look at his face, and stepped closer.

"What is it?"

Angry, he held out the letter with her name on it.

"It seems you were right, Raquel. My sister had been playing us all along." Studying his face, she reached up, and cupped his face with her hands.

"She left me something?"

Nodding, he kissed her soft lips, trying to steady himself.

"Yes. As a matter of fact, I think she left us all something. I'm going to let you read the one she left you, then mine in peace. I'll be waiting downstairs with the family for you."

Kissing him, she took the letter from his outstretched hand. Once he left the room, she sighed, before plopping onto his bed. Opening it, she took a deep breath before reading it.


You don't know me really well, except for me being a lying, vindictive woman, who slept with your fiance. This is all true, but there was more to me at one point in my life. I wanted to personally apologize to you. I could see in your eyes that you never believed I lost my memory, and I inwardly applauded you for seeing what the others could not. It's not their fault. Their view of me was distorted by the person I used to be. Truth was, I was desperate. Now, you're probably thinking what I could have possibly been desperate for? I had parents who adored me, even my brothers doted on me. I had more money than I knew to do with, and could go anywhere, and be anyone. But, it wasn't enough. I wanted love. Real love. It seemed the two men I thought would give it to me, were unable to provide me with it. Jackson, the body that was burned in my house, was my real true love. But, he hurt me, and I did so much damage to him, that he could never truly forgive me. You came along, and I knew that Alberto was never going to leave me for you. That he kept patronizing me to string me along. I accepted his gifts because I wanted to believe him, not because I did. I married a gay man. I even slept with his gay lover to get back at his brother, the man whom I loved. If that isn't the plot of a juicy soap-opera, then I don't know what is. Neither of the kids were Alberto's either. I left Andres with the paternity test, and I left Sergio with my papers that relinquished me as a mother. I asked Sergio to raise him as his own child. I've done a lot to you, but I need you to do this favor for me. I would like you to raise him as your own as well. I've seen the two of you bond, and I know that he is happiest when he is with Sergio, and coincidentally, you.

I've always been jealous of you, Raquel. Not only were you beautiful, and kind. But it seemed as if men were willing to move mountains just to have you in their life. A true Helen of Troy. I know you never truly liked me, therefore I don't have to ask you to not come looking for me. But, I need you to make sure that my family never does. I hope you have a good life, Raquel. After everything Alberto, and even I have put you through, you deserve it. Help my brother. I know now that he is angry, and hurt from my actions. But make sure he knows that it had nothing to do with him. That this was all on me.

Good luck in life, and love.


Gently setting down the letter, Raquel picked up Sergio's reading it's entire contents before pulling her phone from her wet clothes. Enough was enough. She may couldn't have gotten Ava to come back home, but she could hurt her finances. Dialing a number, she waited until the person on the other line picked up.


"Mom. Remember when you asked if I needed help with the Ava situation? I do. And it's not the police calling kind."

Smirking, Marivi practically purred into the phone.

"That's my favorite kind, darling. Tell me, and i'll see what I can do."

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