Chapter 1

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September 29, 1918. Battle of St. Quentin Canal
A bullet bounced off Jack's helmet. The plan was failing. The Australian 3rd Division couldn't hold their position. Jack looked around him and saw American and Australian soldiers falling to the German guns. The sound of gunshots filled his ears as bullets whizzed by him. They couldn't capture the positions they needed to. The soldiers pressed forward towards the east defensive of the canal.
Jack suddenly felt like he was kicked in the chest. He collapsed backwards, the air knocked out of him. He gasped trying to regain his breath. As soon as the air was back in his lungs he felt burning in the center of his chest. It was like someone was twisting a red hot poker inside of him. Jack felt his pulse quicken and his chest go numb. He suddenly got very dizzy and the battle around him faded to black.

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