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Sans tried not to let it stick to him, tried not to let Gaster mess with him too much. It was clear he had been trying to mess with Sans' head, and he wouldn't stand for it! At the same time, though... what if it was true? What if Papyrus... Sans shook it off for the umpteenth time since he'd learned of the possibility. Now wasn't the time, not with the baby hungrily sucking him dry of magic, so to speak. He had come last night, early, but it could have been worse. Sans' panicked state must've encouraged him to create his body early. Sans had his worries and ran his tests, but Saveur's soul was fine. He was just hungry. Saveur was the name Sans named him, upon realizing he was a Sans Serif font like himself. It was a popular font in the 30s and 40s, so Sans thought the boys would appreciate it. The baby was fleshy with white fuzz for hair on his head and eyes like Alastor's and a little deer tail. Like Anthony, eyes lined the main set, and he had another set of arms... skeleton arms. Sans and his lovers cherished everything about him.


As far as everyone else went with the introduction to Saveur, well, Husk took instantly to being the baby's Uncle Mikhail. To the rest, it was a shock to learn Husk actually had a name. Sans pretended to be surprised. Charlie and Vaggie fell in love with the little guy and became Saveur's aunts, which was fine with Sans. They certainly had a rocky road behind them, but in the end, Sans was a resident of the hotel who was maybe trying to be redeemed. He was one of them. Nifty didn't interact so much. She thought he was smelly and dirty most of the time, but he was a baby, and babies tended to do that. To Sans Saveur was perfect, and nothing could ever change that, even the angel blood that was passed down from Sans to him. In Sans' eyes, it would be a useful tool in Hell that he could protect himself with when the magic manifested itself. For now, though, he was simply Sans and his boy's infant son, helpless and in need of their protection. With his life, Sans would do just that. As he had with Papyrus before him.


Sans rocked Saveur to sleep as he stared out the window. The red landscape was boring to see after a while, but so was snow in the Underground. This was his home, so he appreciated it anyway. What Sans didn't appreciate was the clock, ticking the time down. Two months left until the next Mass Execution. Two months until Saveur's life was in danger. Two months until he could possibly see Papyrus. It had Sans' soul in turmoil, he would protect Saveur with his life, but if Papyrus really was an angel, could he fight against the baby brother he'd raised? Sans could kill an Overlord, but was he strong enough to kill an Angel if needed? Saveur started to fuss, sensing Sans' distress. Sans sighed and apologized softly as he turned away from the clock. "How's the baby, Sansy?" Just in time, Anthony came in to check on him. "i'm trying to get him down for a nap, but he's a stubborn one." He chuckled. "May I?" Alastor asked as he joined the two in the room. Sans gave Alastor the baby and a soft lullaby started to play as Alastor rocked him. Saveur pressed into Alastor's chest and with no trouble at all, he was out. Show off.

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