14: Party

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The party for the teens reaching mating age was held in the large backyard of the packhouse. The place looked great for a party focused on teens. Round tables were scattered around the backyard, and the center had been kept clear for dancing. The food was delivered and set up on one side, while a DJ was set up on the opposite side. Popular music played from speakers around the yard, and the DJ had set up multicolor lights. A little distance away from the main area, a few bouncy houses had been set up to occupy the younger kids.

I had helped plan it and had spent most of the day helping to set it up. Even so, my jaw almost dropped when I walked into the backyard. It looked different, filled with people and with the DJ's lights going.

It looked like I'd arrived just in time. I'd barely found a seat at an empty table when the Alpha and Beta couples strode onto a raised platform overlooking the backyard. Silence fell over the crowd instantly. The people dancing came to a stop, and the music was turned off.

"First, I'd like to thank everybody for coming tonight to help celebrate Kelley, Zoe, and Owen reaching maturity. I'm sure they appreciate it as well. Before we bring them up, there's one other thing I'd like to do while I have everyone here. Some of you may have noticed a new face around the pack." He pointed towards me, and I smiled awkwardly as everyone's heads swiveled to face me. "For those of you who haven't met her yet, that is Everleigh. She's staying with us for a while, and hopefully, that stay will become permanent. So help me make her feel welcome while she's here."

Polite words of welcome filled the air, and I nodded with a little wave. The Alpha and Beta couples all smiled at me from the platform, and my wolf growled in my head, catching me off guard. I looked around but saw nothing that would put her on edge.

"I'd also like to thank her publically. She came here to relax; instead, she's been a huge help in training, the after-school program, and helping to plan this party. Considering you haven't even decided to join this pack, you had no responsibility to help, but you stepped up every time I needed it. So, thank you," Becca said with a grin in my direction.

My cheeks flushed at the attention I was receiving, but I smiled at the Luna in appreciation of her kind words. No one had warned me I'd even be introduced in such a public manner, let alone be given such an over-the-top shout-out from the Luna.

"Now, for what we're all here for. Kelley, Zoe, and Owen all turned seventeen this past week. We'd like to wish them all a very happy birthday. Kelley was lucky enough to find her mate a few days ago on her birthday." He had to pause when a cheer rose from the pack, and I smiled at the sense of family encompassing the yard. "Zoe has mentioned to me she's caught a whiff of her mate's scent a few times tonight, but she's been unable to locate him with all the different scents in such a small area. All the unmated males might want to at least make an appearance in front of her and wish her a happy birthday."

A sense of excitement went through the crowd that I understood perfectly. Everyone hoped to watch as the young mates saw each other for the first time. It was something all wolves loved to witness.

Even I looked forward to the prospect despite my newfound bitterness toward the mate bond. I understood situations like mine were rare. Most matings were beautiful. The many couples lovingly holding each other around the yard were a testament to that fact. 

"I don't want to keep you all from your night any longer. So, eat, dance, and have fun, everybody!" Linc finished his speech, and I watched the Alpha and Beta couples descend the stairs to join the crowd in the yard.

My wolf growled softly in my head, and I stiffened in my chair. My eyes darted around the yard, checking again for any signs of danger. Again, I came up empty. I kept my head on a swivel anyway while I sat back in my chair and crossed my legs. It was unlike her to be agitated for no reason.

I felt someone lean over me from behind, and I stiffened further. Before I could look over my shoulder, his voice rang in my ear, and I relaxed back into the wood.

"Hey, you okay?" Calder asked.

My wolf fell silent, and I stood from my chair and turned to face him. Obviously, he had noticed my nervous actions. "Yeah. I'm fine. Just my wolf being weird."

His left eyebrow twitched, and he eyed me curiously. "Anything we should be worried about?"

He knew as well as I did, as the daughter of such a skilled warrior and the mate of an Alpha, my instincts were honed perfectly. I wasn't too worried, though, now that she had fallen silent again. Still, I'd be extra vigilant for the rest of the night.

"I don't think so, but I'll let you know if that changes."

"Thanks, Everleigh. I really think you being here is a good thing for the pack," he said with a genuine smile.

For the first time, I noticed the slight dimples in his cheeks. They were nowhere near as prominent as his son's, but they were there.

Haven suddenly appeared beside him, and her manicured hand gripped his bicep. My wolf growled again, and my eyes widened in shock.

No fucking way!

Was the witch's warning coming true? It couldn't be. She said it was only dangerous if she tried to break all the bonds at once, but she hadn't. She was being overly careful.

Losing my sanity was the only explanation for this, though. Panic flooded my system.

No. I must be misunderstanding, I reasoned with myself.

There was no way my wolf's agitation was about the Beta. Every time she'd growled, it had been when I was looking at both the Alpha and Beta couples, though.

Could it be?

I eyed Calder, analyzing my feelings. I remembered finding him cute and adorable the day I'd met him. This felt different, though. As my eyes scanned his tall frame, I found him... attractive.

I replayed the way I'd reacted to touching him while riding the four-wheelers. My body had definitely reacted, but I'd brushed it off as full moon bullshit. My control had even slipped for a split second, and I'd found myself pressing a quick kiss to his cheek.

I'd hidden in my room for the rest of the evening in humiliation from the action.

This was next level; I was no longer sure it was full moon related. Even being driven to mate, my wolf should not be acting jealously over another woman's mate.

I sucked in a shocked breath at the realization. I knew at that moment, I was right. That's what was behind my wolf's strange behavior. She didn't like seeing the Beta female touch her own mate.

What kind of psychotic bullshit is this?

I'd developed a crush on the mated Beta.

