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     WHEN CARLA TURNED UP AT THE HOUSE AGAIN, she was feeling slightly more content, and in far better spirits. She walked into the large entrance hall, before hearing various voices come from the main room, and saw almost everyone standing up, looking angry.

      She did a quick head count, and there were five adults gathered within. The tension in the room was almost palpable, and as soon as she entered, Carla made a start to back out of the room again before someone noticed.

     However, Klaus spotted her, a large smile breaking out on his face, "Firecracker!"

     Carla looked down at his faux-leather skirt, and grinned, "Nice skirt, it really shows off your calves."

     "Why, thank you!" Klaus did a small spin, drink clutched tightly in his hand.

     "Is this the girl?" the man she had seen on the stairs before asked Luther, and she noticed a long scar running across his temple. He must be Diego.

     Carla looked him dead in the eye, "Yes, I am."

     "How does... this  work?" he asked, most likely referring to the fact she was still fifteen years old.

     "I've already told Luther and Allison this, I'd rather not have to go through it again," she said simply, before turning to Klaus, "What's going on?"

     "Our dearest Luther believes one of us killed our old man," Klaus said, whirling around to face Luther with a mocking grin but cold eyes.

     Luther opened his mouth to protest, but Klaus waved his hand dismissively, as if to shut him up, "Don't bother. Carla and I will try to get the miserable prick to talk."

     Klaus walked out, taking a swig of the drink in his hand, and Carla turned to face the other four, "Uh, I'm gonna..." she awkwardly pointed to where Klaus had left, before turning on her heel and swiftly following him out, outwardly cringing at the situation.

     They settled in a massive dining room, with a high ceiling and a large table, as well as a bar. Klaus put the urn on the bar's marble surface, taking a few steps back, before bending at the waist to be eye-level with it.

     "Listen up, old man. You know, if I was murdered, and one of my sons- adopted! – sons happened to be able to communicate with the dead, I might think about," he let out a bitter chuckle, taking a few steps away, before throwing his arms in the air, "I don't know... manifesting !"

     Not wanting to disturb him, Carla sat on the table, laying out on it and admiring the intricate designs on the ceiling. Her hands remained clasped over her abdomen, and she allowed her eyes to flutter shut as she listened to Klaus continue to talk at  the ashes of his father.

     "Give me an angry ghost lecture, tell everyone whodunnit, and find eternal peace. Eternal peace is probably overrated," he let out a loud groan, a long pause forming before he spoke again, "C'mon now, Reggie, any time now."

     "C'mon, c'mon, chop chop!" Klaus broke the prolonged silence by angrily yelling, startling Carla and causing her to sit bolt upright, looking over at him in a mix of pity, disdain and alarm, "You always were a stubborn bastard! I don't know about you, but I need a drink."

     She watched as he reached across the bar, his arm knocking over the urn, spilling the ashes all over the counter. Klaus took a step back, letting out a wild laugh of horror, while Carla jumped down from the table, walking over to help him sweep the ashes back into the urn.

     "Klaus," she began, cautiously, peering at him, "are you... okay?"

     "Me? Okay? Of course, why wouldn't I be?" he took a pack of cigarettes out of his coat, but upon seeing Carla's face, hesitated.

     She sighed, "Look, you're going a bit crazy with the toxins. I can tell you're upset."

     "I don't know what you mean," he let out a small laugh, picking up the urn and tucking the cigarettes into his jacket again. The pair walked to the table, lying down next to each other.

     "It's okay to be upset coming back here," Carla said after a pause, eyes fixated on the ceiling, "I get it, he was a dick. And you don't exactly get on with all your siblings, which I also get."

     There was another long silence, before Klaus spoke up, "You know how I said I'd give you half the money for the box you found? I spent it all."

     Carla sighed, "I knew you would."
     They lay next to each other in silence for a bit longer, before the sound of a song echoed through the ceiling of the house, filling the room. Klaus sat up straight, staring the ceiling as though it provided some sort of key to the universe, and Carla listened intently to the song. It was 'I think we're alone now' by Tiffany.

     Klaus began swaying, before clambering off the table and grabbing Carla's wrists to haul her to her feet. He swung her around, spinning her under his arm with a surprising amount of grace as his skirt whirled around their legs, Carla unable to wipe the smile off her face. The pair twirled around the table, dancing without a care in the world, grinning widely, hands clasped.

