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     THE THREE WERE CERTAINLY A SIGHT TO BEHOLD. Two teens dressed in a school uniform alongside a lanky adult with an old suit and hair that clearly hadn't been brushed that morning.

     They were led to the Doctor's office at Meritech, and Carla couldn't help but feel slightly excited, as well as apprehensive.

     "Oh," the man dressed in a white lab coat said upon their entry, his eyes landing on Five, "It's you again."

     Five offered one of his signature fake grins, "Hello, Sir. Please, meet my sister Charlotte,"

     "Hi," Carla smiled, and she saw the man look her over once, eyes resting on her bright pink washing up gloves.

     Five continued, "And this is my father-"

     Klaus took a step forward, "Sven. My name is Sven Drier."

     "I- uh- nice to meet you, Mr Drier," the man (Lance, as printed on his name tag) said, hesitantly shaking Klaus's outstretched hand, "Please, the three of you, take a seat."

     They did just that, sitting down in the three chairs provided. Carla clasped her hands, smiling toothily up at Lance, who swallowed thickly.

     "I think you know why we're here, kind Sir," Klaus said, acting overly gracious.

     "Is it on the same topic that your son came to visit us about?" he asked, slightly uneasy.

     Klaus grinned, "Why, yes! Yes, it is!"

     Lance sighed, "Like I said to your son earlier, any information about the prosthetics we build is strictly confidential. Without the client's consent, I simply can't help."

     Clearly already sick of acting civil for the minute and a half he tried to, Five stood up, resting his hands on the desk, snarling out, "Well we can't get consent if you don't give us a name."

     "Well, it's not my problem," Lance looked calm, too calm, and Carla glanced at Klaus, who shot her a wink, "I'm sorry, but there's really nothing more I can do, so-"

     "Well, what about my consent?" Klaus interrupted, still sitting down, thumbs twiddling in his lap, the nails painted black. 

     Lance looked taken aback, "Excuse me?"

     "Who gave you permission to lay your hands," Klaus took a shaky breath, pretending to be overcome with emotion, "on my son?"

     "What ?" Five and Lance said, although Carla just grinned. She had seen Klaus bullshit his way out of situations too many times, and she knew what was coming next.

     "You heard me," Klaus said tearfully.

     Lance shook his head, "I didn't touch your son."

     Klaus sat forward in his seat, "Oh really? Well, how did he get that swollen lip then?"

     "He doesn't have a swollen lip-"

     Lance was cut off by Klaus getting to his feet and promptly punching Five in the face. Carla let out a hiss of sympathetic pain, eyebrows shooting up towards her hairline, a grin working its way onto her face.

     "I want it. Name, please, now," Klaus snarled, resting his hands on the desk and leering over Lance. Five turned around to face Klaus, betrayal on his face, and Carla just tugged up the ends of her gloves, preparing herself.

     Lance raised a shaky finger, "You're crazy!"

     Carla abruptly stood up, before falling to the floor dramatically with an exaggerated cry of pain. She messed up her hair so it looked like she had put up a fight, and she ripped a part off the bottom of her skirt.

     Then, she screwed up her face, before slamming the side of her head against the hard ground, letting out a hiss of pain.

     Carla then got to feet, albeit a bit unsteadily due to the fact her vision was slightly spotted because of Lance's brutal attack on her.

     She gripped Five's forearm to steady herself, before shaking her head and smiling sweetly at Lance.

     Klaus gasped, "That's my daughter you just assaulted! How dare you?"

     "You're all mad!" Lance cried out, panic rising in his voice.

     Klaus let out a bitter chuckle, "You got no idea, " his gaze then landed on a snow globe on the desk, "Peace on Earth? That's so sweet!"

     With as much force as he could muster, Klaus smashed the glass against his head, and even Carla flinched as small shards of glass flew everywhere.

     Five looked on in mild concern, as Number Four held his now bleeding head in his hands, letting out a throaty scream of pain. 

     Lance lunged for his phone, dialling a number, but before he could speak, Klaus had wrestled the phone out of his hand, speaking, "There's been an assault! In Mr Bigg's office! We need security now! Schnell!"

     He dropped the phone with a sigh, before speaking, "Here's what's going to happen, Grant."

