Lucifer Meets Sans

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Charlie sat a moment in stunned silence. "I swear to my brother, if this is another prank call, I will kill y-" She interrupted him quickly, not wanting to be punished. "Dad- hi!" There was another pause. "Charlie dear! How is that dumb little side project of yours going?" Charlie rubbed her arm. It wasn't going the way she hoped. "Well, actually, we have a couple of clients here..." Yet another moment of silence. "Great, great. I guess let's see how that works out, hm?" She bit her lip. "One of the clients, Sans, he said you might know what a monster is?"
"Why do you ask?" Lucifer's attention was finally grabbed. This is the second time the species had been brought up now and by his offspring no less. "Sans says that he was a monster before he died and wound up in Hell." There was a screech of a chair on Lucifer's side, startling Charlie. "That's impossible!" She flinched. "Why is that..?"
"Monsters - you know what, I am coming for a visit! I want to meet this so-called Monster myself!"
"I- Wait, what?!"
"I will see you in a bit, Charlie, toodles!" The line went dead.


Thus, Charlie and Vaggie had the hotel prepared Pronto for Lucifer's visit. That meant taking away Husk's booze and Angel's drugs and hiding them. "Hey, what the Hell is going on down here? Sansy is trying to sleep!" Anthony had come down to see what was up. "What the Hell are you doing with my angeldust?!" His drugs were being flushed. "No time- Lucifer is coming, and you're not supposed to have this anyway!" Vaggie replied. "Wait, what -" There was a knock at the door. "I've got it!" Charlie scrambled to answer the door. "H-hey dad, it's been awhile -" Lucifer absent-mindedly rubbed her head. "Yes, hello, where is this supposed Monster?" Anthony glanced up the stairs. Sans? He was after Sans? "I'll get him for ya..." What did he want with Sans? The spider climbed the stairs and to Sans room where Alastor was gently petting Sans skull. "What is going on down there? What is all the fuss?" Alastor asked. "Lucifer's here, and he's asking about Sans." Anthony replied. Alastor perked and pulled Sans closer. "Do you know why?"
"He knows Sans is a Monster. That's all I know..." Sans groaned quietly as he sat up. "may as well say hi then..."


Sans shuffled down slowly with his "guard dogs" right behind him. "i am needed?" Sans questioned, looking to the stranger in white. Charlie certainly looked a lot like her father. It made him wonder about their little souling. Who would they take after? "You say you are a Monster?" Lucifer demanded more than asked. "heh, yup." He offered his hand. "i'm sans, sans the skeleton-" His eyelights extinguished as his soul was promptly forced out of his body. Sans growled low and animalistic. How DARE he expose him and his baby to the world! "that was pretty damn rude." He was just as quick to put it back. Lucifer had seen enough anyway. Enough to lose his smile and pale as much as already pale ass could. "This shouldn't be possible..."
"you think i don't already know that?" Sans replied venomously. That little gesture had damn well pissed him off. "i know i shouldn't exist anymore, i'm well aware! but i'm here anyway, so fuck off!" Anthony whistled. "Pop off, Sans!" Alastor picked his little skeleton lover up. "I do believe that is more than enough for today." He promptly turned to the stairs where Sans quickly teleported them away.

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