Did I Accidentally a War?

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The party was something. He slept through all of it though. Which was probably a good thing because when he woke up, it looked like a tornado ran through the place. He didn't really know where everyone went, because they were no longer in the lobby, well except Husk who was passed out drunk. Sans sighed. He hated cleaning. He snapped his fingers, letting his magic do the work for him, incinerating the trash and putting the food away for him. Once that was done, he took a shortcut to his room and passed out again. He woke up again, feeling threatened by something. Turned out to be Alastor watching him like a creepy which was... fun... "what do you want? i'm tryin ta sleep.." Sans slurred in tired annoyance. "I want to find out your secrets, of course." The Radio Demon replied. "i really ain't anything interesting, but whatever." Welp, he was up now, might as well go get some food. Sans crawled out of bed and went to the bathroom, closing the door behind him as he took a shortcut into the city. Surely there would be a good breakfast place somewhere out there.


Sans decided that he wasn't a fan of Valanteno or his establishments. He was never one for sex clubs. Or sex period. He never really even thought about trying to date if it was all going to be reset? What was the point of dating now if he was dead? Sans simply wasn't allowed to have a social life. He got up and started to walk out until he saw a familiar spider step up in a less than child friendly outfit. "vaggie's gonna kill him for this.." Sans groaned lowly and turned around to get AngelDust before he got in trouble. He did offer to help Charlie and Vaggie. If only Sans knew what he was starting by pulling AngelDust off the stage. "What are you doing?!" AngelDust hissed as Sans started towards the door out. "making sure you stay outta trouble."
"You're getting us both into trouble! And lots of it!" The spider whispered, pulling away and backing up as Sans looked at the club owner who now stood in his way. "Hands off my merchandise, little twig." Valentino stared down at Sans, clearly asserting himself. Sans wasn't gonna take his shit though. He didn't care much for authority figures.


AngelDust didn't have the words for what he saw. One second Valentino had Sans. The next he was flying across the room and Sans was grabbing his wrist and pulling him out of the club and onto the street. "W-what the-" Sans shrugged. "guess he decided to let us go after all. now get going before charlie and vaggie find out about this." He let AngelDust go. "Ya aren't coming back with me? Valentino is dangerous." Sans shrugged and yawned. "i'd rather avoid alastor. i'll be back later." Sans turned down an alleyway and took a shortcut away to the park he woke up in to chill. It hadn't been his intention to blue magic that prick out of his way, but he was on edge. Alastor was putting Sans on edge with his murderous intent. It reminded Sans frightenly of that kid. He never wanted to say their name out loud again. "Oh skele-boy~" Who the fuck was this crazy chick? Her hair was a puffy mess, her fashion sense was terrible, and she looked absolutely nuts as she handed Sans a card, took a selfie with him, and walked away. Sans blinked and looked down at the card.

Let the terf war begin~

-The Three Vee's

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