     "It- It's Lance-"

     "In about sixty seconds, two security guards are going to burst in through that door, and they're going to see a whole lot of blood, and they're going to wonder what the hell happened ?"

     "Let's face it, who are they going to believe, the three clearly hurt and distressed visitors, or the unharmed Mr Bigg?" Carla spoke, "It's not like we'd attack ourselves now, is it?"

     "We're gonna tell them that you," Klaus paused for dramatic effect, pretending to cry, "beat the shit out of us."

     He then straightened, a cheery grin taking over his features, "You're gonna do great in prison, Grant, trust me, I've been there. A little piece of chicken like you... oh my God, you're gonna get passed around like a-" he cut himself off, grinning widely, "You're gonna do great. That's all I'm saying."

      "Jesus, you're a real sick bastard," Lance muttered, horrified.

     Klaus glared at him, malice glinting in his dark eyes, "Thank you."

     In mere moments, Lance was leading the trio to another desk, before opening a drawer and rifling through various folders and files.

     Carla was perched on the desk, feet swinging as she observed him, Five standing next to her, his right arm just millimetres from the edge of her skirt. Klaus was standing next to the man, watching over his shoulder and clearly making him uneasy. 

     Lance took out a file, flicking through the contents, before frowning, "Huh, that's strange."

     "What?" Five demanded.

     Lance nervously glanced at the fifteen-year-old's scowl, "The eye hasn't been purchased by a client yet."

     "What?" Klaus asked, "What do you mean?"

     "Well, uh, our logs say that the eye with that serial number... this can't be right... it hasn't even been manufactured yet," Lance looked at the file in confusion, before looking up at Five, "Where did you get that eye?"

     Five sighed, letting out a small, dry, chuckle, and turning on his heel, walking out. Carla quickly hopped off the desk, curtseying, "Nice meeting you, Sir. Hope we can do it again some time."

     With that, she hurried out to catch up with Five, Klaus just behind, and the three of them walked out of the building and into the sunshine together.

     "Well, this is not good," Five muttered, mostly to himself.

     "I was pretty good though, right?" Klaus asked, bounding down the steps, "What about my consent, bitch ?!"

     Carla laughed, bumping fists with an incredibly proud-looking Klaus.

     "Klaus, it doesn't matter," Five snapped.

     Klaus turned to face him, slightly stroppy, "What's the big deal with this eye anyway?"

     "There is someone out there who is going to lose that eye within the next seven days. They're gonna bring about the end of life on this earth as we know it!" Five yelled.

     It took a moment for Carla to realise what he had implied, but once it sunk in, she froze, eyes going wide, "Wait, what?"

     Klaus, however, seemed unimpressed, "Yeah, can I get that twenty bucks now, or what?"

     Five looked at him in disbelief, "Your twenty bucks?"

     "Yeah, my twenty bucks."

     Five took an angry step forward, "The apocalypse is coming!"

     "What?" Carla asked again, still not getting a reply. She frowned deeply, walking over to the steps at the front of the building and sitting down, resting her elbows on her knees.

     However, Five continued yelling at Klaus, "And all you can think about it getting high ?"

      Klaus placed his hands over his stomach, "Well, I'm also quite hungry. Tummy's a-rumblin'."

     "You're useless," Five muttered in slight disbelief, shaking his head, "You're all useless!"

     "Oh, come on," Klaus said, as Five walked to the stairs and sat down next to Carla, "Lighten up, old man. Hey, you know, I've just now realised why you're so uptight. You must be horny as hell! All those years, by yourself, must be screwing with your head, being alone."

     Carla's nose wrinkled in distaste, "Dude, gross."

     Five paused, before speaking quietly, "I wasn't alone."

     Klaus looked over in interest, "Oh? Pray tell."

     "Her name was Dolores. We were together for over thirty years," Five said, before his gaze flicked to Carla, who was looking at him as he spoke.

     "Thirty years?" Klaus asked, impressed.

     "There was someone else, too," Five blurted, and both Klaus and Carla frowned slightly at him in confusion.

     The boy swallowed thickly, "Uh, she was with me in the apocalypse for a year, somehow she survived it."

     "Who was it?" Carla asked, intrigued.

     Five turned to her, eyebrows slightly furrowed, staring at her with such a flurry of emotions Carla couldn't even begin to pick one out.

     "It was you."

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