Was it really that shocking, though? We spent a lot of time together because of our mutual friends. He'd helped me on numerous occasions. We'd shifted and ran together. He was a kind man and a good father. He was an attractive man, and this was the first time I'd seen him actually behave like a couple with his mate.

I bit my lip anxiously. No, it wasn't shocking that I had a bit of a crush on him. However, my wolf's actions were. She should be loyal to Levi. I hadn't even broken the bond yet. Why was she fixating on the Beta?

Even if she wanted to take another because of the full moon, it should have been a purely physical, animalistic urge. She shouldn't be showing any sort of jealousy or possessiveness.

"Um, excuse me! Do you think you could not check out my mate right in front of me?" Haven suddenly said in a snarky tone, effectively pulling me from my thoughts.

It felt like a bucket of ice water had been thrown over my head. I shivered slightly at the strange cold feeling that encompassed me. Embarrassment flared when the surrounding area fell silent, and the urge to run and hide in my room was intense.

I'd never been someone who ran away from anything. So, I held my ground, even knowing I was completely the one in the wrong.

What the hell was wrong with me? Just because my own mating didn't work out didn't mean I had any right to go after someone else's.

Calder's cheeks turned a deep crimson, and his eyes darted around the area. "Haven, stop. I'm sure you misunderstood," he whispered softly.

Oh, but she didn't. That's definitely what I was doing.

Panicked and desperate to escape, I pointed a thumb over my shoulder. "Sorry if I offended you, Haven. I'll just... go over there somewhere."

I forced my feet to move slowly and not flee the scene like I so badly wanted to.

"Wait, Everleigh," Calder said, but I waved away his attempt to stop me with an awkward smile.

When I got around the side of the house, I knelt to the ground and ran my fingers through my hair while I waited for my racing heart to slow.

"What the fuck was that?"

Sure, I'd been attracted to guys before, but that was all before Levi. And now that I felt it again, it just had to be with a mated man. I wondered if I should avoid him, but it didn't seem like a feasible option, considering we were in the same group of friends.

Maybe it's time I go home.

I sighed. Even if I wanted to go, I couldn't until Isadora finished breaking the bonds. My home pack didn't have any witch associates. I had to get it done while I had the chance.

I blew out a breath and steeled my resolve. It would be fine. I was an adult, not a teenager. I could control my emotions, and if I couldn't, I could at least control my actions.

With my mind made up, I stood and moved to return to the party. It wouldn't look good if I just disappeared after that.

When I neared the corner of the house, though, whispered voices stopped me in my tracks. I refused to walk past them and draw her attention back to me. My only option was to wait for them to move out of my path.

I pressed my back into the side of the house and settled in to wait, trying to tune them out. I didn't want to eavesdrop, but I couldn't help overhearing the conversation.

"How could you embarrass me like that?"

"Me embarrass you? Are you kidding me? That was ridiculous! Even if she was checking me out, which we both know she wasn't, why would you even care? You've made your opinion of me very clear. You fuck whoever you want whenever you want. Why would you give a shit if someone was looking at me? We both know it had nothing to do with possessiveness."

"I keep my actions quiet. She was clearly checking you out right there in front of anyone watching. What would they have thought if I didn't react? Besides, like it or not, you're mine, and you will not be replacing me as the Beta female."

"Who the hell said anything about replacing you? And yours? Really? That's a good joke."

He threw in a chuckle for good measure, and I tried my hardest to tune them out again. I even tried singing a song inside my head, bobbing my head to the imaginary beat.

"The only reason a woman like that would act interested in you is if she wanted your title. Remember that!"

I ground my teeth together so hard I feared they might crack at any moment. Luckily, I heard Haven's footsteps moving away, and Calder grunted before following after her. I sighed in relief, trying to reign in my resentment toward the horrid woman.

I waited a few moments before moving around the edge of the house and took a seat on the steps to the back patio, away from the crowd. It wasn't long before Calder dropped to the step beside me, and I almost groaned out loud.

Now that I realized I was interested, he was everywhere I turned.

"I'm sorry about that."

"No big deal," I insisted, keeping my eyes averted from him and focused on the party ahead of us. I noticed more than a couple of people trying to act like they weren't watching us. They definitely were, though. I rubbed my hands over my face, not caring if I smeared my makeup. I just needed the night to end. Maybe I'd have a little more sanity in the morning.

"Yeah, it was. She called you out in front of pack members over bullshit."

I couldn't decide if I should tell him his mate was right or keep it to myself. It would vindicate Haven, but it would make things even more uncomfortable in our group of friends in the future. I chose to keep my mouth shut. I didn't really like Haven all that much anyways, and my opinion of her had dropped drastically after hearing their hushed conversation.

"I accidentally overheard your conversation," slipped out of my mouth before I could stop it, and I face-palmed myself. I glanced in his direction to see how pissed he was to find his cheeks flushed again while he kneaded the back of his neck. "I didn't mean to, I swear. I was hiding around the side of the house, and then you guys were just there. It seemed better to hide than to make an appearance considering what had just happened."

He raised a hand to stop my rambling. His face fell into his hands, and he groaned loudly.

"You don't need to be embarrassed. You had a front-row seat to my mate drama," I reminded him. "We're even." I tried to lighten the mood.

"Right." His voice was muffled in his hands.

I knew I should distance myself, but when I saw how his shoulders slumped and remembered his mate's words, I wanted to make him feel better. I wanted to help him. It was becoming increasingly obvious that Haven tended to tear him down. It wouldn't hurt to lift him up just a little, right? It should be fine if I didn't go too far.

"Just to be clear... I'm not interested in your title," I muttered and shot up from the step to walk away before he could even register the words.

I briskly walked across the yard, feeling his eyes on my back as I went. He was free to interpret my words however he wanted.

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