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     CARLA COULD STILL REMEMBER HIS FACE. Dark hair, rounded face, dark eyes, and he was always a bit shorter than Carla and Sarah.

     The last time she saw him was when they were ten. It was a distant memory, fuzzy around the edges, but Harold had been round at their place, as he was most nights.

     His dad, her uncle, hadn't come to pick him up yet, and it was getting late, so her mom had gone to drop him home. Naturally, Carla and Sarah had wanted to tag along, so the three cousins were sat in the back.

     When her uncle opened the door, he stumbled slightly, and scowled ferociously at her mom. Carla and Sarah stayed in the car, but watched as the two adults spat words at each other, Harold stuck in the middle, looking awfully lost.

     When her mother had gotten back into the car, she had just brushed off the twins' questions, replying with, "It's nothing to worry about, girls."

     "When are we seeing Harold next?" Sarah asked.

     Her mother paused, "Not for a while, I'm afraid. Your uncle is quite busy."

     "Are you okay?" Carla had asked quietly.

     "Of course," her mother had said with a smile, although Carla didn't miss the red tinging her shiny eyes.

     As they pulled away from their uncle's house, Carla looked out the window, looking at Harold who was standing on his porch.

     He raised his hand in a small, sad wave, before his father dragged him inside and out of sight.

     That was the last time she saw him.

     "Your cousin?" Luther asked in surprise, and even Five was unable to hide his shock.

     Carla looked at everyone's faces, "Yeah, but... the last time I saw him was when I was nine. I have no idea what happened to him."

     "No idea at all?" Five asked, slightly hopeful.

     "No. He used to hang out with us all the time, his dad was Mom's brother, but then one night I think they got into a fight..." she sighed, "We didn't see him again after that."

     "What was his history?" Five looked at her.

     Carla frowned deeply, "It's been a while, but, uh, his mom died during childbirth... and he had the same birthday as me, as us."

     "What?" Allison frowned, "So he's like us?"

     "As far as I'm aware, no," Carla sat down on a stool, suddenly feeling light-headed, "He was always fascinated with me and Sarah's abilities, and was obsessed with the Umbrella Academy."

     "Anything else?" Diego asked, but she just shook her head.

     Five licked his lips, clearly lost in thought, "Okay, so, what we know so far is that this Harold Jenkins is Carla's cousin. He was born the same day as us, so is the same age as us..." he looked at the older siblings, "Well... same age as you. However, he has no special abilities. And we do know that he is responsible for the apocalypse. So we have to find him. And we have to do it now."

     Luther frowned, "But how is he connected to what's going to happen?"

     Five sighed, "I don't know."

     Diego took a step forward, "Wait... so you just know his name?"

     "And his age," Five briefly glanced at Carla who was fiddling with the hems of her rubber gloves, eyebrows knotted.

     "That's it?" Diego snapped.

     Five glared at him, "That's enough."

     Diego looked at the boy incredulously, "There could be dozens of Harold Jenkins in the city. How do we even know if the guy we're looking for is Carla's cousin?"

     "We had better start looking, then," Five said venomously, "Then we can find out."

     "I'm sorry," Allison put her arms up, "Am I the only one who's sceptical here? I mean, how exactly do you know all this about whatshisname?"

     "We can trust Five, Allison," Carla said wearily from the bar, "And his name is Harold Jenkins."

     "You know all those lunatics in masks who attacked the house?" Five spoke up.

     "Oh yeah, I think I remember those guys," Klaus said dryly.

     "Yeah," Diego nodded, before turning to Five accusingly, "The ones who attacked us while you were drunk."

     "Yeah, them," Five said. Carla frowned - this was news to her, the fact he was drunk. "They were sent by the Commission to stop me from travelling back and preventing the end of the earth."

     "What?" Allison scoffed, arms folded across her chest.

     "My former employer," Five explained, "They monitor all of time and space to make sure that whatever's supposed to happen, happens. They believe the apocalypse is coming in three days, so I went to Commission Headquarters and intercepted a message that was meant for said lunatics. Protect Harold Jenkins. So, he must be responsible for the apocalypse."

     There was a long silence, before Diego, Allison and Luther all burst out with questions and exclamations.

     Carla looked over at Klaus, who was sitting by himself, staring off into space, and she moved to sit next to him, "You good?"

     "My skin feels like it's on fire," he vacantly muttered.

     "You know what else is insane?" Five snapped, cutting Allison off, "I look like a fifteen-year-old boy, Carla's stayed the same age for the past fifteen years, Klaus can talk to the dead, and Luther thinks he's fooling everybody with that overcoat."

     Everyone turned to face an uncomfortable looking Luther.

     "Everything about us is insane," Five continued, "It always has been."

     "He's got a point there," Klaus croaked.

     "We didn't choose this life, we're just living it," the boy said, "For the next three days, anyway."

     "But the last time we tried to stop it, we all died," Allison reminded him, "Why is this time any different? Why shouldn't I go home to my daughter?"

     Five looked her dead in the eye, "Because now I'm here. We have the name of the man responsible."

     "Guys-" Allison tried, but she was cut off.

     "We actually have the chance to save billions of people," Five said, "Including Claire."

     "You know her name?" Allison asked.

     "I do," Five confessed, "And I'd like to be alive long enough to meet her."

     There was a pause, before Allison shrugged, "Then let's get this bastard."

     "You had me at Gerald Jenkins," Diego said.

     "Harold Jenkins," both Five and Carla corrected.

     Diego shrugged them off, "Whatever. I already lost two people this week, I'm not losing anyone else."

     "Carla," the teenage boy turned to her, "You're coming right?"

     She stood up, offering him a small smile, "Naturally."

     "Luther?" Five asked.

     "Yeah... you guys go ahead," the man said, "I'm going to stay behind and go through Dad's files. I still think this has something to do with why he sent me to the moon."

     "Seriously?" Diego scoffed, "Now you wanna make the end of the world about you and Dad?"

     Luther shook his head, "No, 'watch for threats', that's what he told me. You think that's a coincidence? This all has to be connected somehow."

     "No," Allison put a hand on Luther's arm, "We should all stick together."

     "We don't have time for this!" Five snapped.

     Diego nodded, "Let's roll. I know where we can find this asshole. Klaus, you're with me."

     Klaus sat up slightly, letting out a slightly wobbly, "Yeah, I'm good. I think I'll, uh, I think I'll pass."

     He unsteadily got to his feet, holding a hand to his stomach, and staggered forward a few steps, "I'm feeling a little... under the weather."

     Diego, Allison and Five walked out, the boy hesitating at the doorway, looking at Carla expectantly. "Give me a sec," she muttered, and he nodded, walking out. Carla followed where Klaus had gone, calling out his name.

     He turned towards her, "What's up, Firecracker?"

     "Are you... okay?" Carla asked cautiously.

     Klaus nodded, before pausing at her sceptical look, and letting out a pained sigh, "I'm just... my body's not used to being this clean, is all."

     "You're going sober?" she asked, unable to hide her amazement.

     He nodded again, "Yeah, I, uh, I want to try and take control of my powers again."

     She knew it was to see Dave.

     Carla leant forward, wrapping the lean man in a tight hug, one which he returned after a moment of shock. She was never one to openly show physical affection, and Klaus felt tears spring to his eyes.

     After a few seconds, the redhead pulled away, "You're kind of amazing, you know that, right? I'm proud of you."

     "Is the Carla Jenkins being sentimental?" Klaus teased, sniffling slightly.

     She playfully shoved him, "As if. I gotta go now, okay?"

     "Go on, Firecracker," he grinned, "Time for you to kick ass."

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