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Sans let go of Al to lunge at his little brother. "papyrus!!!" The taller brother caught him easily and hugged him close, twirling him about with the happiest of 'NYEH HEH HEH's' before suddenly holding Sans at arms length with a scowl. "HONESTLY, BROTHER! I AM GONE FOR A FEW MONTHS, AND YOU START A WAR WITH THE ANGELS? YOU REALLY ARE A MESS!" He scolded, but Sans couldn't care less as he shrugged, tears within his sockets. "extermination is a yearly thing down here, bro. sorry to break it to ya." Papyrus, the kinda guy he was, couldn't stay mad at Sans. "Oh..." Papyrus pulled Sans into him again. "Well Knowing You, You Must Have Caused Some Sort Of Trouble! I Must Keep An Eye On You!" Sans grinned and hugged Papyrus again. "wouldn't have it any other way, bro..." The others started to come closer, slightly reluctant due to Papyrus being an angel and also because he was Sans brother. Knowing what Sans had caused in the past, they weren't sure what kind of person he was, even if he practically screamed it out to the world. Alastor and Anthony were curious about their new brother-in-law.


A sudden fusing from the baby jolted Sans from the warm cucoon of Papyrus hug, and he found himself shortcuting out to check on the little one. "how's saveur holding up? was he scared? is he hungry?" Anthony smiled and offered for Sans to hold him. "He did alright in the fight. Not a peep from him..." Sans took him, giving Anthony a little kiss. "NYEH?!? I THOUGHT YOU SAID YOU DIDN'T LIKE PEOPLE-?" Papyrus wasn't really expecting a boyfriend, let a lone a baby. Sans only smiled at him. "yeeeaaah, i didn't think i did. but al and ad showed me wrong, and now ya got a baby nephew... his name is saveur..." Papyrus crouched closer to see the baby bones. Saveur blinked up at him and smiled. "He's Adorable, Sans... And CONGRATULATIONS!" He stood back up to look at the assumed dad's. "I AM THE GREAT PAPYRUS! It Is Nice To Meet You." He introduced himself and went to shake hands. "Alastor. The pleasure is mine." The Radio Demon would play nice with his lover's brother, even if he was an angel. "Angeldust. Sans talks real high of you." Papyrus grinned. "Well, Naturally. When We Were Alive, I Was All Sans Had-"


That train of thought was cut off before it began. "Um... Mr. Papyrus, sir? I, uh, I'm Charlie Morningstar, Princess of Hell, and I was wondering if... you could help us rebuild?" Papyrus looked to the rubbled before him, then to Charlie. With a decisive 'Nyeh', he gave her a reassuring smile. "BUT OF COURSE! ANYTHING I CAN DO TO HELP!" Papyrus chirped and let Charlie take him to get rebuilding supplies. Sans leaned into his boyfriend's. "stars, he's so cool..." Anthony chuckled. "He's a lot louder than I imagined, too." Sans snorted. "Something tells me he was spoiled by his big brother as a child." Alastor gave Sans an amused glare. Sans chuckled and shrugged carefully. "it was just us." Sans reminded him, equally teasing. Alastor chuckled a little himself before walking over to help. "Well, I am the manager, and I can not let my project fall into disrepair!" Sans and Anthony went to follow. "Why don't we all pitch in, eh?" Alastor gladly accepted the help, and the little family started to assist in rebuilding the hotel. Their first extermination with minimal casualties, and now they had an angel on their side. Things were looking up for them.

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