Suprise Bitch

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It made Sans smile to see his mate's curled up on either side of him, comfortable. It made the situation seem just a little less dire. He took a shortcut out of their arms so he could get dressed, taking a moment to appreciate them. He loved them, faults and all. Sans felt calm for once in the storm. Was this what it meant to be soul bonded to someone? Two someone's? Either way, he was ready to face the bitch. Chara was sitting in the spot beside Sans when he came down. He felt his magic boil with anger. He had to stay controlled though, as if it never happened. He did it in life, he could do it in death. "about the other night... we got off on the wrong foot. start over?" Sans held his hand out, knowing they wouldn't take it. Unless of course... Charlie was there. Had to keep up their damn act. They took his hand to shake. "You know that I'm going to kill you." They whispered. Sans bit back a retort so they couldn't snitch on him. "Yay! I'm glad you both are finally getting along!" If only Charlie knew the real reason Chara was there.


"Sansy~" Sans smiled as Anthony and Alastor came down, dressed once more. For a moment he felt his soul reignite with the same passion as he'd felt last night before he shook it off. "don't call me that ad." Not here. Not with them watching. They would do anything to break Sans, including killing the ones he loved. Papyrus being a prime example. Alastor seemed to read Sans well though as he picked Sans up and placed him in his lap. "Let them know... I w i l l t e a r t h e m a p a r t . " Al hissed into into Sans 'ear'. Sans couldn't help but grin in amusement. Alastor was powerful and he doubted Anthony was a push over either. "sorry, i can't help but worry. nobody knew how dangerous they were and Pap wasn't one to hurt anyone. "This is Hell Sansy. We are all dangerous." Anthony took Sans hand, making him smile as he conceded to leaning back against Alastor's chest. "hell yeah we are." Sans decided to say. "hey... where'd husk go anyway?" He knew the avian feline wasn't dead. "Gambling hall." His boyfriends replied.


Chara was grinning like their usual unsettling grin when they saw Sans comfortable in Alastor's hold. Alastor gave that same grin back as they held eye contact. "HOLY SHIT!" It was Vaggie's scream that broke them apart, and woke Sans from his nap. "huh, wha..?" Charlie came running at the sound of her girlfriend. "What?! What's going on- holy-"
"May I help you?" Alastor asked as if him having a boyfriend was the most normal thing in the world for a guy like him. It wasn't. "I think they're surprised we are dating Sans." Anthony inputted. "I see. Well, as surprising as it may sound, even a monstrosity such as myself has emotions such as lov-" Sans shut Alastor up with a kiss. "you're not a monstrosity al. shut your mouth." Sans was the monster around here. Anthony giggled as the big bad Radio Demon did indeed keep his mouth shut. Sans got comfortable again. "I- uh- c-congrats to the three of you... heh..." Charlie didn't really know if this was good or if they were totally fucked, but she was hoping for the former. Vaggie literally couldn't form the words. Chara giggled. "You three are perfect for each other..."

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