     Then, suddenly a large rumble of thunder and a crack of what sounded like lightning caused them to stop. The music cut out, the room lighting up with electric blue hues, just as the urn started to move off the table, Klaus lunging forward to catch it just in time.

     "Daddy?" he asked, and for a second Carla felt fear fill her that it might be the ghost of his dead father.

     Then the knives and other metal utensils started vibrating, before being pulled towards the wall. Klaus leaned against it in alarm, staring at the quivering knives embedded within, before Carla grabbed his arm, dragging him out the door, "It's something outside!"

     Carla and Klaus ran towards the door, much like the other Hargreeves siblings, to the garden. Klaus let go of Carla's hand, turning a corner to reach a fire extinguisher, while Carla continued through the door, where she skidded to a halt, next to who she believed to be Vanya and Diego.

     Suspended in the sky was a swirling blue mass, and if she squinted hard enough, Carla was sure she saw a blurred figure on the other side, as though it were a window.

     "What is it?" Vanya asked as the winds picked up.

     Allison ran up next to Luther, tugging on his arm, "Don't get too close."

     "Yeah, no shit!" Diego yelled over the electrical buzzing and crackling the portal was making.

     "It looks like some sort of temporal anomaly," Luther told the others, squinting at the blue mass, "Either that, or a miniature black hole, one of the two."

     Carla gave him a look, "What the fuck?"

     "That's a pretty big difference there, Paul Bunyan," Diego snapped.

     Suddenly, Klaus came running through the group of them, holding a fire extinguisher, "Out of the way!" He sprayed the contents at the portal, but the foam only travelled a few anti-climatic feet, and Klaus hesitated for a second, before settling for throwing the bright red extinguisher at the portal.

     To exactly no-one's surprise, the portal simply swallowed the metal canister.

     "What is that going to do?" Allison yelled over the increasingly strong winds.

     Klaus threw his arms up in the air, "I don't know! Do you have a better idea?"

     Suddenly, the mass of blue energy brightened, crackling more aggressively, and the whole group fell back, Klaus running backwards to safety.

     "Everyone get behind me!" Luther yelled.

     Diego took a step forward, "Yeah, get behind us!"

     Carla pulled a face, looking at Klaus, "Are they always like this?"

     "Yeah," he nodded, slightly breathless, "Yeah, pretty much."

     The portal crackled again, and Klaus yelled out, "I vote for running!"

     However, no-one moved, not when the figure on the other side suddenly seemed clearer. It was an old man, pressed against the panel in the blue matter, mouth open in a cry.

     He moved forward, and his whole form seemed to shift slightly, flickering as though it were a glitch in some sort of video game.

     Carla looked up with slightly squinted eyes, the blue light reflecting off her pale skin, ginger hair blowing about her face in the wind. Whatever was happening, it was beyond surreal, and a part of her thought she was dreaming.

     Then, a figure fell through the portal, landing on the dirt with a hard thud. Almost instantly, the wind and storm clouds ceased, and everyone slowly approached the figure, who was clambering to his feet.

     "Does anyone else see little Number Five, or is that just me?" Klaus muttered, and Carla's eyes widened in realisation.

     This was the Hargreeve sibling who had disappeared when he was fifteen, ran away and never returned, and judging by the look of things, he hadn't aged in the slightest.

     He had dark brown hair with slight bangs that fell on his forehead, littered with a few leaves from his fall, and his eyes were a piercing blue. His suit was far too large, the trousers baggy and gathered around his ankles, the blazer practically swallowing his frame.

     "No fucking way," Carla whispered to herself.

     The boy stood up, brushing down his suit, before looking down at his form and sighing, "Shit." He then looked up at the six people in front of him.

     There was Vanya, who he recognised from her 'Extra Ordinary' book, all downturned lips and concerned eyes.

     Next to her was a man with knives strapped to his harness: Diego, naturally, and next to him was another woman, who had to be Allison.

     One of the men was much taller than the others, wearing a thick coat and gloves: Luther. Then there was obviously Klaus, wearing a fur coat, and a long skirt, the same mischevious glint in his eyes. 

     Then Five's gaze landed on the girl next to Klaus, she had firey hair, tattered jeans, scuffed combat boots and those bright pink washing up gloves.

     Five took a step towards her, "Carla?"

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